Android Tutorial [B4X] B4A, B4i, B4J and B4r API documentation - B4X Object Browser

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Great stuff, Vader. :sign0098:

Any chance you can enlarge the event-descriptions? It is difficult to see, for instance, which parameters are accepted within the description since the field is not large (broad) enough.

Keep up the good work.


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what Events are generated by the Class.
This last one is a favourite of mine, because I don't know where else in the IDE this information is shown (if at all).

The events declaration is optional and it is made to see them in the events list appearing with space+tab in the B4A IDE. Some of (or all) these events may miss. For example, I forgot one of them in the latest version of the Reflection library. That doesn't mean it is not fired or cannot be received by your program.

I still don't have a solution to the Unicode problem (sorry Informatix)

It's not a real problem for me (or for most people I guess) so let it as is.


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Great stuff, Vader. :sign0098:

Any chance you can enlarge the event-descriptions? It is difficult to see, for instance, which parameters are accepted within the description since the field is not large (broad) enough.

Keep up the good work.


In the following screenshot, resize the red bars as necessary.

This new version also has the ability to Export and Import the configuration. Export is performed automatically for you (every time you click OK in the Options screen), plus when you load the app, if your configuration is blank, but you have a config export, it prompts for you to load it.

No more having to re-enter settings.

See Post #1 for download link.


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Thanks again for your effort Vader !
I attach a code module library that fails, please check why.


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Another feature which would be nice to add (unless it is already there and I have managed to miss it) is a search-function by name for methods, properties and fields.

Many times I know the name of the method but I don't recall in which library it is located. A search for the method would show method(s) with that name.

Nothing essential but still a nice feature.....

...this is turning into another Bug & Wish-section


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Thanks again for your effort Vader !
I attach a code module library that fails, please check why.

This is because your _cf Field doesn't have a comment. I have now fixed this problem, and it will be in the next update.
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Could you save & reload the window state and size ?

Yes, I can do this. I will add it to the next update.

Edit: Window Size, Location and State are now all saved at Exit() and reloaded at Load().

I also fixed a few bugs.
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This feature is on my wish list also
I haven't put any thought into how it will be performed (the GUI change, plus the results, and obviously how to code it), so in the meanwhile I did the Google search functions. I thought it a worthy compromise while I worked out how to do the search stuff.

I will bring this feature closer, and maybe even into the next version.


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Ok, so now it is time to release version

The biggest change with this version is the ability to search for text in the following places:
  • Library (Name)
  • Class (Name, Comment)
  • Method (Name, Comment)
  • Property (Name, Comment)
  • Field (Name, Comment)
  • Annotation (Name, Value)
  • Parameter (Name)

Results are returned in a Treeview in a seperate Window.

I haven't added the ability to navigate directly from the search results to the main window (yet), but there is enough visual information to find the correct location of whatever you are searching for.

This was a huge change as I had to extend every .Net Class (Class, Method, Parameter, Annotation etc), plus add a Library Class, to allow me to search through the in-memory Data model, navigating backwards as required. For example, each of the objects now has a Parent Property, which allows me to walk the in-memory tree up and down as required.

There is still a small bug in there around the display of Field descriptions, but I will get to that in time.

I have added the function where screen size and position is now saved (Informatix - that's for you).

Other things fixed are:
Class comment was never cleared
Import Button (Options Screen) didn't do anything
Classes Treeview wasn't sorted fully (Additional Path Libraries were tacked onto the end)

If you find any problems, please be gentle - it's been a tough weekend coding.

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Roger Garstang

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Very nice improvements. Only had an issue on that first startup. It prompted with the messagebox saying to select the library folder, but when I did it gave me a null pointer error. Only way to get past it was to cancel then I went into options and set the folder (My preferred way of doing it anyway...might just change that code to open the setting dialog). If I were to guess it is because the Folder list is empty and it is trying to set it with it being null or something. Could be the new addition allowing more than one folder and the browse for folder code possibly is older which set it as a single entry like it was before or something too.


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Thanks for the feedback Roger. I will look into the null issue tonight. If I stay focussed and just concentrate on that one issue, I can do a point release very quickly.


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Thanks for the feedback Roger. I will look into the null issue tonight. If I stay focussed and just concentrate on that one issue, I can do a point release very quickly.

I had the same error on the first run but after adding the libraries folders manually, everything is going smoothly. Your browser brings us a more unified documentation which was kind of missing at least for a beginner like me.

Thanks and keep up the good work!



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This issue is now fixed.
I have also added an extra window (Help | About | Libraries) that shows all libraries (in the selected paths), the classes in each Library, and the version of each of these.
Version is dependant upon the Library rather than the Class, however I thought it important to show Classes as well as libraries.

This allows the User to see the version of each installed Library in one easy to get to place.

This is Version


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Version has been released and is now available at the first post in this thread.

Changes in this version:

Double-click a search result navigates the main screen to that same point
Treeview in search results now sorted, and double-buffered
Removed "Comments" search option as it didn't do anything


Licensed User
Longtime User

Awesome, thank you for your sustained efforts.

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