
  1. P

    B4J Question HTML data to SQL

    Hi everyone, I'm possibly being very slow here but web dev isn't something i've done much/any of... The aim is to try and get 2 text box inputs to be written to a database when a button is clicked. Dim tabParam As ResultSet = Main.IntSQL.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM TabletParameters;") Dim...
  2. Brandsum

    Android Tutorial Load HTML to Label

    (Here is the iOS version) This is how you can set HTML data to Label (works only in release mode), Dependencies: StringUtils, jSoup, LabelExtras Here is the code, Dim extraHeight As Int = 0 'global variable (height of images) Dim htmlParser As Html 'global variable Dim jSoup As jSoup 'global...
  3. Brandsum

    iOS Tutorial Load HTML to Label

    (Here is the Android version) This is how you can set HTML data to Label, Public Sub SetHTML(l As Label, htmlString As String) Dim NaObj As NativeObject = Me NaObj.RunMethod("SetHTML::",Array(l,htmlString)) End Sub #if OBJC - (void)SetHTML: (UILabel*) Label :(NSString *) htmlString{...
  4. walterf25

    B4J Question BaNano JavaScript

    Hello everyone, first of all i apologize if this question is somewhat stupid, i honestly don't have much experience with HTML or JavaScript, i started playing around with BaNano library, I started wrapping the WebRTC library for android, but I wanted to see if i could create the WebRTC server...
  5. F

    B4A Library HtmlToPdf

    Hello everybody, I've created this library that converts an html file (or string) to a pdf file programmatically. A couple of important notes: it only works on devices with SDK versions >= 21 and it cannot read files from the asset folder (you can either copy the file to the internal folder...
  6. MMORETTI964

    Android Question HTML to PDF - Offline - <page_break_inside: avoid>

    We've a need trying to convert HTML document to PDF. I know, there is a way to convert HTML to a bitmap (using a webview) and then convert in PDF (like an image). However we need some more control over PDF created (for example using page_break_inside: avoid). Obviously this is not possible...
  7. Patent

    B4J Question HTML and JS for dynamic autocomplete datalist ???

    Dear Community, i am messing with a small app, which should do a youtube-like (or other web-searches) search box. See my try. I am endig up at 95%. :mad: Maybe a JS Expert could give an advice. What is missing: I got the JSON String from the YT Server and get them also on the B4J side (do a...
  8. oldeast

    B4J Question B4J write image path in HTML

    Hi, how to write the full image path that contains spaces in html If File.exists(txtImageFolder,txtID&"-1.jpg")Then Image1= txtImageFolder&"\"&txtID &"-1.jpg" Report=Report &"<tr><td>&nbsp</td><td><img border='1' height='80' src="& Image1 &"></td></tr>" End...
  9. L

    Spanish cargar texto con caracteres latinos a webview

    Buenas tardes, tengo una duda a mi webview estoy cargando un html que contiene un texto, lo muestra sin problemas sin embargo no me muestra los caracteres latinos, me aparece como un recuadro con un signo de interrogación donde debería ir una vocal con acento. este es mi HTML <!doctype html>...