B4A Library [B4X][XUI] WobbleMenu - a cross platform animated bottom navigation

Hi everyone,

This is a B4X compatible bottom navigation. It has 4 types of tab changing animation and 3 types of icon revealing animation.


Version: 1.5
Dependency: JavaObject, BitmapCreator, XUI
  • WobbleMenu
    • Functions:
      • GetCurrentTab As Int
        Get the current tab id (1 to 5)
      • GetHeight As Int
        Get menu height.
      • SetAnimationType(Animation_Type As Int)
        Set the tab changing animation type. Check properties
      • SetCurrentTab(TabID As Int)
        Set the current tab from 1 to 5
      • SetCurrentTab2(TabID As Int, triggerEvent As Boolean) NEW
        Same as SetCurrentTab. If you set triggerEvent = false then it will not trigger the tab click event.
      • SetIconAppearStyle(Icon_Appear_Style As Int)
        Set icon revealing animation type. Check properties
      • SetTabTextIcon(TabID As Int, Text As String, Icon As String, IconFont As Typeface)
        Set the tab text and icons (TabID must be between 1 to 5)
      • SetTabTextIcon2(TabID As Int, Text As String, Icon As Bitmap, tinted As Boolean) NEW
        Set the tab text and image icon (TabID must be between 1 to 5)
      • SetBadge(TabID As Int, Count As Int, BackColor As Int, TxtColor As Int)
        Set tab badge. (after 99 it will show 99+)
      • RemoveBadge(TabID As Int)
        Remove badge from a tab.
      • SetTabCount(count As Int)
        Set tab count at runtime.
        Count must be either 5 or 3
        Note: You can't change the tab count to 3 if your selected tab id is 4 or 5
      • SetEnableTab(TabID As Int, enable As Boolean)
        Enable or disable a tab.
      • GetEnableTab(TabID As Int) As Boolean
        Check if a tab is enabled or not.
      • SetVisible(show As Boolean, animate As Boolean) NEW
        Set menu visibility
    • Events:
      • Tab1Click
      • Tab2Click
      • Tab3Click
      • Tab4Click
      • Tab5Click
    • Properties:
    • Designer Properties:
      • No. of Tabs (Default: 5)
      • Active Tab (Default 3) NEW
      • Background Color (Default: 0xFFFFFFFF)
      • Shadow Color (Default: Dark)
      • Icon Color (Default: 0xFFBBBBBB)
      • Icon Size (Default: 18)
      • Text Color (Default: 0xFFFFFFFF)
      • Text Size (Default: 14)
      • Selected Icon Color (Default: 0xFF000000)
      • Icon Appear Style (Default: FROM EDGE)
      • Animation Type (Default: ELASTIC OUT)
      • Animation Duration (Default: 500)
You can implement your own animation. Check this link.
Copy the library to the additional library folder then run the examples. Have fun!

UPDATE v1.2 (Latest Examples and Library Attached):
  1. Added 3 Tabs option to designer properties
  2. Added Icon Fade In and no animation option
  3. Fixed SetTabIcon method, previously it was unable to handle any TabID value other than 1 to 5
UPDATE v1.3:
  1. Added Shadow Type (Light/Dark) Option
UPDATE v1.4:
  1. Now you can add text under icons
  2. Now you can add a badge to each tab
  3. Control icon size, text color, and text size from the designer.
  4. More smooth curve.
UPDATE v1.41: Fixed a variable mismatch error.
UPDATE v1.42: Added getHeight method.
UPDATE v1.43:
  1. Change tab count at runtime
  2. Get or set the tab enable status.
UPDATE v1.44:
  1. Minor animation bug fixed.
  2. Added b4xpage+viewpager example.
UPDATE v1.5:
  1. Added image icon support.
  2. Added setVisible method.
  3. Added setCurrentTab2 method which supports changing active tab without triggering click event.
  4. Now the default active tab can be selected from the designer.
UPDATE v1.51: Badge visibility bug fix.


