VoIP SIP (Voice Calls) System : Source Code


Licensed User
For my own experience i can mention the webrtc project which is incomplete at all. If i have a decision from the beginning to buy a source code for sure thats because i didnt want to write or wrap it myself. Why bother buying if received nothing?
As a human being i tried to be at the side of excuses that something bad may accure to the developer but not anymore since he is fine and answering other members and neglect or ignore a many of those who put the trust in him. And obviously others have many similar issues in that neglecting with ready excuses which make the whole thing has become too fishy. If for real he is answering and ask for payments on his telegram while many asks about his sudden disappearance then this does not sounds right. Lastly since my old thoughts based on many posts that says he always in a dangerous situation and so on. If @Leandro Vaufran Esteves, says the truth then the developer falls in a big mistake by giving promises that he cant deliver.

I don't know that project, I didn't take it.


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I don't know that project, I didn't take it.

Leandro Vaufran Stievano

Licensed User
Have you contacted him recently for real? I guess that he deleted his telegram account. If your claims true and he only have a contact with specific people then all expected reasons are true. Anyway its good to know he is safe. How ever on business side people who paid him for unfinished projects has all the rights to share there anger for such bad experience.
yes recently, about 2 months ago.
I believe he is fine.
The projects weren't really expensive, but you can expect to get what you pay for.
He actually deleted the account on Telegram, I checked and it is no longer active.
As everyone said, I also hope he is well.


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@sfsameer i want buy sourcecode ,how to pay money ?​



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Hello everyone :)

First of all and as always we start by thanking the great @Erel for making this possible for us :)

We made a post asking the lovely B4X Family about what to create next, a VPN or VoIP and most of the votes went to VoIP, so here we are :)

Today we would like to announce that in exactly 4 weeks (28/03/2021) (dd-mm-yyyy) we are releasing a new amazing project :
VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) system, which will consist on the following :
1- Text messages
2- Real Time voice calls
3- Group Voice Calls

Real time voice calls will work locally or publicly (through the internet) by using the SIP technology
The Audio Codec will be : PCMA (G.711)
Supported Audio Codec : h.264 codec

The Project will be built using :
1- B4J System Admin + System Server :
- Managing Incoming Calls
- Managing Outgoing Calls
- Managing Users information
- Able to disconnect any active call
- Calls and text messages log
- Able to record any active call and save the call as a MP3 file
- Able to get any text messages sent/received as save the log as a .txt file

2-B4A Client
- Each client registers will get a unique ID (just like a phone number)
- Speed Dial (able to add anyone to the list by typing the ID)
- Call block (able to block any incoming call from a specific ID)
- Able to send text messages
- Phone book (able to add anyone to the list by typing the ID)
- Calls History

3- B4J SIP Client has been released! :)

3-IOS Client - Coming Soon...

- Each client registers will get a unique ID (just like a phone number)
- Speed Dial (able to add anyone to the list by typing the ID)
- Call block (able to block any incoming call from a specific ID)
- Able to send text messages
- Phone book (able to add anyone to the list by typing the ID)
- Calls History

More information will be posted once we finish developing feature by feature

The source code will be for sale : 150$
Project Price : 35$ Only

Purchase the source codes :

We have added to list "Features to be added" :
-Avaya integration
As many of you know that Avaya is leading in the field of VoIP so we will add a feature to integrate the features of Avaya in the project which is amazing because with this feature you can transform the call from Avaya phone device to your own server which will give you the ability to :
1- Control and manage the call from the server side (record , log , etc...) (B4J Server App)
2- You can answer the phone call from anywhere in the world (B4A + B4i Client App)

*This is an extra feature to the app meaning the app will not need any Avaya equipment and it does not need Avaya SDK to work, it's only an extra feature.

We will keep you updated :)

Thank you guys for your support :)
how to pay money now?i want buy