
  1. M

    Bug? xCustomListView ScrollToItem not working

    Hi, i'm trying to use the scrolltoitem function but when i call it, it doesn't show the last item totally. See how the last message isn't displayed totally
  2. M

    iOS Question CustomListView loaded layout can't be modified by code

    Hi everyone, i'm trying to adapt an example of a chat layout (android reference by @Douglas Farias) I want to change the property (width, height, position) of a panel in a customlistview (loaded with loadlayout). If I go step by step with the Debugger it seems to work, but as soon as it go on...
  3. aeric

    Android Question [Solved] CustomListView - Get item value

    From this tutorial: [B4X] [XUI] CustomListView - lazy loading / virtualization Type CardData (Title As String, Content As String, BitmapFile As String, Color As Int) 'new Color field Sub CLV1_ItemClick (Index As Int, Value As Object) UpdateItemColor(Index, Rnd(0xff000000, 0xffffffff)) End...
  4. D

    iOS Question Mutli Stacked Customlistviews

    I have been trying to solve this for a while. I have 6 customlistviews all stacked up on top of each other - each customlistview can have 10 or more labels. A slider selects which of the 6 customlistview is under focus. How best I can determine which label was clicked from which customlistview...
  5. D

    iOS Question CustomListView AddTextItem's text disappears

    I have a CustomListView to which I am adding a number of text items. When I load a background image my text disappears. How do I make the text Tone1, Tone2 etc to come to the front of the loaded image? In B4A I am able to set the background image and the text appears overlayed on the background...
  6. D

    Android Question Get Text from Customlist item

    I have this CustomListView that I populate with TextItems. Using GetValue, I can get the item number the user clicked on but how do I get the text? dim List1 As CustomListView List1.AddTextItem("Tone A",0) List1.AddTextItem("Tone B",1) List1.AddTextItem("Tone C",2)...
  7. C

    Android Question Custom List View how to Extract Edit.text Data?

    I have this Block of code Sub Find_items_customLSTview Dim i As Int Dim iv As ItemValue= CustomListViewPRODUTOSESCALONADOS.GetValue(i) Dim qtdeItems As Int For i=0 To CustomListViewPRODUTOSESCALONADOS.Size -1 qtdeItems = EditTextQTDECustomListView.Text...
  8. M

    Spanish Como recorrer un CustomListView

    Hola alguien me puede ayudar necesito recorrer el contenido de un CustomListView. Lo estoy intentado hacer de esta forma For i=0 To LV1.GetSize -1 Dim a As Int=LV1.GetValue(i) Next pero solo me obtiene un valor necesito obtener todos los valores que están dentro del listado. desde ya...
  9. C

    Custom List View duvida

    Boas pessoal, é a primeira vez que trabalho com o custom list view, e estou necessitando pegar os Index da CustomListView onde tiver o Valor da Quantidade > 0 tentei alguns metodos porem não obtive sucesso, alguem tem alguma solução ? Como a imagem descreve!
  10. Brandsum

    iOS Tutorial Add UIRefreshControl To CustomListView

    Original Tutorial by @narek adonts Create a standard class module (Let assume the name of the class is UIRefreshControl), Sub Class_Globals Private CSB As CSBuilder Private cb As Object Private en As String Private RefreshControl As NativeObject End Sub Public Sub...
  11. imbault

    Android Question CustomListView to JPG

    Let's take the xCustomListView Example : There are 2 CustomListView, how to get the full image of the tallest clv : clv2 and save it in a jpg file? Thanks
  12. Albert Kallal

    Android Question Value parameter of xCustomListView

    I just went through Erel's custom list view example here: I should watch more of these - they are actually helpful! - group hug for the "tiny" bit of info where it is explained the...
  13. LucaMs

    B4J Library [B4X] LM xCustomListView 1.73

    Some features added to the last Erel's xCustomListView (v. 1.71). As you know, it works on the three platforms (B4A, B4J, B4i). 'xCustomListView v1.73 LM ' Added MultipleSelection: ' Property MultipleSelection ' Property SelectedIndices ' Property SelectedValues '...
  14. Rubsanpe

    Bug? [SOLVED is not a bug] CustomListView's ScrollToItem function not working for me

    Hi, I'm trying to use CustomListView's ScrollToItem function to move the contents of the list to a new position. It is not working in the latest version of the CustomListView library. I have tested it in the example of the forum that uses the class instead of the library and in that case it...
  15. J

    Android Question CardList B4XView Search & Gap between Panel

    HI Erel , How I can add a search option to this CustomListView . the requirement is to filter the view according to the search text. also how i can reduce the gap between each panel items. sample project attached regards Jithesh M
  16. D

    Android Question Load PDF pages in CustomListView - zoom enabled

    How can I show a multi page pdf in a CustomlistView and set each page so that the user is able to zoom the image? I also tried using Webview but it does not work:- dim image as imageview Private CLV1 As CustomListView For i = 0 To pdf.PageCount-1 Dim p As B4XView =...
  17. D

    Android Question CustomListView - 2 Directional Scrolling

    I have a CustomListView that scrolls horizontally. I then have an element in each panel which scrolls vertically. If I try to scroll vertically it tends to scroll left to right and gets stuck scrolling vertically. I noticed if I scroll super straight, I can get it to scroll vertically. This...
  18. D

    Android Question Customlistview Snap to Card

    Hi, I'm trying to modify the CustomListView.bas module as follows: 1. I want it to snap to each panel. Like the way it snaps when executing a Jump to Item. 2. I want it to only be activated when a user swipes. The behaviour could basically be described as swiping between cards/panels. Swipe...
  19. Scotter

    Android Question Class not found: b4a.example.customlistview

    Hi - I've been using xCustomListView v1.20. Works great! No errors but the following warning appears in my log: Class not found: b4a.example.customlistview, trying: b4a.p2e.customlistview Ideas? Thanks!
  20. Multiverse app

    Android Question MapFragment with CustomListView

    The Goal is to Add MapFragment with Customlistview while using LazyLoading. After the mapfragment is ready, add a marker to all of the maps. The Problem is that at VisibleRangeChanged, mfclvorders_Ready is called for only the last MapFragment. Therefore, All the maps except the last are left...