B4J Library [B4X] [XUI] SD FlexGrid (Table)

I created a new library to show a table (or grid) similar to the one in EXCEL.

There are already excellent classes that allow many to accomplish things, such as xCustomListView by @Erel (B4X) and with the FlexibleTable by @klaus (B4A). I wanted to make something slightly different suited to my needs.

The use of libraries for personal and / or commercial use is permitted. It is not allowed to modify the sources or change the name of the library. Reverse engineering is not authorized to access the sources for any reason, not even for study or learning reasons.

  1. To get the calculation of the cells that contain a formula I have added Erel's B4XEval to my Library, but as soon as possible I will make it external so that everyone can modify it according to their needs.
  2. To select multiple cells, position yourself on the first cell of those to be selected (the one at the top left) click a shot and then click again and drag your finger to cover all the cells (or area) that you want to select
  3. It is still in beta version, presents problems in large grids.
  4. Now only for B4A and B4i Now for B4A,B4i,B4j
  5. In the example to select a group of cells just long click on a cell (not checkbox). In the case of B4J click with the right mouse button


Version: 0.45
  • Eval
    version 2.00
    Eval Method By Erel: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-eval-expressions-evaluator.54629/
    • Fields:
      • Error As Boolean
    • Functions:
      • Calculate (Expression As String) As Double
      • Class_Globals As String
      • Initialize (FG As FlexGrid) As String
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
        Verifica se l'oggetto sia stato inizializzato.
  • FlexGrid
    • Events:
      • CellClick (Row As Int, Col As Int)
      • CellLongClick (Row As Int, Col As Int)
      • FeetClick (Index As Int)
      • HeadClick (Index As Int)
      • Modified (Row As Int, Col As Int)
      • ScrollX (Position As Double)
      • ScrollY (Position As Double)
    • Fields:
      • EditBackgroundColor As Int
      • EditTextColor As Int
      • TypeButton As Int
      • TypeCheck As Int
      • TypeDouble As Int
      • TypeFloat As Int
      • TypeImage As Int
      • TypeInt As Int
      • TypeList As Int
      • TypeString As Int
    • Functions:
      • AddRow (Cell As Object(), Refresh As Boolean) As String
        eg. Flexgrid.AddRow(Array As Object(i,B,"User ","Description " ,100.00), True)
      • AddRow2 (Cell As Object(), HeightRow As Int, Refresh As Boolean) As String
        eg. Flexgrid.AddRow(Array As Object(i,B,"User ","Description " ,100.00),40dip,True)
      • AddRowAt (index As Int, Cell As Object(), Refresh As Boolean) As String
        eg. Flexgrid.AddRow(2,Array As Object(i,B,"User ","Description " ,100.00), True)
      • AddRowCustomize (Cell As Object(), Text_Color As Int, Background_Color As Int, TextFont As B4XFont, Refresh As Boolean) As String
      • AddToParent (Parent As B4XView, Left As Int, Top As Int, Width As Int, Height As Int, ColsNumber As Int) As String
        Parent is Panel to Add Grid
        eg. Flexgrid.AddToParent(Activity,0,0,100%x,100%y,5)
      • Class_Globals As String
      • ClearRows As String
        erase all rows contents
      • ClearSelection As String
        cell no longer be selected.
      • DesignerCreateView (Base As Object, Lbl As Label, Props As Map) As String
        Base type must be Object
      • EditCell (Row As Int, Col As Int) As String
        eg. Flexgrid.EditCell(1,1)
      • EditCellOnSite (Row As Int, Col As Int) As String
        eg. Flexgrid.EditCell(1,1)
      • GetCellBackgroundColor (Row As Int, Col As Int) As Int
      • GetCellCol (Col As Int) As Object()
        eg. Dim S() as String = Flexgrid.GetCellCol(1)
        eg. Dim B() as Boolean = Flexgrid.GetCellCol(2)
      • GetCellRow (Row As Int) As Object()
        eg Dim Row() as Object = Flexgrid.GetCellRow(1)
      • GetCellTextColor (Row As Int, Col As Int) As Int
      • GetCellTextFont (Row As Int, Col As Int) As B4XFont
      • GetCellValue (Row As Int, Col As Int) As Object
        eg. Dim I as int = Flexgrid.GetCellValue(1,1)
        eg. Dim S as String = FlexGrid.GetCellValue(2,2)
      • GetTypeCol (Col As Int) As Int
        eg. If Flexgrid.GetTypeCol(1)=Flexgrid.TypeInt Then .....
      • Initialize (Callback As Object, EventName As String) As String
      • Invalidate As String
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
        Verifica se l'oggetto sia stato inizializzato.
      • RemoveRow (Row As Int) As String
        Row (0...n-1)
        eg. Flexgrid.RemoveRow(1)
      • ResetCustomizeCell (Col As Int, Row As Int) As String
        eg. Flexgrid.ResetCustomizeCell(1,1)
      • SearchInColumn (Text As String, Col As Int, FromRow As Int, exactly As Boolean, IgnoreCap As Boolean) As Int
        Search for text in the indicated column starting from the start row.
        If the start row is 0 it will check the entire column.
        It will return the position of the line containing the text
        <code>Dim Col As Int = 5
        Dim Row As Int = FlexGied1.SearchInColumn("My text",Col,0, False, True)
        if Row>-1 then Log("Find in row " & Row) Else log("Don't find")
      • SearchInColumn2 (Text As String, Col As Int, FromRow As Int, exactly As Boolean, IgnoreCap As Boolean) As List
        Search for text in the indicated column starting from the start row.
