Why don’t people like PHP?


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I have some experience with WordPress. It is the main reason for me to learn PHP and it helped me make some money. However, at some point, I am tired and frustrated with WordPress. I don't know how the template and plugins work. The WordPress engine structure looks simple yet complicated for me. Today I tried to find an alternative and wondered if there is a PHP alternative that powered by SQLite and I found phpSQLiteCMS. I start to learn about this project and updated some deprecated code.
Then I got an idea to create a CMS using B4J and SQLite. So, this would be my next challenge when I have time.


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I have some experience with WordPress. It is the main reason for me to learn PHP and it helped me make some money. However, at some point, I am tired and frustrated with WordPress. I don't know how the template and plugins work. The WordPress engine structure looks simple yet complicated for me. Today I tried to find an alternative and wondered if there is a PHP alternative that powered by SQLite and I found phpSQLiteCMS. I start to learn about this project and updated some deprecated code.
Then I got an idea to create a CMS using B4J and SQLite. So, this would be my next challenge when I have time.
PhpSQLiteCMS is a good project but it is not very active and may not secure enough for production. It took me some time to migrate to Bootstrap 4 and TinyMCE 5. I found a better alternative which also support SQLite. It is Bolt which is built from Symfony framework. I think it is not popular yet but worth to explore and at the same time I can learn Symfony.



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Well, that was a weird article. Obviously SEO content meant to promote their logging product.
The article is to promote the logging product use for JavaScript development so I look at the author is more bias towards JavaScript. The pros of PHP are not discussed comprehensively.


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Perhaps minus in-active accounts etc etc, honestly I don't know the number too, but at least its more than 10K. Thing is also finding the right person for the job, at the right time, at the right place, at the right price. That's very important and I get it and understand its just an example you were making.

In my home country South Africa, I only know of 4+ other people who are here in the forum and active, we are all more that 2K kilometres away from each other too.
There are some of us that may not be too active on this forum but are extensively using B4X products. In fact my team is moving more and more towards B4X in our consulting business. Only small problem is that almost every shared web hosting provider has PHP out of the box, but to use ABMaterial or JServer, you need dedicated or cloud hosting.


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Only small problem is that almost every shared web hosting provider has PHP out of the box, but to use ABMaterial or JServer, you need dedicated or cloud hosting.
Fortunately with BANano, one can create both PHP and JServer based web apps. We have wrapped Vuetify so that anyone can create WebApps with BANanoVuetifyAD3

These are some of the things we had added lately..



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I was using ASP Classic for years... when microsoft decided to leave it... "alone" like vb6... gave to it more 3-4 years...

Those things doing that "MS-guys" and make us... go with PHP...

but i have to say - using B4J, B4A... B4X.... forgot PHP ! ...