Is possible to make animations on B4XDialog ? like appears from the bottom to top?
Imagine you have this layout inside a B4XDialog:
the idea is make this round panel coming from the bottom to this position
Dim p As B4XView = xui.CreatePanel("")
p.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0, 0, 300dip, 500dip)
Dim pDialogBox As B4XDialog
pDialogBox.BorderColor = Colors.Transparent
Dim rs As ResumableSub = pDialogBox.ShowCustom(p,"","","")
Slides the dialog from one of the sides. Sub AnimateDialog (dlg As B4XDialog, FromEdge As String) Dim base As B4XView = dlg.Base Dim top As Int = base.Top Dim left As Int = base.Left Select FromEdge.ToLowerCase Case "bottom" base.Top = base.Parent.Height...
Slides the dialog from one of the sides. Sub AnimateDialog (dlg As B4XDialog, FromEdge As String) Dim base As B4XView = dlg.Base Dim top As Int = base.Top Dim left As Int = base.Left Select FromEdge.ToLowerCase Case "bottom" base.Top = base.Parent.Height...