  • B4A_Example.zip
    9.3 KB · Views: 2,487
  • B4i_Example.zip
    110.4 KB · Views: 1,025
  • B4J_Example.zip
    2.3 KB · Views: 1,131
  • b4xpage example with viewpager.zip
    487.3 KB · Views: 1,971
  • WobbleMenu.b4xlib
    6.9 KB · Views: 1,986
Last edited:


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I see there is a background band on the wooble menu. I have a color for the menu itself but the background (the half upper part) changing on the background to transparent does not cause change.... I want to have the wooble menu over a google maps (it is pure visual)

is it possible?
Sorry didn't understand. The upper half is transparent by default. Post a small screenshot of that menu area. And explain what is the problem.


Well-Known Member
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Sorry didn't understand. The upper half is transparent by default. Post a small screenshot of that menu area. And explain what is the problem.

See the red box... I cant get rid of that area in b4a and b4i


the map is going under, changing the background color to transparent does nothing... changing the activity background color on the layout does change this area, but that does not solve the map thing.


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changing the background color to transparent does nothing
Maybe your layout is wrong. Maybe you have placed the wobble menu right after the map view so the map view's bottom is the top of the wobble menu.

Half of the wobble menu view has the shadow and the selected icon view with a transparent background and the other half has the bottom part.

So increase the map view height. New height = Current height + (wobble menu height / 2)

I think it will solve the issue.


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Maybe your layout is wrong. Maybe you have placed the wobble menu right after the map view so the map view's bottom is the top of the wobble menu.

Half of the wobble menu view has the shadow and the selected icon view with a transparent background and the other half has the bottom part.

So increase the map view. New height = Current height + (wobble menu height / 2)

I think it will solve the issue.

The map is already under the wobblemenu.... so if it is transparent is should be showing it , if you see to the left there is a small portion of the map right there


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The map is already under the wobblemenu.... so if it is transparent is should be showing it , if you see to the left there is a small portion of the map right there
Can you post your layout file?


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When I try to run the example, I encountered the following error:

Error occurred on line: 94 (WobbleMenu)
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "null"
at sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString(FloatingDecimal.java:2043)
at sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.parseDouble(FloatingDecimal.java:110)
at java.lang.Double.parseDouble(Double.java:539)
at anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.ObjectToNumber(BA.java:684)
at b4a.example.wobblemenu._designercreateview(wobblemenu.java:1095)

I fixed it by open the layout designer and set the corner radius to value other than 0.


Active Member
When I try to run the example, I encountered the following error:

Error occurred on line: 94 (WobbleMenu)
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "null"
at sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString(FloatingDecimal.java:2043)
at sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.parseDouble(FloatingDecimal.java:110)
at java.lang.Double.parseDouble(Double.java:539)
at anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.ObjectToNumber(BA.java:684)
at b4a.example.wobblemenu._designercreateview(wobblemenu.java:1095)

I fixed it by open the layout designer and set the corner radius to value other than 0.
I faced the same Issue. I just open the designer and save the layout without any changes and then run. It successfully worked.


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Hi @Biswajit
I see that many users have already raised this concerns regarding the other controls/layout under the wobble menu.

As I understand, height of menu will vary on different devices depending on height to width ratio. It makes other content either leave a gap or go under the menu which might not be intended.

It would be nice if you can share from following image:
A - (Top height which can be retrieved from getHeight method)
B - How to Calculate that ?

Also, is it possible that height be fixed lets say at 100dip irrespective of device height ?




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Hi everyone,

This is a B4X compatible bottom navigation. It has 4 types of tab changing animation and 3 types of icon revealing animation.

