Why don’t people like PHP?


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asp.net - is a proprietary Microsoft's technology that requires only MS Windows Server web-hosting (and i guess, MSSQL DB server only) that costs different money than open-source Linux-based web-hosting where open-source PHP and other technology can be used.
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asp.net - is a proprietary Microsoft's technology that requires only MS Windows Server web-hosting (and i guess, MSSQL DB server only) that costs different money than open-source Linux-based web-hosting where open-source PHP and other technology can be used.
No. You can use other databases. But it may be easier to work with MSSQL.


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This is not true. Read THIS.
ASP.NET Core is a completely different beast from the ASP.NET Framework 2.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.8 where developers have to use C# and .NET Core and not VB .NET syntax so developers need to have another learning curve like they experienced before when moved from VB6 to VB.NET so anyone feeling the deja vu?


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Frankly, the reason why I am now a skinhead (mostly bald) is because I tried to learn PHP and all the other junk - in order to create a useful web apps.
I fought and fought with it until I almost gave up.
But then something happened, magical, where I did not have to fight any longer.

It was ABM and B4J.
All my dreams came true and never gave (this topic) another thought.
That's why I don't like PHP....

What I have learned is that easier methods exist to accomplish the same thing - without a degree in understanding the technology.

You guys know this stuff - I do not - nor do I want to (too complicated).

I am a simple man using extraordinary tools (B4X) to create amazing systems. B4X is all I need. No more, no less....


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Just like any language, if you want to create something, dive in and seek examples on the web.
PHP is great on the web.
By the way the compariso on that site is stupid, you can't compare a server side script language to a frontend (browser) language.


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Prior to ABM and B4J, I tried ScriptCase as a viable tool to help me out.
It seemed to work rather well (quite amazing) - until I injected some custom code into the output to do specific things.
On the next compile - all my custom efforts were lost....
I am sure this has been resolved, but back then (in 2015) it was a deal breaker.

Just like B4X, everything evolves for the better (one hopes / expects).

The other issue is the syntax (if I state this correctly).
In ALL languages (other than B4X), I must end each line or code block with - ( , : , ; , } , ) , etc)...
This is particular to each language one is using - very specific and frustrating....
In B4X, I don't deal with this frustration... Yet in the compiled output from B4X (java code), I see that this has been properly applied.
So why would I want to deal with this? @Erel took care of this for me - upping my productivity by 1000 percent!

So to correct myself - it is not that I don't like PHP, it is rather that I love B4X (it's like a warm hug to comfort my dev efforts).

I am sure most of you feel the same - since you are here.... and lovin it.


I would add one insignificant detail.
Weather one likes PHP or not, when it comes to a customer requirement to use PHP - you are the saviour.
That happened to me once. Though, I have started as PHP developer, I am not a fan of it for long time anymore.


I love PHP, too.
I love B4X (it's like a warm hug to comfort my dev efforts).

I am sure most of you feel the same - since you are here.... and lovin it.

I don't love B4X - yet. I am too new. I am trying to pick it up quickly, but there are a large quantity of keywords where some example code would be extremely useful. I'll get there through the trial-and-error method. It just takes a while.


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Seems like I'm having the opposite experience there . . . . go figure.
ABM is something one needs to embrace... It wasn't easy at first - but it got easier - then it was old hat... PHP was never like that (for me)...
Like you state -
knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty (while learning all stuffs)


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then it was old hat.
could you give a URL example of something you've done using ABM - - - PM if you prefer - - - be interested - - -when I first saw it ABM looked interesting.