B4J Tutorials

CSS Example


This is a port of this tutorial: http://docs.oracle.com/javafx/2/get_started/css.htm

It demonstrates how CSS...


  • CSSExample.zip
    52.9 KB · Views: 2,767
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Using external CSS file to style a ToggleButton

Not working for me. Any advice?
Furthermore, how can I relate the style of a node created by code with a css file?

B4J Educational Video Series

Please, see the following links for HD videos teaching B4J from the very beginning all the way through to a working application. The list will be updated in this first post as new videos are...
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[ABMaterial] and Chartist (charts)

Visualizing data can be accomplished in many ways.
Here, we are using a chart to graphically depict two elements of a larger dataset - Speed and RPM of a vehicle.

Initially, I tried to store...

[ABMaterial] Showcase (one to many table relation)

This example shows a Master (Vehicle ID) - detail (Group ID) - detail (Item id)
The fixed footer controls the Master grid (VEHICLE). Each detail is based on the...
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[ABMaterial] New component ABMPivotTable in 1.08

ABMPivotTable allows the user to view data in a dynamic pivot table. It can answer quick questions that are e.g. not findable in a report. Note that it can only handle a couple of thousand...

B4J documentation page

[ABMaterial] Firebase Storage in 1.20

The next service you can use in WebApps using ABMaterial 1.20: Storage. With storage you can upload/download files with ease. Here is an example using it together with the new ABMFileInput...

[ABMaterial] 1.09 all about flexibility

This is the first of a two part tutorial on some big changes I'm making to ABMaterial in 1.09. It should be fully backwards compatible so no (or very, very little) changes will be needed from...
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[IoT][ESP8266]B4J/B4A/B4i & ESP8266 Basic: Example thread

What is a ESP8266?

It's a small Basic programmabe microcontroller with Wifi, TCP/IP stack plus server, GPIO's and... it's unbelievable cheap. For about 3€ you get it as a bulk version which you...
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[server] Automatic Reconnecting WebSocket

When working with WebSocket handlers the client maintains an online connection. The connection is expected to be kept alive for as long as needed.

However there are cases where the connection can...


  • GuessMyNumberWithReconnection.zip
    9.4 KB · Views: 1,473

[Server] Building web servers with B4J


  • ServerHelloWorld.zip
    79.8 KB · Views: 6,682
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B4A, B4i, B4J and B4r API documentation - B4X Object Browser

[ABMaterial] CRUD generation, the next step in 1.09

I added a couple of new methods to the CRUD generator that allows code generation for an overview (similar to what you see in this feedback app):

' some new properties...
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Compile non-ui, but don't run it yet

Building a headless app that I will wrap into an exe and run as a service, all is well compiling in debug mode, but when switching to release I want to compile to .jar but NOT run it. Workaround...

[ABMaterial] new component ABMTimeLine 1.09

ABMTimeline is a component to present a time line of events. Using the ABMTimeLineElement you can create events, with some assets like images.

Update: Ignore this, I've found a more recent...
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[ABMaterial] Inline table editing

I've had some questions about inline editing of tables in ABMaterial. There is one way to do this, however it has its limitations and will only work in certain cases. It only works for 'String'...
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Creating push-enabled android-apps on blackberry

I would like to share my experience with creating push-enabled android-apps for blackberry-devices. Many thanks to Erel, who supports my efforts decisively.

I have tried a lot of things to enable...


  • BlackberryPushServercode.zip
    4.5 KB · Views: 400
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[IoT] Configure Raspberry without keyboard/WiFi at the start

It's not directly related to B4J but I find it very useful for new RaspBerry owners.

Just installed my 3rd RaspBerry. The ones I have are controlled via Putty (remote) so no keyboard is needed...

[IoT] Raspberry: Use a IDE/SATA hd/ssd

Using a Raspberry to handle a lot of data will definetly corrupt/destroy the SD card after a while (e.g. if you use it as a webserver). SD cards are slow (in comparison to a hd or sdd). The best...