View attachment 94944

Version: 1.5
Dependency: JavaObject, BitmapCreator, XUI
  • WobbleMenu
    • Functions:
      • GetCurrentTab As Int
        Get the current tab id (1 to 5)
      • GetHeight As Int
        Get menu height.
      • SetAnimationType(Animation_Type As Int)
        Set the tab changing animation type. Check properties
      • SetCurrentTab(TabID As Int)
        Set the current tab from 1 to 5
      • SetCurrentTab2(TabID As Int, triggerEvent As Boolean) NEW
        Same as SetCurrentTab. If you set triggerEvent = false then it will not trigger the tab click event.
      • SetIconAppearStyle(Icon_Appear_Style As Int)
        Set icon revealing animation type. Check properties
      • SetTabTextIcon(TabID As Int, Text As String, Icon As String, IconFont As Typeface)
        Set the tab text and icons (TabID must be between 1 to 5)
      • SetTabTextIcon2(TabID As Int, Text As String, Icon As Bitmap, tinted As Boolean) NEW
        Set the tab text and image icon (TabID must be between 1 to 5)
      • SetBadge(TabID As Int, Count As Int, BackColor As Int, TxtColor As Int)
        Set tab badge. (after 99 it will show 99+)
      • RemoveBadge(TabID As Int)
        Remove badge from a tab.
      • SetTabCount(count As Int)
        Set tab count at runtime.
        Count must be either 5 or 3
        Note: You can't change the tab count to 3 if your selected tab id is 4 or 5
      • SetEnableTab(TabID As Int, enable As Boolean)
        Enable or disable a tab.
      • GetEnableTab(TabID As Int) As Boolean
        Check if a tab is enabled or not.
      • SetVisible(show As Boolean, animate As Boolean) NEW
        Set menu visibility
    • Events:
      • Tab1Click
      • Tab2Click
      • Tab3Click
      • Tab4Click
      • Tab5Click
    • Properties:
    • Designer Properties:
      • No. of Tabs (Default: 5)
      • Active Tab (Default 3) NEW
      • Background Color (Default: 0xFFFFFFFF)
      • Shadow Color (Default: Dark)
      • Icon Color (Default: 0xFFBBBBBB)
      • Icon Size (Default: 18)
      • Text Color (Default: 0xFFFFFFFF)
      • Text Size (Default: 14)
      • Selected Icon Color (Default: 0xFF000000)
      • Icon Appear Style (Default: FROM EDGE)
      • Animation Type (Default: ELASTIC OUT)
      • Animation Duration (Default: 500)
You can implement your own animation. Check this link.
Copy the library to the additional library folder then run the examples. Have fun!

UPDATE v1.2 (Latest Examples and Library Attached):
  1. Added 3 Tabs option to designer properties
  2. Added Icon Fade In and no animation option
  3. Fixed SetTabIcon method, previously it was unable to handle any TabID value other than 1 to 5
UPDATE v1.3:
  1. Added Shadow Type (Light/Dark) Option
UPDATE v1.4:
  1. Now you can add text under icons
  2. Now you can add a badge to each tab
  3. Control icon size, text color, and text size from the designer.
  4. More smooth curve.
UPDATE v1.41: Fixed a variable mismatch error.
UPDATE v1.42: Added getHeight method.
UPDATE v1.43:
  1. Change tab count at runtime
  2. Get or set the tab enable status.
UPDATE v1.44:
  1. Minor animation bug fixed.
  2. Added b4xpage+viewpager example.
UPDATE v1.5:
  1. Added image icon support.
  2. Added setVisible method.
  3. Added setCurrentTab2 method which supports changing active tab without triggering click event.
  4. Now the default active tab can be selected from the designer.
UPDATE v1.51: Badge visibility bug fix.

Sometimes we got some crash reports with this:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - Cannot set 'scaleX' to Float.NaN
https://console.firebase.google.com...85bd76f?time=last-seven-days&versions=5 (502)
Any solution?


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Could you please share the error log? The provided links are not working.
I had copied the text instead I pasted here the url :) sorry

Fatal Exception: java.lang.RuntimeException
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot set 'scaleX' to Float.NaN
anywheresoftware.b4a.keywords.Common$14.run (Common.java:1750)

com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main (ZygoteInit.java:947)

Caused by java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Cannot set 'scaleX' to Float.NaN
android.view.View.sanitizeFloatPropertyValue (View.java:17483)

anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.B4XViewWrapper.SetLayoutAnimated (B4XViewWrapper.java:180)
ct.canlidoviz.wobblemenu$ResumableSub_SetCircleIcon.resume (wobblemenu.java:1163)
anywheresoftware.b4a.keywords.Common$14.run (Common.java:1748)

com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main (ZygoteInit.java:947)


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How can I add a space below the wobblemenu, on iPhone the bottom navigation bar is superimposed on the menu.


  • navigatinbar.png
    240.5 KB · Views: 119


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How can I add a space below the wobblemenu, on iPhone the bottom navigation bar is superimposed on the menu.
Check this tutorial