Hi Fam
NB: This project is built with SithasoDaisy 2.5 BETA, however the same principles discussed here still apply.
This demo project is about how inline editing works. When some values in the table change, we calculate some other values. This is also effected when we make changes in our modal.
When inline editing is enabled, i.e. each table row has input components like textboxes, selects, radio etc, one is able to trap changes in each row. This is done by adding a change event on the table.
In this table, when any value of the table is changed, the qta, listno are multipled and the importo field updated with the result of the computation. The database is also updated with the changes.
In this example, the table is reloaded again, but that part can be excluded from the operations.
NB: This project is built with SithasoDaisy 2.5 BETA, however the same principles discussed here still apply.
This demo project is about how inline editing works. When some values in the table change, we calculate some other values. This is also effected when we make changes in our modal.
When inline editing is enabled, i.e. each table row has input components like textboxes, selects, radio etc, one is able to trap changes in each row. This is done by adding a change event on the table.
In this table, when any value of the table is changed, the qta, listno are multipled and the importo field updated with the result of the computation. The database is also updated with the changes.
In this example, the table is reloaded again, but that part can be excluded from the operations.
'trap changes on table inline edits
Private Sub tblcart_ChangeRow (Row As Int, Value As Object, Column As String, item As Map)
Dim sid As String = item.get("id")
Dim sqta As String = item.get("qta")
Dim slistino As String = item.get("listino")
Dim simporto As String = item.get("importo")
Dim snome As String = item.get("nome")
sqta = SDUIShared.CInt(sqta)
slistino = SDUIShared.CInt(slistino)
simporto = banano.parseint(sqta) * banano.parseInt(slistino)
'update the map column with value
item.Put("importo", simporto)
item.Put(Column, Value)
'update the row contents at this position
tblcart.UpdateRow(Row, item)
'get the CurrentPage
'process the old Cart
'update the new changes
dbcart.SetField(Column, Value)
'execute an update
Dim newid As String = banano.Await(dbcart.UPDATE)
If newid <> "" Then
app.ShowToastSuccess("The Cart has been saved!")
app.ShowToastError("The Cart could not be saved, please try again!")
End If
're-load the Carts
'go to the last page
Dim summary As Map = tblcart.SetFooterTotalSumCountColumns(Array("qta","listino","importo"))
'get the total number of processed rows
srowcount = summary.Get("rowcount")
'format the value to be a thousand
srowcount = SDUIShared.Thousands(srowcount)
'set the first column to show the total
tblcart.SetFooterColumn(tblcart.FirstColumnName, $"Total (${srowcount})"$)
End Sub
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