Hello,Thank you for the invitation to create the required components independently
But I repeat I don't know where to start
When you write
"..2-Call a client that is connected to another service provider (You will have to edit the source code to enable the srvVoIPSIP service to read the client's IP and Port) .."
what do you mean exactly?
I mean, in the VOIP SIP SDK project every Android client communicates with the Bj4 server, how is it possible to call another client that hasn't registered yet?
I imagine that a Voip provider, for example Messagenet.com, from the logical point of view is seen as a 'sip server' by the clients who have to register on it before being able to use its services
But a mobile phone, for example mine phone, never registers on the messagenet servers, and therefore even assuming that from my B4J server it manages to register me on the Messagenet.com sip servers, but how to call my phone number mobile phone?
in SIP you are able to contact other clients even if they are not registered on the same server, it's very possible.
More information :
SIP redirect server - VoIP-Info
A SIP redirect server is a user agent server that generates 3xx responses to requests it receives, directing the client to contact an alternate set of URIs.
Thank you,