B4J Question [ABMaterial] how to start navigation to a specific page?


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In the samples the navigation starts always from the HomePage. Clicking on a login button or on a login menu item the user enters the application...but what if I want to directly point a specific page (using of course a specific URL)? I have to identify the called URL (is the incoming URL available somewhere?), access the login and then jump to the specified page.
So: how to catch the called URL and possibly the URL attached params?


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In this example, I handle the appropriate page from login based on the users admin privileges.
This sub is found in my ABMLoginHandler module.

Sub processlogin(page As ABMPage, user As Map)
    page.ws.Session.SetAttribute("authType", "local")
    page.ws.Session.SetAttribute("authName", user.Get("userlogin"))
    page.ws.Session.SetAttribute("IsAuthorized", "true")
    Dim amp As Int = user.Get("adminpriv")
    Log(" **** what is admin setting: "&amp)
    If amp = 1 Then
        page.ws.Session.SetAttribute("UserType", "1")     ' is administrator
        page.ws.Session.SetAttribute("UserType", "0" )
    End If
    'Dim usrt As String = ABMShared.GetUsrType( user.Get("usertype") )
    'page.ws.Session.SetAttribute("UserType", usrt )    ' lowercase!
    page.ws.Session.SetAttribute("UserID", "" & user.Get("userid") ) ' lowercase!
    page.ws.Session.SetAttribute("UserRows",   user.Get("userrows") ) ' lowercase!
    page.ws.Session.SetAttribute("comp_id",   user.Get("comp_id") ) ' lowercase!

    Maincomp_id = user.Get("comp_id")
    page.ws.Session.SetAttribute("orgtype", -1 ) ' lowercase!

    Dim SQL As SQL = DBM.GetSQL
    Dim memb As List = DBM.SQLSelect(SQL,  "SELECT * FROM member WHERE pk = " & Maincomp_id ,Null)
    If memb.Size > 0 Then
        Dim m As Map = memb.Get(0)
        page.ws.Session.SetAttribute( "orgtype",m.Get("otype")) ' lowercase!
    End If
    Log(" ............ Handled login User: "& user.Get("userid")&"  UserType: "&amp&" org type: "&page.ws.Session.GetAttribute2("orgtype",-1))
    Dim downloadfolder As String = File.Combine(File.DirApp, "/www/" & ABMShared.AppName & "/uploads/"&"comp_"&Maincomp_id)
    Dim tdown As String = downloadfolder&"\comp_"&Maincomp_id
    File.MakeDir(downloadfolder, "")'  "comp_"&Maincomp_id)


' where do we go from here?

    If amp = "1" Then
        ABMShared.NavigateToPage(page.ws,  "x123Login",  "../AboutPage")
        ABMShared.NavigateToPage(page.ws,  "x123Login",  "../CouncilPage")
    End If

End Sub
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Perhaps I have not explained the question:
I want to manage the first URL the user sets to enter the app that normally in B4J Server is available by ServletRequest.
I have to manage this URL and the optional parameters when the user attempts to enter the app (when the session is created).
In which point can I manage the ServletRequest?
Or is there another way to get these data from ABM?
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In ABMApplication module - where it all starts....

Where to go from here, based on your question is beyond my level of understanding...

Sub Class_Globals
    ' change to match you app   
    Private InitialPage As String = "HomePage"

Private Sub WebSocket_Connected (WebSocket1 As WebSocket)
    Log("ABM App - Connected")
    ws = WebSocket1
    ' connect our page with the websocket   
    ABMPageId = ABM.GetPageID(AppPage, ABMShared.AppName,ws)
    Dim session As HttpSession = ABM.GetSession(ws, ABMShared.SessionMaxInactiveIntervalSeconds) 'ignore
    If session.IsNew Then
        Log(" page is new - navigating to: ./ ")
        ABMShared.NavigateToPage(ws, "", "./")
    End If

    ' Prepare the page IMPORTANT!
    ' navigate to the first page
    Log(" what is login: "&ABMShared.NeedsAuthorization )
    ws.session.SetAttribute("IsAuthorized2020", "true")
    ABMShared.NavigateToPage(ws,ABMPageId, "./" & InitialPage)
End Sub
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