The example here uses a Bezier curve which is one of a lot of possible curves.
But the text drawing routine works on any list of points.
The attached .zip has all the code (140 lines).
But the text drawing routine works on any list of points.
The attached .zip has all the code (140 lines).
Sub Class_Globals
Type myPoint (x As Float, y As Float)
Type bezierSpec (p0 As myPoint, p1 As myPoint, p2 As myPoint, p3 As myPoint)
Private fx As JFX
Private Root As B4XView
Private xui As XUI
Private cv As B4XCanvas
End Sub
Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
Root = Root1
Dim w As Float = 300dip
Dim h As Float = 400dip
Dim basePanel As B4XView = xui.CreatePanel("")
basePanel.SetColorAndBorder(xui.Color_Transparent, 1dip, xui.Color_Black, 10dip)
Root.AddView(basePanel, Root.Width / 2 - w /2, Root.Height / 2 - h / 2, w, h)
Dim aw As Float = .5
Dim ah As Float = -.7
Dim p0 As myPoint = setP(0, 0)
Dim p1 As myPoint = setP(aw * w, .05 * h)
Dim p2 As myPoint = setP(ah * w, .95 * h)
Dim p3 As myPoint = setP(w, h)
Dim bz As bezierSpec = setSpec(p0, p1, p2, p3)
Dim points As List = BuildBezierCurve(bz)
TextOnCurve("The Time Has Come, the Walrus Said; to Speak of Many Things", xui.CreateDefaultFont(16), 23dip, points)
'Bezier curves have two end points and two intermediate control points
'To show control points of bezier curve make sure width and height >= 1000 (in example, p2 is not in the panel)
'Also see how easy it would be to animate the curve and text by varying the control points in small increments
'and redrawing the text
Dim cv2 As B4XCanvas
cv2.DrawCircle(basePanel.Left + p0.x, + p0.y, 5dip, xui.Color_Red, True, 0)
cv2.DrawCircle(basePanel.Left + p1.x, + p1.y, 5dip, xui.Color_Red, True, 0)
cv2.DrawCircle(basePanel.Left + p2.x, + p2.y, 5dip, xui.Color_Red, True, 0)
cv2.DrawCircle(basePanel.Left + p3.x, + p3.y, 5dip, xui.Color_Red, True, 0)
cv2.DrawText("p0", basePanel.Left + p0.x + 5dip, + p0.y, xui.CreateDefaultFont(15), xui.Color_Black, "LEFT")
cv2.DrawText("p1", basePanel.Left + p1.x + 5dip, + p1.y, xui.CreateDefaultFont(15), xui.Color_Black, "LEFT")
cv2.DrawText("p2", basePanel.Left + p2.x + 5dip, + p2.y, xui.CreateDefaultFont(15), xui.Color_Black, "LEFT")
cv2.DrawText("p3", basePanel.Left + p3.x + 5dip, + p3.y, xui.CreateDefaultFont(15), xui.Color_Black, "LEFT")
End Sub