        If the start row is 0 it will check the entire column.
        It will return the list of position of the line containing the text
        <code>Dim Col As Int = 5
        Dim IndexFinded As List = FlexGied1.SearchInColumn2("My text",Col,0, False, True)
        if IndexFinded.Size>0 then Log("Find in row " & Row) Else log("Don't find")
      • SelectCell (Row As Int, Col As Int, Mobile As Boolean) As String
        eg. Flexgrid.SelectCell(1,1,True)
        If Mobile is True, the selectable area can be enlarged by touching and dragging it to the desired box.
      • SelectCells (FromRow As Int, FromCol As Int, ToRow As Int, ToCol As Int, Mobile As Boolean) As String
        eg. Flexgrid.SelectCell(1,1,5,4,True)
        If Mobile is True, the selectable area can be enlarged by touching and dragging it to the desired box.
      • SelectCol (Col As Int) As String
        eg. Flexgrid.SelectCol(1)
      • SelectRow (Row As Int) As String
        eg. Flexgrid.SelectRow(1)
      • SetCellCustomize (Row As Int, Col As Int, Text_Color As Int, Background_Color As Int, TextFont As B4XFont) As String
        eg. Flexgrid.SetCellCustomize(1,1,XUI.Color_Black,XUI.Color_White,XUi.CreateDefaultFont(12))
      • SetCellListIndex (Row As Int, Col As Int, Index As Int) As String
      • SetCellValue (Row As Int, Col As Int, Value As Object) As String
        eg. Flexgrid.SetCellValue(1,1,True)
        eg. Flexgrid.SetCellValue(2,2,"OK")
        eg. Flexgrid.SetCellValue(3,3,3)
        eg. Flexgrid.SetCellValue(Row,Col,"A,B,C,D,E") for TypeList
      • SetColAlignment (ColumnIndex As Int, Alignment As String) As String
        Index (0..n-1)
        eg. SetColAlignment(0,"CENTER")
      • SetColCustomize (Col As Int, Text_Color As Int, Background_Color As Int, TextFont As B4XFont) As String
        eg. Flexgrid.SetColCistomize(1,XUI.Color_Black,XUI.Color_White,XUi.CreateDefaultFont(12))
      • SetColName (ColumnIndex As Int, Name As String) As String
        Index (0..n-1)
        eg. Flexgrid.SetColName(1,"Help")
      • SetColsNumber (ColumnNumber As Int) As String
        Reset Grid and Change Cols Number
      • SetColType (ColumnIndex As Int, Typ As Int) As String
        Index (0..n-1)
        eg. SetColType(0,FlexGrid.TypeInt)
      • SetColWidth (ColumnIndex As Int, Width As Int) As String
        Index (0..n-1)
        eg. SetColWidth(0,100dip)
      • SetDataRow (Row As Int, Cell As Object()) As String
        eg. Flexgrid.SetRow(Row,Array As Object(i,B,"User ","Description " ,100.00))
      • SetDataRow2 (Row As Int, Cell As Object(), HeightRow As Int) As String
        eg. Flexgrid.SetRow2(Row,Array As Object(i,B,"User ","Description " ,100.00),40dip)
      • SetFeetHeight (Height As Int) As String
        Set Header Height
      • setFootColValue (col As Int, Fv As String) As String
        eg. Flexgrid.FeetValue=array As String ("First","Second")
      • setHeaderAlignment (Col As Int, Alignment As String) As String
        eg. Flexgrid.HeaderAlignment="CENTER"
      • SetHeadHeight (Height As Int) As String
        Set Header Height
      • SetPadding (Left As Int, Top As Int, Right As Int, Bottom As Int) As String
        eg. FlexGrid1.SetPadding(10dip,0,10dip,0)
      • SetRowCustomize (Row As Int, Text_Color As Int, Background_Color As Int, TextFont As B4XFont) As String
        eg. Flexgrid.SetRowCustomize(1,XUI.Color_Black,XUI.Color_White,XUi.CreateDefaultFont(12))
      • SetRowHeight (IndexRow As Int, Height As Int) As String
        IndexRow (0..Size-1)
        eg. setRowHeight(0,60dip)
      • SetRowsHeight (Height As Int) As String
        Set all Rows Height
      • SetSingleLine (SLine As Boolean) As String
        To set the cells to single or multiple lines
      • SortForCol (Column As Int) As String
    • Properties:
      • Base As B4XView [read only]
      • ColCount As Int [read only]
      • ColorSelectedArea
        Set the color of the selected area
      • ColorSelectingArea
        Set the color of the area during the selection phase
      • ColsAlignment
        eg. setColsAlignment(Array As String ("LEFT","CENTER","CENTER","RIGHT"))
      • ColsName As String()
        eg. Flexgrid.ColName=array As String ("First","Second")
      • ColsType
        eg. ColsType=Array As Int(FlexGrid1.TypeInt,FlexGrid1.TypeCheck,FlexGrid1.TypeString,FlexGrid1.TypeString,FlexGrid1.TypeFloat)
      • ColsWidth
        eg. SetColsWìdth(Array As Int (100dip,50dip,100dip,100dip))
      • Font
        eg. Flexgrid.Font=xui.CreateDefaultFont(12)
      • FootFont
        eg. Flexgrid.FeetFont=xui.CreateDefaultFont(12)
      • FootValue As String()
        eg. Flexgrid.FeetValue=array As String ("First","Second")
      • FootVisible
        eg. FG.FeetVisible=True
      • HeaderFont
        eg. Flexgrid.HeaderFont=xui.CreateDefaultFont(12)
      • HeaderVisible
        eg. FG.HeadVisible=True
      • Height As Int
      • RowCount As Int [read only]
        Dim Size as int = Flexgrid.RowCount
      • ScrollToCol
        eg. Flexgrid.ScroolToCol=50 (Col= 0..Size-1)
      • ScrollToRow
        eg. Flexgrid.ScroolToRow=50 (Row= 0..Size-1)
      • ScrollX As Double
      • ScrollY As Double
      • SelectedColumnEnd As Int [read only]
        return -1 if not selected
      • SelectedColumnStart As Int [read only]
        return -1 if not selected
      • SelectedRowEnd As Int [read only]
        return -1 if not selected
      • SelectedRowStart As Int [read only]
        return -1 if not selected
      • Width As Int




