
  1. G

    Android Question Change CustomListView's width in code

    Hi All! I have been trying to adapt the width of a customlistview based on current display width. I have tried to change it by in Activity_Create. Is there a better way to do this?
  2. R

    Android Question Problem with CustomListView with Structure as Value

    Hi. I am using a CustomListView (xCustomListView v1.64 from Erel) and when adding items the value does not behave well when it is a structure (Type). CustomListView1.Add(CreateItem(Line1, Line2, Line3), Structure1) It works perfect when the value is a number or a string, but when it is a...
  3. S

    Android Question CustomListView from Starter

    Hi How can I use CustomListView in Starter I get error Cannot access activity object from sub Progress_global For i = 1 To 20 Cust_lisview.Add(CreateListItem($"Item #${i}"$, Listv_fyrirtaki.AsView.Width, 60dip), $"Item #${i}"$) Next
  4. liurenwoxing

    Android Question Customlistview questions

    Hello , When i use the Customlistview ,how can i get or set each item's lable,button,imageview attribute?
  5. K

    Android Question customlistview setlayoutanimated

    Hii Expert I designing CustomListView in my app. I need it five different times and in five different look with other layout I have issue with p.SetLayoutAnimated(0,0,0,60%x,35%x) I am confuse about how to give width and height, so is their is any way to get panel used height also if i'm...
  6. K

    Android Question CustomListView running too slow

    I have same problem again. my customlistview taking more than 4 min for nearly 1200 records of sqlite 7.12.00 7.16.00 my code is : cursor = Starter.year.ExecQuery("select * from GL where FBOOK='G001' order by FDESC") Dim...
  7. Maodge

    Android Question [solved]Why XCustomListView display incorrect , CustomListview display right

    hi, i'm confuse of XCustomListView and CustomListview. in project using CustomListview, add items code is For i = 0 To 29 Dim colors1 As Int Dim csb As CSBuilder colors1 = Colors.RGB(Rnd(0,255),Rnd(0,255),Rnd(0,255)) csb.Initialize.Color(colors1).Append("#...
  8. LucaMs

    Android Question StateManager and CustomListview

    [Probably I should have written this post in "Bugs & wishlist"] If I have not made any mistakes, it seems to me that StateManager can not rebuild (save & restore) CustomListviews (let alone xCustomListviews) and their contents.
  9. M

    Android Question customlistview

    hi!, its possible to navigate thru the items (one by one) in a customlistview with a keybord (arrows) and highlight the actual position?
  10. RichardI

    Spanish Problemas al escalar un CustomListView en dispositivos diversos

    Tengo una samsung tablet con un display de 1280x752 escala = 1 (160dpi) y un teléfono celular con un display de 5 pulgadas y con las siguientes características: 480x798, escala = 1.5 (240 dpi). Estoy creando un CustomListView de forma dinámica pero me encuentro que cuando ejecuto el código en...
  11. A

    Android Question customlistview set panel view

    Dear all, I am working with a customlistview with severla edittextboxes, buttons etc. when entering from one editbox to another, I want to make from the enterpressed command on the last textbox that he jumps to the first of the following panel. There is a getpanel command but is there also a...
  12. uniplan

    Android Question Pull to refresh in cardList Example's possibile to create a PullToRefresh inside this cardListExample? How? Thank you
  13. Multiverse app

    Share My Creation Spurzon Daily Motivational Quotes

    My first client project in B4A! Only had 7 days to complete the project, starting from scratch, meaning setting up all the firebase, admob and google play console accounts. Completed everything in 5 days, thanks to B4A! Feedback would be greatly appreciated...
  14. Martin Larsen

    Android Question Clearing a xCustomListView with lazy loading make the app crash

    VisibleRangeChanged is a godsend for my project as I was facing out of memory issues with my xCLV. However, there is a problem as calling CLV.clear makes the app crash with the following exception: customlistview_findindexfromoffset (B4A line: 370) Dim CurrentItem As CLVItem =...
  15. Martin Larsen

    Android Question Resizing a CustomListView in code

    I need to reposition af CustomListView in code. There is a panel at the top of the activity which is only visible at some conditions, and I need to move and resize the CLV to expand the full area if that panel is not visible. The following code will only change the top of the CLV. The height is...
  16. DroidLyon

    Android Question Dynamically creating tabstripviewerpage tabs with XUI customlistview

    Hi all I'm trying to dynamically create a number of tabs based on content from a SQLLite database. These tabs are then populated with data into XUI customlistviews and where I attempt to lazy load as per Erels guide here Rather than hard code and use multiple designer created clvs and events...