
  1. M

    iOS Question [B4X] Get the label from an TextItem of a CustomListView

    Hi everyone, it is possibile to get a reference of the label used for the "TextItem" of a CustomListView? i wish to change the backgroud color of the label, text size, round the corners etc.. I know that there is the .DesignerLabel method, but if i try to change color it does not work Thanks...
  2. red30

    Android Question Nested CustomListView and using PreoptimizedCLV

    I am creating a CustomListView "allclv" with a nested CustomListView "clvPhoto". In each clvPhoto I add 30 photos stored in DirInternal. This display of 5 of these CustomListView takes more than 20s, which is very long. Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean) Activity.LoadLayout("Layout")...
  3. red30

    Android Question Working with CustomListView, which also contains CustomListView

    I have a CustomListView "allclv" which contains several "Photo" Layouts. Layout "Photo" contains several buttons and one more CustomListView "clvPhoto". How can I add the selected photo to the clvPhoto where the button was clicked? Here is my code. He does not work. Sub btnAddPhoto_Click...
  4. SoftSpot

    Android Question Load an Image from MS Sql Server into customlistview

    I am having trouble loading an image (sql type: image) into my customlistview. Without the Image code all works fine, I would appreciate some here as I an running into walls. #Region Activity Attributes #FullScreen: False #IncludeTitle: True #End Region Sub Process_Globals 'These...
  5. B


    ** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = false ** ** Activity (main) Resume ** java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=1; index=1 customlistview_getsize (java line: 188) java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int...
  6. A

    Android Question Example for LazyLoading from jRDC2

    Hi All, I can load/SELECT ALL data in a table from jRDC2 (mysql DB) with no problem, but I think this is not perfect in case of thousands of rows to return/SELECT from App performance standpoint, also I am aware that I can use LIMIT to limit the number of rows; however I am not sure how to...
  7. B

    Android Question Read text from customlistview

    Hi there, I am new to B4A so please bear with me. I have a customlistview which has items in it. I am trying to make it so that if a user clicks on an item, it will be able to retrieve all details about that item (The text and value). I have got the value, but I've got no idea about how to find...
  8. H

    Android Question How can I LoadBitmap from File.DirAssets... using customlist view

    Hi Guys. I'm stuck trying to use my own icons on a customlistview. I tried fontawsome icons but they are not to my liking. i know the code for listviews is [CODE lang="b4x" title="ListView1.AddTwoLinesAndBitmap2("Results", "", LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "report_card_96px.png"),0)"][/CODE]...
  9. K

    Android Question Customlistview with 2 or more columns

    Is it possible to generate several columns (grid) in one CLV? In normally, I can add one cell (a layout) to the row. But I want to add 2 layouts for same row like below. If anyone know how to do it or have sample code, please let me know. Thank you.
  10. A

    Android Question [Resolved] Multiline label for loaded CLV/Panels

    Hi All, I really appreciate if someone can help or guide me on this CLV obstecle. I have jRDC where I am SELECT from DB to CLV. I have card like CLV in which user name can appear more than once in a card based on the year returned ( so I can have one user name in card for 2020, and another...
  11. Biswajit

    B4A Library [B4X][XUI] CLVIndexScroller - xCustomListView fast scrolling index view

    It's a class that adds a fast scrolling index view to xCustomListView. It has a dark and a light mode. You can show either alphabetic or numeric index and can change the index order. Dependencies: xCustomListView XUI / jXUI Note: CLV items must be in sorted order. CLV items should have a...
  12. rleiman

    Android Question [SOLVED] - Some views are not working with the screen reader turned on

    Greetings everyone, I noticed that the following views do not recognise screen taps and dragging to scroll when the accessibility screen reader is turned on. I testing it with a Galaxy S9 running Android version 10. B4XSeekBar CustomListView These work ok only if the screen reader is turned...
  13. Reminisce

    Android Question Odd behavior with xcustomlistview and Android slider library.

    Hello guys, before adding the slider to my activity, MY XCLV(xcustomlistview) displays all item completely. Now I added the slider, and added my XCLV below it. The issue now is my 'XCLV doesn't scroll to the last item, I have adjusted the height of my XCLV severally, it just doesnt seem to...
  14. M

    [B4X] Double (Multi) Column CLV

    Hi everyone, recently i needed to implement an double column list in one of my app. I was ispired by an @Erel example, but i needed something slightly different, so i did this (i want to share with you, maybe could be useful to someone even if is a simple thing): (it support odd number of...
  15. M

    Android Question Double Column CustomListView

    hi everyone it's possibile to have a double column customlistview to achieve this kind of result? I've to do this also in B4i Thanks!
  16. Lucas Eduardo

    iOS Question CalcRelativeKeyboardHeight CustomListView

    Hello, i'm trying to calculate the keyboard with customlistview, i tryed this but without success. I did a code that works with panels and textfields or textviews inside a panel, when i tryed with...
  17. AKJammer

    Android Question Tag property in CustomListView ?

    I'm trying to get the name of the customlistview that is being accessed. Looking in the forum, storing the name in the tag seems to be the agreed method and I can see it in the designer. Problem is, there doesn't appear to be a tag property available at runtime. Was that an oversight or am...
  18. S

    Android Question Get text from Xcustomlistview - SQLite Database

    I created a Xcustom list view as shown in this thread, to get data i used SQLite database. To load the layout I used the following code as shown in the above thread, Sub Process_Globals...
  19. AKJammer

    Android Question Finding the type and name of a views parent

    Hey, Is there a way to find the type and name of a views parent? I'm using a couple CustomListViews in several tabs along with CLVSelections. When a user hits a button I can get the button info from Sender, but I'd like to be able to walk up and down the parent tree to find who hit it...
  20. M

    iOS Question CustomListView Remove item with animation

    hi everyone, i'm trying to achieve an cool effect when removing an item from a clv. i had a clv with some custom panels in it. each custom panel had a delete button. When the delte button is pressed I want the panel to exit from the screen animated, and all the item above scroll up to fill in...