Tutorials & Examples

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[B4X] B4X Online Tools - JSON Parser/QR Generator/Regex Parser

Full list of B4J Server Examples:

If there are other online tools that simplify programming with B4X...

[B4X][B4XPages] SQL + xCLV Example


  • SQL + xCLV Example.zip
    347 KB · Views: 1,098

Generate QR-Code w. RSA Public Key and scan/load it

Here's an example how to generate a QR code containing a RSA Public Key (can be any data you need) in B4J and scan/load the key in B4A (based on the B4x QR code examples from Erel).

Some apps...


  • QRRSAB4A.zip
    13.5 KB · Views: 700
  • QRRSAB4J.zip
    6 KB · Views: 611

[B4X] [B4XPages] Flickr Stream - Cross platform stream of photos


  • B4X-Flickr.zip
    270.5 KB · Views: 747
  • B4XPages-Flickr.zip
    260.2 KB · Views: 693
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[B4X] [UI] Finding Design Inspiration - Tips

I would like to list here and give some tips where I get my design ideas for the apps I develope.

  1. Very simple, for example i want to design a Bottom Card, then i type on google images...
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Firebase Database working example


I decided to post this working example in the hopes that it can be useful to some people, and also maybe eventually someone will update it. I find database one of the most useful things in...


  • Working Firebase Database example simple (no credentials).zip
    480.4 KB · Views: 1,925
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Project Like First Flutter App


  • FlutterInterface.zip
    118.1 KB · Views: 918

[B4XPages] Native Ads with MediaView - FirebaseAdmob2 and Mobile Ads SDK v20

This is an update to this code to use the native ads with the new lib FirebaseAdmob2 and new Mobile SDK (20).
Thanks to @Erel for the help in the related threads in Android...


  • b4xpages_nativead.zip
    18.2 KB · Views: 533

Shuffle a LIST (MP3 playlist for example)

In this example you can find a short example which shuffles a playlist (mp3´s for ex.).
Here i´m using the alphabet (A to Z)

Sub Process_Globals
    'These global variables will be declared...


  • playlistshuffle.zip
    7.5 KB · Views: 1,115

Beginner's Demo of B4XComboBox

Hi there,

Having asked a lot of questions on the forum and received very helpful responses, I thought I would try to give back a little bit!

I've seen several questions about the B4X Combobox...


  • JMB_ComboBox_Demo.zip
    24.1 KB · Views: 4,878

double joystick in b4a with bluetooth output

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Use MediaStore to play and export Ringtones. Demo, lib and Java source code.

The media provider provides an indexed collection of common media types, such as Audio, Video, and Images, from any attached storage devices. Root permission is not required.


  • ExportRingtone.zip
    409.1 KB · Views: 392

[B4X] Comment Links

New feature added in B4A v10.0, B4J v8.50 and B4i v6.80. It will also be added to B4R.

Code comments can include clickable links...
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[B4X] B4XPlusMinus - Spinner / wheel alternative


  • B4XPlusMinusExample.zip
    11.8 KB · Views: 1,957

Erels B4X Oveview from Walt's B4xGoodies - created with B4xgoodies Explorer using BVAD3

Erels B4A Oveview from Walt's B4xGoodies - created with B4xgoodies Explorer using BVAD3


Below is an overview of everything posted by Erel based on Walt's B4X Goodies. Hope it helps someone. We updated the OverView Creator to be now based on BANano, here is the post...
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how to write cpcl printer language in b4a

dear all,
i am newbie in b4a, I would like to know if anybody had written a sample program which using cpcl (mobile thermal printer) (for example zebra rw420/zq520) to do printing from b4a apps...

FCM messages checklist (prevent issues)

With newer Android versions came more options for power saving and permissions we have to deal with. There are a lot of threads about FCM messages not arriving or beeing delayed. Here's a small...

Display musical notation in your apps

I have been looking for ages for a suitable music renderer to use with Android, I looked at ABC4j, but it is built for Swing views and is not an easy port for Android.

I recently came across ABC...


  • Demo1.zip
    104 KB · Views: 1,039
  • Demo2.zip
    106.7 KB · Views: 872
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[B4X] B4XPages - Cross platform and simple framework for managing multiple pages

B4XPages is a library that serves two purposes:

1. Make it simple to develop B4A apps by solving almost all of the challenges involved with Android complex activities life cycle...


  • ThreePagesExample.zip
    410.4 KB · Views: 7,365
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