I'm receiving good suggestions.You're getting really good at this stuff @Star-Dust, really good![]()
I attach an APK file to try a first version of my library
I'm receiving good suggestions.You're getting really good at this stuff @Star-Dust, really good![]()
I have just tested it. The obj files is a great addition!!I attach an APK file to try a first version of my library
Thanks, but it was born from an idea of @sorex. I had not even thought about it, I was drawing everything with formulas and algorithms.I have just tested it. The obj files is a great addition!!
Thank's.Just tested the apk file, I'm more than impressed by your hard work. The app is running extremely smoothly on my phone, excellent work and keep up the great work...
Did you select what you want to see from the SpinnerView at the top left?I wanted to try your APK, but I do not see anything.
Tried with Samsung-A5 (2017) and Nexus-7 (2012).
View attachment 69219
it's no joke! If you need help, I'm always available for that.exaggerated, I do not even know if it can be used for some application or I'll have to sell it in the stalls of the used![]()
Did you select what you want to see from the SpinnerView at the top left?
View attachment 69220
I have optimized for larger OBJs, with the unique vertex method explained above.
I simply found this, I would have preferred coke but without the texture the image was not clear, I folded with the cat.A cat @Star-Dust, what next the star ship Enterprise, that's excellent...
Star Dust but not as Stardust the Mafia ran casino in Last Vargas that was built in the late 80's or early 90's. The Mafioso run casino made millions for bosses back in the day
Anyway your work is absolutely astonishing, that cat looks the dogs bits and I'm completely impressed with your work.
Question, how on earth did you insert a 3D cat, actually any 3D objects???
Question, how on earth did you insert a 3D cat, actually any 3D objects???
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
'Do not forget to load the layout file created with the visual designer. For example:
End Sub
Sub ButtonClear_Click
End Sub
Sub Button1Rotate_Click
For i=0 To 360 Step 10
End Sub
Sub Panel_Touch (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
Select Action
Case Activity.ACTION_DOWN
Case Activity.ACTION_MOVE
Dim ZoomFrac As Int = 5
Dim ZFront As Int = 0
Dim ZBack As Int = -15
Dim Xi As Int = (LastX-Panel.Width/2)/ZoomFrac
Dim Yi As Int = (LastY-Panel.Height/2)/ZoomFrac
Dim Xf As Int = (x-Panel.Width/2)/ZoomFrac
Dim Yf As Int = (Y-Panel.Height/2)/ZoomFrac
P3D.AddPolygon(1,Array As Point_Type(P3D.CtP(Xi,Yi,ZFront),P3D.CtP(Xf,Yf,ZFront),P3D.CtP(Xf,Yf,ZBack),P3D.CtP(Xi,Yi,ZBack)),xui.Color_Gray,xui.Color_White).RenderToView(Panel)
End Select
End Sub
Having done the tests, it seems that the gain in time to kick is not particularly significant and sometimes even slower. There is a memory gainI suggested to add object file reading and gave an example on how to parse it and display it the fastest way (he called it shared vertices above I believe).
it's based on a speed test I did 6 years ago of which you can see a screenshot and partial code here > https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/simple-3d-wireframe-object.53210/#post-334045
modeling is hard so it's easier to use what's already available and without manually typing over coordinates.![]()
*** Service (starter) Create *** ( RENDER WITH VERTICES SEPARATED)
Time load: 110 Vertices: 6246
Time Draw: 88
*** Service (starter) Create *** ( RENDER WITH VERTICES COMMON)
Time load: 92 Vertices: 1136
Time Draw: 127
*** Service (starter) Create ***
Time load: 3637 Vertices: 432534 ( RENDER WITH VERTICES SEPARATED)
Time Draw: 2653
*** Service (starter) Create ***
Time load: 2721 Vertices: 147084 ( RENDER WITH VERTICES COMMON)
Time Draw: 2774