For more details: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/xui-flexgrid.98686/

Significative release logs:
  • 0.12
    • Add method SelectCells (FromRow As Int, FromCol As Int, ToRow As Int, ToCol As Int, Mobile As Boolean)
    • Modify method SelectCell (Row As Int, Col As Int, Mobile As Boolean)
  • 0.15: Added HeaderFont
  • 0.16: Added SetColsNumber method.
  • 0.19 (Sample)
    • Add method AddRowCustomize (Cell As Object()
    • Add method SearchInColumn (Text As String, Col As Int, FromRow As Int, exactly As Boolean, IgnoreCap As Boolean) As Int
  • 0.21
    • Add TypeList. Allows you to add a ComboBox type box (Spinner in B4A and Picker in B4i) and select to a list
    • Added other examples to POST n. 2 To populate the grid from the database, search for a string in a column and to use TypeList in the grid
    • added SetCellListIndex method to change the position of the selected index
  • 0.25
    • Added SetHeadHeight method
      sets the height of the header
    • Added SetRowsHeight method
      sets the height of all lines
  • 0.27
    • added properties ScrollX and ScrollY
    • Added events ScrollX() and ScrollY()
  • 0.29: Fixed bugs in vertical scrolling
  • 0.31
    • Added SortForCol(Column As Int)
    • Added SetDataRow(Row As Int, Cell() As Object) and SetDataRow2(Row As Int, Cell() As Object, HeightRow As Int)
    • Added field ColorSelectedArea and ColorSelectingArea
    • Fix bug
  • 0.32
    • Added SearchInColumn2. Returns the list of search result lines
  • 0.33
    • Added setHeaderAlignment
  • 0.34
    • Added the ability to freeze the last row (foot row) as well as the header so you can enter column totals that always remain visible
    • Fix minor bugs
  • 0.35
    • Added the ability to select from Design that text cells are single or multiline
  • 0.36
    • Fix bugs: SortForCol; SetColsNumber
  • 0.37
    • Added: EditTextColor and EditBackgroundColor fields to be able to select colors for the on-site editable cell. By default it is black background and white text
  • 0.38
    • Fixed bug on CheckBox alignment
  • 0.39
    • Singleline and multiline option of the design now also affects the column header and column foot
  • 0.40
    • Added ScrollToCol (together with ScrollToRow it is possible to position in a specific cell)
  • 0.41
    • Fix bug
  • 0.42
    • Added Width and Height to change the size of the grid from code during execution
  • 0.43
    • Fixed bug on SearchInColumn2
  • 0.44
    • Added SetSingleLine - To set the cells to single or multiple lines
  • 0.45
    • Added SetPadding


