B4J Tutorial [Web] Mashy Teaches Mobile App Development using SithasoIONIC7 powered by b4x & BANano


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Creating Multiple Swiper Cards

Demo (Open on Mobile Device)

We use the new template structure to create a template for each slider and then use an array to build our slides.

app.AddMyLayout("slides", $"<div id="swiperslide1" class="swiper-slide"><ion-card id="card1" mode="ios"><img id="img1" src="{image}" style="height:8rem"><ion-card-content id="cardcontent1" mode="ios"><ion-card-title id="cardtitle1" mode="ios" style="font-size:1rem">{title}</ion-card-title><ion-note id="note1" mode="ios">{subtitle}</ion-note></ion-card-content></ion-card></div>"$)

    Dim slides As List
    slides.Add(CreateMap("title": "Road", "subtitle": "Long road", "image": "./assets/road.jpeg"))
    slides.Add(CreateMap("title": "Mountains", "subtitle": "Big mountains", "image": "./assets/mountains.jpeg"))
    slides.Add(CreateMap("title": "Unknown", "subtitle": "This is unknown", "image": "./assets/unknown.jpeg"))
    For Each item As Map In slides
        Dim itemPos As Int = app.LoadMyLayout("swiper1slides", "slides", item)
        Dim components As Map = app.GetMyViews("slides", itemPos, item)
        Dim swiperslide1 As BANanoElement = components.Get("swiperslide1")
        swiperslide1.On("click", Me, $"swiperslide1_click"$)

Source code for app on the SI7 Download.



New Member
From Iran ✋️ Hello, have a good time, dear friend, don't get tired, thank you for your effort and hard work, I need your books for this project, please send them via email.

my Email is : mohamadrezapirzade@gmail.com


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Licensed User
Longtime User
From Iran ✋️ Hello, have a good time, dear friend, don't get tired, thank you for your effort and hard work, I need your books for this project, please send them via email.

my Email is : mohamadrezapirzade@gmail.com
Thank you for your kind words. SithasoIONIC7 is a commercial product available for a certificate of appreciation amounting to $25. You need that to create mobile apps with SithasoIONIC7.

Here is the b4xlib details, https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...kit-powered-by-b4x-and-banano.149902/#content

You can get it via PayPal, https://paypal.me/anelembanga?country.x=ZA&locale.x=en_US

I have been running sales throughout the year and the next one is coming out soon.

It comes with a free Wireframe Application also to enable anyone to create their mockups.

More details are here, https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...l-ionic-7-mobile-apps-designs.157607/#content
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