
  1. Android Question B4x Webview: Handling href and mailto links

    Hi folks. I've been working on a new project (B4x / V12.80 - Web-Browser) for quite some time now. Now, as my work is progressing I noticed that the webview control can't seem to handle links like downloads (href) or mailto events. Clicking on these links will result in no action whatsoever...
  2. Android Example [B4X] Supabase Storage - Download file with Progress This is a very simple tutorial on how to download a file and show the progress in a progressbar. With my small image there is not much progress, it makes more sense to use this function with...
  3. M

    Android Question Access the internal Download folder

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to download a file from a server, and I want to save it in the "Download" folder of the phone (not on an external SD or USB) what is the right way to do it? (I already know how to download... i need to specify only the path) I tried with...
  4. Wish Upload and download files in the background

    I think this is an important feature and I would like b4i to support it. Since there are no services in ios like in android, it turns out that the application cannot work in the background at all, although ios itself supports the function of background uploading or downloading files. And now...
  5. Android Question Download the activity and start it

    I want to upload an activity on the server and download it from the server in the main activity and then start it. How do I do that?
  6. M

    iOS Question [B4X] Upload/Download files Google Drive or other cloud

    Hi everyone, Is it possibile with B4X (iOS and Android), to upload and download files with google drive? Is not mandatory google drive, also another cloud. Thanks in advance.
  7. Android Question Query regarding webview

    Dear All i am using webview in an application to download and open an online pdf book. I am using following code, it opens the book in a pdf viewer...
  8. M

    Android Question Download file from GitHub repository

    Hi everyone. I never used github but now I need to download a file from a repository. I have a repository , and I want to download only the latest added file. It’s possibile to do this in b4x? Thanks in advance.
  9. B4J Question [ABMaterial] [SOLVED]File Manager Download problem

    I noticed this behaviour on my ABMaterial app and then I verified it on the Demo app In the ABMFileManager page, when entering for the first time, files are downloaded without problem. For example, let's say we first download files 1.jpg and 2.jpg together and...
  10. Android Question How to download images from internet server folder

    Hi, when my application starts, i need to download all image files from my web-server specific folder and place it in cache folder of app. i tried but i can't able to do it successfully.
  11. A

    B4J Question [WebApp] Download or Open new browser tab to view file

    I have a WebSocket Class that generates a pdf report and saves it to a browser accessible location based on dynamically generated (from this same WebSocket class) controls to get report parameter input from the browser user. I can WebUtils.redirect to the generated pdf file but I want to either...
  12. J

    Android Question B4x Best Practice for downloading and parsing Objects

    This is a generic question about the responsibility of a class in downloading and parsing it's own members and if this is considered good practice. I have a now large program that downloads multiple objects from the internet and saves them into lists I am trying to keep my main class as "clean"...
  13. Share My Creation Fast Insta Saver

    Fast Insta Saver will help you to download or repost your favorite videos and pictures from Instagram. You can quickly view Instagram photos and videos downloading them using Fast Saver instagram download for Instagram app. After saving you can even repost them. It is different from other photo...
  14. K

    German Kompletter Crash wie komme ich jetzt an B4A heran?

    Hallo Community, mein Rechner hat einen Totalschaden erlitten. Alle meine Daten und meine Backups sind weg! Das Einzige was ich noch habe, sind alle Vertragsunterlagen, Passwörter und Zugangsdaten dank KeePass auf meinem Handy! Ich habe mich ja auch hier eingeloggt mit meinem UID und...
  15. B4J Library [B4X] SD_ImageView

    I created a custom ImageView view that allows you to upload an image from the web. Just pass the URL as a parameter This class is B4X but does not depend on the XUI library NOTE: You can use this library for personal and commercial use. Include it in your projects.. Attention, even if it is a...
  16. T

    iOS Question How do I download a PDF file from Webview?

    I followed this thread And my code is: Sub WebView1_OverrideUrl (Url As String) As Boolean If Url.EndsWith(".pdf") Then Dim j As HttpJob j.Initialize("pdf", Me)...
  17. W

    Android Question OkHttpUtils2 and SSL-Problem (maybe TLS?) [SOLVED]

    Hi! I want to download a text-file from a webserver via https (unfortunally the server doesn't support http). I'm using the library: OkHttpUtils2 on Android 4.4.2 This is my code: Dim j As HttpJob j.Initialize("", Me) j.Download("") Wait For (j)...
  18. Spanish Mostrar/Ocultar imagen si ImageDownloader tuvo éxito o nó

    Hola estoy utilizando este code que funciona correcto para descargar una imagen que no se debería mostrarse si algo falla y no termino de comprender donde sería el mejor lugar para comprobar si esto sucedio! Todos sabemos que hay muchas cosas que podrían impedir que esto suceda como por ejemplo...
  19. J

    Android Question Download File From Link

    Hi all. I'm having trouble downloading a file from a link (Google Drive and Dropbox shareable link) from my app. Code says Success but the file downloaded is corrupted and unusable. This is with OKHttpUtils2 j.Initialize("job", Me) j.Download(modMain.shareableLinkGD) 'or...
  20. V

    iOS Question Download file

    My iOS application requires downloading a sqlite file every time the user login. I do not know which is the best option: - Download the file from a remote server -or- - Use Firebase -or- - ¿are there other options? Thanks for your help.
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