Of course. All of these services provide REST api which you can call with OkHttpUtils2 / iHttpUtils2.
Thanks Erel for you reply.
But actually i'm not finding what i'm looking for, i already took a look on the forum, but i was trying to understand different things:
1. How can i upload a file to Google Drive in a specified folder
2. If the GD root folder is shared with everybody, i still need to use OAuth2? I want to be able to upload/download file without accessing any account.
I'm looking in the Google Drive API documentation (Upload/Create file):
In the request body parameters there is
"parents" but i don't know how to set it in B4X.
I saw this:
but as far as i could understand, it requeires oauth2, but i don't want to ask the user to access etc.. the folder is shared, so it should not be necessary
(i think, because in the past i already used google api to retrive a list of files in a shared folder, and i didn't had to use oauth)