Android Question B4A IDE - Bridge Controls Wish


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I don't use the Android emulator as I just can't get it to work. I use USB or mostly the b4a bridge when testing my apps. As I am not exactly a power user I often open up the project I am working on and then a couple of forum example programs in other B4A IDE instances to figure out how to do things. This results in me having to disconnect and reconnect the bridge in each instance whenever I run the project app or the examples. This is very tedious because you have to open the menu system thus:

Tools Menu - B4A Bridge - Disconnect Menu (To disconnect)


Tools Menu - B4A Bridge - Connect Menu - Device IP Address. (To Connect)

What would be nice are two toolbar buttons;
  1. A disconnect button and connect button and a
  2. Drop-down list that remembers and displays the last connection such that pressing the Connect Button will connect the bridge to that ip address.

Best regards



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There is another forum for Wishlist

But how to I start a post in a particular forum?

There doesn't seen to be a forum page like

- Create New post
- Select forum from list
- Start writing

The only way I can find to start a post is to ask a question.

I have tried looking for instructions on using the forum but there is nothing that explains this.

Best regards
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Longtime User
Do you see a “Post thread” orange color button on top of the page?
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