
  1. Star-Dust

    B4A Library SD EscPos Printer (Lan,USB, Bluetooth SPP, BLE)

    This library allows you to print with thermal printers compatible with the ESC POS language in 4 different communication channels (USB, Bluetooth SPP, BLE, LAN) you can download the ble3 library from here The DEMO version prints one minute every 2. The full version of the library will be issued...
  2. Star-Dust

    B4J Library [B4X] SD Zebra (printer)

    This library is the result of my first approach with Zebra printers. I started by connecting via LAN (or Wi-Fi) ZPL language. I plan to connect via BLE and perhaps also via USB. Have a good time. Preview only works if you have an internet connection For ESC/POS Printer see here The Demo version...
  3. I

    Android Question Android and PC Communication over Bluetooth

    Can I have Sample Code for the communication between Mobile and PC over bluetooth. Also is it possible to connect multiple mobile devices with one PC Bluetooth app. If possible plese provide sample code.
  4. yo3ggx

    Android Question Using two audio channels at the same time (Bluetooth and USB audio)

    As I'm aware, in Android, when you connect an USB audio device this automatically replace internal audio device, but when a Bluetooth audio headset is connected, you can select between Bluetooth, Speaker or earpiece (as in the Phone app). It is possible to simultaneously use in an application...
  5. B

    Android Question Receiver service starting intent bluetooth extras problem

    Hi all, in my project there's a service module that listen for the ACTION_ACL_DISCONNECTED event. When it occurs, I want to analyze the intent's extras available in the Service_Start Sub. In the Android developer page they said that the Broadcast Action "Always contains the extra fields...
  6. b4x_android

    Bug? Failed to get gattService. the BluetoothGatt return with no services

    Hi I could not get the BT services list the code line 65 return null Because code line 57 return BluetoothGatt with services size 0 I know for sure that the BT Device I am working with is working properly This is my first task in a new job and it is very important for me to solve it as...
  7. P

    German Bluetooth Möglichkeiten

    Hallo, da ich mit Bluetooth bisher keinerlei Erfahrungen habe wäre es schön etwas über die Möglichkeiten zu erfahren und ob es für meine Zwecke überhaupt Sinn macht sich da einzuarbeiten. Bisher funktioniert der Datenaustausch zwischen meinem Windowsrechner und der Androidapp über WLAN und ein...
  8. Guardian17

    Android Question Android App Receiving Data from Arduino

    Moved to the B4R Questions
  9. Pedro Caldeira

    Android Question EscPOSPRinter and Android 1

    Hello, I need help, if possible. I have a B4A App that+ uses @agraham EscPosPrinter class to print to a BT Printer (40 columns). It works flawlessly, except in Android 11. It prints the first ticket and stop ate the middle of the second one Attached I send you an example from a Android 8 tablet...
  10. Pedro Caldeira

    Android Question EscPosPrinter and Android 11

    Hello All, My App prints (EscPOS Bluetooth printer) without errors or issues in Android 8 thru 10, but in Android 11 (Samsung Tab Active3) it can't print the whole ticket It always stop half way, even with resets between the prints, and after it misprints, I cannot print anything else. I have to...
  11. P

    Android Question 3 channel Bluetooth "oscilloscope" TOO slow

    Hi everyone - I am very new to B4A (competent in VB) and am struggling to implement a 3 channel scope (to display ECGs) from a Buetooth data stream from an Arduino with HC-06 and an Analog front end. I know my Arduino side it working well and sends each channel as text with a header "P1 " then...
  12. M

    iOS Question Forward notification via bluetooth

    Hi everyone, I've a question. There is a way to forward notifications to an bluetooth device, like the 10$ smartwatch does? Thanks
  13. Zlgo

    Android Example Simple BlueTooth printing

    First, someone post nice simple demo for bluetooth printing( but unfortunately I can't find this again for giving credits, but who ever is , thanks. Now, here is also demo based on this example mention in beginning but made decoration with necessary buttons and fields for better...
  14. D

    Android Example [B4X] [B4XPages] Bluetooth scanner in SPP mode

    Introduction I've been developing mobile application for over 25 years (Telxon, Symbol, Windows Mobile, Xamarin, Up until now the barcode scanners were integrated into the mobile device. I decided to see if I could develop an architecture as robust and flexible as I did on integrated...
  15. swChef

    Android Example B4XPages vs Activities, Bluetooth Example

    In the thread BT Pages Example, a new version of the BT example was created using Pages. Since I'm just looking at Pages for the first time, I popped the new and old versions into a code comparison utility (old version is linked in the new example post). However I found that, while with reason...
  16. A

    iOS Question Bluetooth ESC/POS Printer Class

    Hello How can I use the code of this link in b4i? is it possible?
  17. moty22

    Share My Creation Rev Counter Bluetooth OBD2

    RPM meter connected to Bluetooth OBD plug with ELM327. To request RPM you send to the ELM327 "010C" and the reply is: 7E8 04 41 0C 0D 80 . 7E8 = reply to test, 04 = reply with 4 bytes, 41 = reply OK, 0C = PID (command) echo, 0D 80 = 2 bytes of data. Most of the code is derived from Erel's examples.
  18. S

    Android Question [SOLVED] BLE Stops finding devices

    I am using the BLE2 Library V1.38 and the latest B4A. The app is used to calibrate BLE-based equipment that I designed and generally works well. The company selected a generic tablet to issue to the calibration companies, the idea being that a standard device is easier to support, even though it...
  19. solutionhacker

    Android Question BLE Peripheral as HID keyboard

    Hello all, I would like to write an Android app that allows the phone to act like a Bluetooth HID keyboard. I want to send keystrokes and commands from the app to a BIuetooth-enabled computer. Is that possible with the BLE Peripheral library? Can someone please show me an example of how it is...
  20. Mrphone

    Android Question Connect to Bluetooth to HM-17

    Hi How do I connect to the encrypted Bluetooth module HM-17? I want to connect to the HM-17 Bluetooth module through the Serial/BluetoothAdmin library What should I do? I also visited the post below, but no connection was made...