Tutorials & Examples

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Custom transitions between activities (+10 effects)

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  • Screenshot_20210203-174943.png
    89.1 KB · Views: 375

[B4X] [XUI] ToastMessage Class Modifications


  • clXToastMessage1.b4xlib
    4.1 KB · Views: 727

Hint: solving compiler error "Unknown member: initializenewinstance"

I ran into this one today and fortunately my penny dropped rather quickly, though I didn't find anything on the forum about this error; hence this post as it might be useful for others. I was...


Hi i make this example how you can add Chart JS in your project.

I was use this example...


  • CHARTJS.zip
    218.7 KB · Views: 508

[XUI] CustomListView with floating titles


Title items are added to the list.
A Panel is set above the list. The panel shows the current title when the top visible item...


  • CLV_FloatingTitle.zip
    9.4 KB · Views: 1,170
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FitBit Authentification and use of the FitBit Web Api (http)

Fitbit_app_icon.png FitBit OAuth and HTTP SDK

You need to define an App in the FitBit Console at https://dev.fitbit.com/apps

Make sure to set your "OAuth 2.0 Application Type" to...


  • FitBitEx.zip
    11 KB · Views: 490
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Control your Android device from your Windows PC

This is very clever software and when I first saw it, it blew my mind. It took a couple of seconds for me to comprehend what I was seeing.

The program is called ScrCpy and when run on your...

Getting List of Files of a webserver directory via httputils2 & php

When you like to download files with httputils2 you need to know the files by name. There are some examples using ftp or a generated xml file with the contents first. To me this could be easier...

[B4X] get fav icons from a website

Fan Menu

After all the work I went through to make the simple pie graph, I noticed I had 90% of the code to make a "Fan Menu" type library so I went ahead and created the following prototype...


  • fan_menu.zip
    221 KB · Views: 918

✅ Retrieving 2 JSON data feeds from an online server (Wear OS watch face) - Newer developers

Hello All
Here we have a simple example of how you use corwin42s WatchFace Library. The WatchFace library is extremely simple to use, corwin42 has done a great job wrapping it, thank...


  • JSON.zip
    13.1 KB · Views: 577
  • LEDCoronavirus_V1.0.0.1.zip
    111 KB · Views: 597
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Updating an embedded DB

A common task we face while enhancing our apps is the need to update the structure of a running DB.
This is relatively easy if you know for sure that your users will all go from version 1 to...

Connect Android to MySQL Database Tutorial

A new more powerful framework is now available: jRDC2.

This tutorial explains the basic concepts required for creating a connection between Android device and a remote server. In this...


  • MySQL.zip
    8 KB · Views: 17,494
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Controlling Sonoff S20 smart power plugs [B4X] [Home Automation]

Android SMB / CIFS tutorial

[B4X] [B4XPages] Pleroma / Mastodon Client

Roughly speaking, Mastodon is an open source, distributed, social network a bit similar to Twitter:

Pleroma is a lightweight implementation of Mastodon with some...
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OpenCV and Tensorflow methods for chessboard and chessfigures detection/classification

Two apps show methods and their usage to recognize chess figures and their position based on a camera shot, one using only OpenCV image processing and utils (Chessboard OCV) and the second one...


  • Chessboard image processing.pdf
    229 KB · Views: 975

Integrating In App Purchase in B4A Platform


[B4X] [B4XPages] Firebase Push Example


  • Push.zip
    7.3 KB · Views: 1,991

Subnet Scanner

Here is a simple subnet scanner. It scans the current class C subnet for a particular port number and tries to open a connection.

It logs all the IPs that are found to have that port open in a...


  • Scanner Example.zip
    4.2 KB · Views: 531
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