Wish What about creating an Event like a Meeting, Seminar or Webinar for B4X ?

What about have an Official Meeting ?

  • Not making meeting at all, no reason !

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Hi there...

it is not a b4j or b4a... but a b4x wish..

Talking at forum came to mind an idea (wish) to meet each other in a different place (city, country) at least every year...

Well ofcourse this is difficult for many of us, but will be huge opportunity to know each other, to talk, exchange ideas, and ofcourse promote the B4X Language and Community...

I think will open doors to big Universities, schools and may be take the share of market which belongs to it (the 100%)...

Ofcourse the "circle" of members to meet can be small or big... it can be open or close for non-members, or it can be just a simple meeting..

We can start this creating an online meeting and think and talk ideas how will be reality...

Community Members can also share the work needed for organize to help Erel/Anywhere Software or we can contribute for Hall of a Hotel will need... we can create banners and an ad video (i would love to)... or we can talk to local universities to accept to their amphitheaters...

Think about it..


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There are some discussions in the past

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I agree. We should put the video of the conference on YouTube to share to the world who are we.


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@aeric I think that this is the easy part...

First of all... we must agree to do that Official, with special guest... or better with Host of seminar (not talking for area... buf for seminar-webinar-whatever)... Erel and Anywhere Software.


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May be I must turn it to a poll... to see the members want something like that... and how will like to do it...

Let's start with the question...

Official Meeting - online
Official Meeting - not online but in person
Not making meeting at all, no reason !


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or hybrid, both online and small groups in different parts of the world held at the same time.


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...I can't believe that... a so big list of members and (almost) nobody cares for a "meeting"....

You know (I am talking to myself now)... behind monitor there is a person... may be it has something to share... :-(


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We did this in the old chat room about 12 years ago at New Years Eve. Erel joined us, there were about 20(?) members joined. It was good fun. The subject of an IRL meet has come up now and again. Nice to see it once more. I remember back in the late 80s going to London to meet fellow Amiga coders at an event that included some Commodore bigwigs and the main man himself, Petro Tyschtschenko (I still have his autograph). You can imagine the size of Commodore at its peak back then, well only about 20 people showed up for that.

I don't know if its worth the effort and expense in travelling for what we can mostly get online. I reckon, based on my experiences, other people think that too. I'd be interested though. The Amiga one mostly comprised of an early demo of new features of the yet to be released OS plus Q&A with the developers. To be honest, meeting other coders.... well, we're all pretty much the same really arent we? Can you imagine Erel travelling halfway around the world to meet 20 of us? Perhaps, if there is enough interest those people should think about having a meet close to where Erel is based to make it easier for him to attend and demonstrate the level of interest.

I know this is a public forum but @Erel what do you think about the whole idea?


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@MikeH I see your point...

Well... I am starting to believe that is better to be online...

but my first thought was for a World-Tour-of B4X-Every Year... at a different place/country and better at a university... .. to be known and to share also our experience (of using this wonderful language) - it can be sometime... but as I know from ADs/Marketing Experience (yes i was in this industry one moon like 3D Graphics Designer at TV Stations... and not only)... these things must be @the-beginning... but hey.. "B4X is an old product" will say someone... hey it is a teen... I will say

So for first we can make it... if Erel/Anywhere Software want like a Youtube Broadcast... He can show as beautiful presentations, with the power of B4X... and we can talk at the chat of youtube. He can also share live his plans and talk or give an interview to a youtuber or a youtubers... (i am sure will have some here in forum)...

It can be a big event... and will boost everything

Or we can just program a simple online-meeting (teams, zoom.. etc) and get know each other... we can have our cup of coffee (home made), tea, chocolate or whisky for those need something strong... this is also good!
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Yes, I think a live Youtube from Erel would be a very interesting, exciting even, thing to be a part of. I'd love to hear the history, current working system and future plans of Anywhere Software. I've watched (several times sometimes) all of Erels videos, even if I dont need the subject being taught. To be honest, I'm in awe of what Erel has achieved. Inside his brain is magnitudes bigger and more powerful than mine.

Also, have you thought about doing a live Youtube yourself? Think of your story, write some notes to guide you and then announce the time and date. You'll get viewers. If others did that too it would strengthen the community.

Another also, I have a big birthday next summer and as a treat to myself I'm hoping to visit Athens, so if you want to meet for a beer, coffee, whatever, maybe even gather a few others, I'd be up for that


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I'm starting from the last u said... I'm living at the northern greece... in Serres... so if I am in Athens (southern Greece) that period I would love to.

As for the youtube... as you can see my English are very poor... and I know it... also my face ?...too ...will not be a big success for b4x... will need subtitles!


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Unfortunately, we all have "coder face" ? so I wouldnt worry about that. Your English is fine and anyway, there are other Greek B4Xers so maybe do it in Greek and start local? p.s. Your English is 10000000x better than my Greek - kali spera/nichta - thats all I know

I'll let you know if I can make it to Athens. It'll be September (maybe). So far its just a wish.


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I am still waiting this day to come.


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Let's do it!
This weekend or beginning of next month (week)?
Just simply live chit chat.


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Let's do it!
This weekend or beginning of next month (week)?
Just simply live chit chat.
Hey! to be official ... we need someone "cert" / from Anywhere - B4X Forum and to be more specific... the one man show... here... Mr Erel.... I think this is the person we must ask... to do something...

From the other hand we can do a Friends Meeting of B4X... this is something different... we can get our cup of coffee, webcam, microphone some specific Time and do that...


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I understand an official one is the ideal but instead of waiting for one to happen, it is not easy.
I am more than happy if we could start from small.
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