Saludos amigos, estoy tratando de hacer una app usando SQL, hasta ahorita no hay problema para crear desde mi app una base de datos interna y crear n cantidad de tablas para manejar una por día por poner un ejemplo. El problema principal que tengo es que si nombro a una Tabla A1 y vuelvo a...
Hello, I have the following problem when installing SDK:
B4A SDK Manager: 4.10
TempFolder = C:\Users\Mohsen\AppData\Roaming\ANYWHE~1\BASIC4~1\temp
DataFolder: C:\Users\Mohsen\AppData\Roaming\B4ASdkManager
SDK version: 6609375
In a B4A class, I need a Sub to execute, among other instructions, Sleep() and then a Wait For (a long task), but subsequent lines of code are never executed; removing the Sleep() is not an option (doing so, instructions are executed as expected).
Reproduction Steps:
Install and...
Dear B4X Developer Community,
I want to share with you my observations on the current state of B4X and B4A related searches on Google Trends, and what I have discovered has left me very concerned. I appreciate any correction if my interpretations are wrong.
The time has come to unite our...
Hi, I have a layout set out which uses a ScrollView and then one CustomListView on the main layout, the ScrollView works to scroll the page, however the CustomListView does not scroll*.
*The CustomListView actually scrolls when running from LeapDroid emulator, but not on my actual phone or...
I have a interface made with b4a, i have a list that i want to fill each time my library jar receive a event, the library is working receiving events, i only need to interact the library with b4a but i cant do it in real time. can you help me?
So i've configured my app already and then later on decided I wanted to use TabStripViewPager,
The issue i'm having is i've all my code on separate pages for separate layouts, and i'm not quite sure how to load in that code/module with each TabStrip layout.
For example, with the TabStrip it...
hi everyone
i wanna to send array of integer from udp socket but i can how do it!
hoever im trying to do this but it dose not work well
here my sample code:
Private Sub Label1_Click
Dim hum=200,temp=320 As Int
Dim int() As Int = Array As Int(temp,hum)
Dim byte() As Byte =...
Hi all first thank you the feed back on my health all is now begining to get much better.
I am now looking to create a very simple scheduler type system for viewing only, in order to do so I need to create something like below, this is just a spreadsheet but hopefully you get the idea. The...
Hola que tal a todos, tengo un proyecto el cual consiste en seleccionar los datos de un panel al momento de escoger cualquier opción de un spinner.
El detalle aqui es que tengo una clvLista(custom list view) y dentro de ella esta un panel, el cual contiene dentro una...
I realized that the following settings will be gone once I quit the App. Is there a way to keep these phone settings permanently until I next change them?
Dim myPhone As Phone
myPhone.SetScreenOrientation (0)
myPhone.SetVolume (myPhone.VOLUME_SYSTEM,15,True)
myPhone.SetScreenBrightness (-1)
Hi, I have a B4A question please.
I am having trouble with the inbuilt ProgressDialog as it often doesn't want to show all of the time. I have searched the forum for an alternative and have found many references to being able to use XUI views to do it. However, I have found no actual example...
Expert opinions often appear on the Internet that smartphones may become a thing of the past in the coming years, that they will be replaced by other gadgets.
Is it worth it to seriously study programming for Android (iOS) in this case?
How much longer can smartphones (and tablets) last?
Hi All,
I found an old thread with pretty much the same question, but I did not find clear answer here:
Finding this thread was much relieve for me because I stop...
A wrap of Apache Velocity Engine library for B4A and B4J
What is Velocity?
Velocity is a Java-based template engine. It permits anyone to use a simple yet powerful template language to reference objects defined in Java code.
Download additional libraries...
I followed the instructions on this page ( to implement Crashlytics in my application, but I am not receiving any error reports on the Google console.
pls help me about this implementation....
I'll keep it simple and try to be clear. I have 2 Class in .java (ziwiIntegratror and ziwiResponse) and these java files need to implement '' (DONE).
I put exactly these java files between the tags "#if Java #End If" and...
I want to ask.
I run query on SQLite SELECT sqlite_version() and it return 3.22.0.
I want to update the SQLite to 3.25.2 (at least, latest if possible) because I want to use Row Number feature that was released on that version.
Is there any way to update?
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