
  1. Star-Dust

    B4i Library [B4X] [XUI] iSD_Dice

    iSD_Dice Author: Star-Dust Version: 1.04 DiceView Events: Click CompleteRoll Fields: mBase As B4XView Tag As Object TimeMovment As Int Functions: Class_Globals As String DesignerCreateView (Base As Object, Lbl As Label, PropS As Map) As String Base type must be Object Initialize...
  2. Star-Dust

    B4J Library [B4X] [XUI] jSD_Dice

    For Rolling Ball see here jSD_Dice Author: Star-Dust Version: 1.04 DiceView Events: Click CompleteRoll Fields: mBase As B4XView Tag As Object TimeMovment As Int Functions: Class_Globals As String DesignerCreateView (Base As Object, Lbl As Label, PropS As Map) As String Base type must...
  3. Star-Dust

    B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] SD_Dice

    SD_Dice Author: Star-Dust Version: 1.04 DiceView Events: Click CompleteRoll Fields: mBase As B4XView Tag As Object TimeMovment As Int Functions: Class_Globals As String DesignerCreateView (Base As Object, Lbl As Label, PropS As Map) As String Base type must be Object Initialize...
  4. LucaMs

    B4A Library [B4X] RecentB4XPages

    I made this "stuff": a menu with thumbnails of recent B4XPages (which can be opened directly from the menu, of course). It is a class: are you interested in having a library?
  5. W

    Android Tutorial Controlling Sonoff S20 smart power plugs [B4X] [Home Automation]

    Tested with both B4A and B4J - see https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/controlling-sonoff-s20-smart-power-plugs-b4x-home-automation.125768/
  6. W

    B4J Tutorial Controlling Sonoff S20 smart power plugs [B4X] [Home Automation]

    Hi gang, Here's how I got the Sonoff S20 to work with B4X. As the standard firmware doesn't come with an API and I wasn't successful trying to translate pySONOFF to B4X, I went down another path which was more than worth the effort of looking things up and ordering a bit of additional low-cost...
  7. B

    Android Question WebView don't show scriptmsg

    Hi everyone, my colleague wrote a webapp with visual studio that allor the users to login to save data on a database and show a confirmation message, and it works correctly via the browser. I've write an app with B4A that just load this webpage in a webview so i can easily share the apk with...
  8. M

    Wish [B4X] B4X for MacOs (news?)

    Hello, I know that this question was answered 2 years ago. I wish to know if there are some news, there will be more clearly a macOS version of b4x ide, or will remain only for Windows? Thanks in advance for answering :D
  9. M

    iOS Question [B4X] Get the label from an TextItem of a CustomListView

    Hi everyone, it is possibile to get a reference of the label used for the "TextItem" of a CustomListView? i wish to change the backgroud color of the label, text size, round the corners etc.. I know that there is the .DesignerLabel method, but if i try to change color it does not work Thanks...
  10. aeric

    Share My Creation JQuiz - API Server for B4XQuiz

    This is the full source code for B4XQuiz server. SQL script to generate database in post #2 For B4XQuiz client app, please check: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4jquiz-desktop-app.124202/ Update It is now easier to create Web API Server using B4X Template Check...
  11. red30

    Android Question B4XComboBox Center align

    There is center alignment in the designer in properties of B4XComboBox, but it doesn't work. How can I make the B4XComboBox text center aligned?
  12. A

    Android Question How To insert a B4XImageView component via line of code?

    with ImageView just Do so Dim img As ImageView Activity.AddView(img, 0%x, 5%y, 100%x, 20%y) But how would it be To insert a B4XImageView component in the Activity via line of code? Thank you very much in advance
  13. red30

    Android Question SearchTemplate Many elements

    SearchTemplate.SetItems(Items) If I use many elements (100-1000) for the SearchTemplate, then I have to wait more than 100ms. Is it possible to somehow speed up this process? Also, the time depends on different devices, the older the device, the longer the list is displayed. I've used Spinner...
  14. Scotter

    Android Question Goal to build an app to create sound only dogs can hear (Bark trainer)

    Looking to build an app to create sound only dogs can hear. I have barking dogs on both sides of my house. Politely talked to the neighbors three times. Each time they paid more attention to their dogs and took other measures to reduce the barking. Unfortunately, this lasted only a week or two...
  15. Martin Larsen

    iOS Question ImageView in B4i is pixelated

    I have a problem with images in ImageViews which in B4i are very pixelated in contrast to B4A where the same images are sharp. Examples below with images cut out from app screenshots. B4A is first. The effect is real, it is not just caused by the screenshots. How can I fix this problem...
  16. B

    Android Question Need avdice to develope for Android and iOS

    Hello everyone, A customer ask me to develope an app that allowd the user to comunicate with a server online. Nothing so special, just read n write some record in a few table. The problem it's the app need to run on android and ios, so i dont't know if it's easy to develope with B4X libraries in...
  17. Star-Dust

    Android Example [B4X] [B4XPages] FirebasePush + FirebaseAuth

    Today for the first time, I started messing with B4XPages and Firebase. Even though I had already watched B4XPages, I hadn't fumbled to understand better. The hardest thing was Firebase, configuration and settings, especially with iOS. (Traumatic , certificates, profiles, keys ....) I noticed...
  18. Lucas Siqueira

    B4A Library [B4X] BR_B4XFloatTextField

    Hello everyone! With the example of Erel library and with the help of Biswajit, we made some modifications to the original B4XFloatTextField library, recreating it with some modifications in the visual transforming into BR_B4XFloatTextField. See how the example looked: Note: I have no iphone to...
  19. lnxpy

    Android Question Getting "Bad Request" in posting JSON Data to an Endpoint

    Hey guys, hope you're doing well. I want to create an application to post some JSON data to an endpoint and get a field from the returned response. Whenever I click the button it takes back with the "Bad Request" error and says that two "title" and "script" fields are required. (I've already...
  20. Star-Dust

    B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] [B4XLib] SD TextView

    I needed to develop a modern editText (or TextField), but different from the B4XFloatTextField, different in terms of graphics and style. So I created the SD_TextView (see also xComboBox) NOTE: You can use this library for personal and commercial use. Include it in your projects.. Attention...