B4R Tutorials

Traffic Light Example

Example of implementing a "traffic light" with 3 leds. There are four states: red, red + yellow, green and yellow.

It uses CallSubPlus to switch to the next state after the current state...

How to Implement STM32 into B4R

If you want more FLASH memory space (say 128K flash), need more RAM (how about 20K), would like your program to run a little faster, or simply want to play around with a different micro-controller...


  • How to Implement STM32 to B4R.pdf
    207.7 KB · Views: 643
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ESP8266 + UDP + BMP180 = Simple weather station

This is an example of how UDP can be used to broadcast the current temperature and pressure to one or more clients.

The nice thing about it is that there is no server involved. The ESP8266 just...


  • B4R_Weather.zip
    1.1 KB · Views: 2,123
  • B4J_Weather.zip
    981 bytes · Views: 1,435
  • B4A_Weather.zip
    7.8 KB · Views: 2,084
  • B4i_Weather.zip
    2.3 KB · Views: 1,185

Simple example of how to have a TCP Server and make HTTP Client calls in same project

I thought I'd share this super simple example of creating a TCP Server and making very simple HTTP Client calls in same project. Typically most projects do one or the other and not both. Here...

ESP8266 OTA updates

Maybe useful for somebody. It's not my tutorial!

Control servo and relays using Nextion lcd display

I'm new in b4r but thanks to the help of the forum i made some progress.
So i decided to share my project with all, especialy the newbies like me.
My project is a simple example on how to control...


  • Nextion.zip
    417 KB · Views: 1,100

Some code to write into and read from EEPROM on ESP8266


My first tutorial.

I've been playing with code to do what the title says and I have come up with this.

It should be self explanatory.

It relies on the use of B4Rserializator.


OLED displaying data from a USB to Serial com port using AsyncStreams - B4R, B4J and VB.Net

Here is a really simple tutorial with source code on how to send data through a computer com port or laptop USB to Serial com port to receive data on your Arduino based microcontroller board. I...
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Show-Off your IoT boards ( uControler/shields )!!

There seem to be quite a few variants of the Arduino's Boards, So I thought, let's Show-Off our Boards and create a Listing, similar to the B4A devices Listing, so that when problems arises, we...

ESP8266 - WiFi Remote Configuration


  • ESP8266WiFiRemote.zip
    2.6 KB · Views: 5,336
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Big-endian and Little-endian

I didn't know what was the difference was between Big-endian and Little-endian, so I just looked up about it on the internet as I needed to know the difference for a sketch I was converting. I...
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What is SPIFFS (SPI Flash File System)?

I didn't really know what SPIFFS stood for. I knew the basics of what it was but still I should have known more about it, so here is some information about SPIFFS.

Please note: I didn't...
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Connecting an actual building\house alarm PIR sensor

This is a tutorial on how to connect an actual building\house alarm PIR sensor to an Arduino and how to interpret 5 alert states (the resistance results). The advantages of using the PIR sensor in...
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How I2C communications works - Video...

Not exactly a tutorial, but still education for those not in the know...


DHT11 & DHT22 temperature and humidity sensors ARDUINO UNO Code

This B4R example/library works with DHT11 and DHT22 temperature and humidity sensors:

This inexpensive device (DHT11) allows for measure temperature and humidity:
  • Very Low cost
  • 3...


  • upload_2016-4-22_12-12-25.png
    11.7 KB · Views: 1,408
  • DHTlib.zip
    10.1 KB · Views: 1,448
  • rDHTv2.zip
    1.2 KB · Views: 1,228
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Adafruit MPR121 capacitive Keypad

Hi All,

The attached zip files have the Arduino libraries and the B4R libraries together with a small B4R app showing how to use the Adafruit MPR121 capacitive touch 12 key keypad.

Big thanks to...


  • rMPR121.zip
    1.2 KB · Views: 511
  • rMPR121-Libraries.zip
    4.6 KB · Views: 468
  • MPR121keypad.jpg
    71.1 KB · Views: 667

How to connect an Arduino Pro Mini to a PC via a USB to Serial module

So you are interested in using an Arduino Pro Mini or compatible board instead of one of the other larger boards to interact with your hardware devices. The Pro Mini does have some advantages over...
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Relays, don't get caught out

Not really a tutorial as I'm no good at writing tutorials, but important to know nevertheless.

WARNING: Relays can be used to switch very high voltages. Here in the UK 240VAC can easily...
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[Tool]LCD Char maker


LCD Char Maker Tool.

  • Create custom LCD character with 5 pixel horizontal (cols), 8 pixel vertical (rows).
    Each row is represented by a byte with 5...
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AsyncStreams Prefix Mode

rRandomAccessFile v1.80 adds support for AsyncStreams in prefix mode.
All B4X development tools use AsyncStreams for network communication and now all of them support prefix mode...
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