  • B4A Sample.zip
    31 KB · Views: 1,725
  • B4i Sample.zip
    24.2 KB · Views: 866
  • B4j Sample.zip
    23.9 KB · Views: 1,301
  • SD_FlexGrid 0.45.zip
    37.9 KB · Views: 529
  • jSD_FlexGrid 0.45.zip
    38.7 KB · Views: 401
  • iSD_FlexGrid 0.45.zip
    327.4 KB · Views: 358
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Well-Known Member
Licensed User
only this:
FlexGrid1.SetCellCustomize (r, c, xui.Color_Green, xui.Color_Yellow, xui.CreateDefaultBoldFont (16))
I have tryed

for i = 0 to 100
next i

Sub FlexGrid1_CellClick(Row As Int, Col As Int)
   Select FlexGrid1.GetTypeCol(Col)
   Case FlexGrid1.TypeCheck
      Dim B As Boolean = FlexGrid1.GetCellValue(Row,Col)
      If B Then
      End If

but GetCellBackgroundColor does not return the code of xui.Color_Yellow. What is it for then?


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
I would have found another small bug. But give me confirmation if you like me to point them out or not. I don't want to bother you. In practice, if I choose to select the entire row, every time I touch any cell, at the second touch on the same cell, instead of making only that row remain selected, it also selects the one immediately below.

Sub FlexGrid1_CellClick(Row As Int, Col As Int)
    'if I double click on the same cell,
    'the right row and the one below are selected (two rows!)
    Select FlexGrid1.GetTypeCol(Col)
        Case FlexGrid1.TypeInt
            Dim I As String = FlexGrid1.GetCellValue(Row,Col)
            Log("Cell content: " & I)

furthermore by selecting the entire row, if I click on a checkbox, the second click (the check should reappear) is no longer taken into consideration and the check no longer appears
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I have tryed

for i = 0 to 100
next i

Sub FlexGrid1_CellClick(Row As Int, Col As Int)
   Select FlexGrid1.GetTypeCol(Col)
   Case FlexGrid1.TypeCheck
      Dim B As Boolean = FlexGrid1.GetCellValue(Row,Col)
      If B Then
      End If

but GetCellBackgroundColor does not return the code of xui.Color_Yellow. What is it for then?

It works for me. I used this code
    For I=0 To 9
    LogColor("Color" ,FlexGrid1.GetCellBackgroundColor(1,1))

Here is the result


Licensed User
Longtime User
I would have found another small bug. But give me confirmation if you like me to point them out or not. I don't want to bother you. In practice, if I choose to select the entire row, every time I touch any cell, at the second touch on the same cell, instead of making only that row remain selected, it also selects the one immediately below.

Sub FlexGrid1_CellClick(Row As Int, Col As Int)
    'if I double click on the same cell,
    'the right row and the one below are selected (two rows!)
    Select FlexGrid1.GetTypeCol(Col)
        Case FlexGrid1.TypeInt
            Dim I As String = FlexGrid1.GetCellValue(Row,Col)
            Log("Cell content: " & I)

furthermore by selecting the entire row, if I click on a checkbox, the second click (the check should reappear) is no longer taken into consideration and the check no longer appears
It works for me. Make sure you are not using ActiveCheckBox, it is no longer needed in version 0.09

Obviously, until it completes the display of the views it does not enable events.


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
As soon as you have time, take a look at this simple example.
I added a line of code to make sure that when I click on a checkbox, it changes the color of the text of the beside cell (column 1) If true: red; if false: blue.
But it doesn't keep the background color!

Also with each tap, I would like the entire row to be selected.
But if you de-COMMENT the instruction
FlexGrid1.SelectRow (Row)
you will see that after clicking on a checkbox, if you click again on the same checkbox, not only does the checkbox no longer react, but two lines are selected.


  • Test Flexgrid di StarDust.zip
    124.2 KB · Views: 355


Licensed User
Longtime User
As soon as you have time, take a look at this simple example.
I added a line of code to make sure that when I click on a checkbox, it changes the color of the text of the beside cell (column 1) If true: red; if false: blue.
But it doesn't keep the background color!
Dear friend,

You made a programming mistake. The color retains it, only you are transferring the background color of the wrong box.

Replace this
If B Then
End If
with this
If B Then
End If

I used your source code, with the fix mentioned
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Licensed User
Longtime User
But if you de-COMMENT the instruction
FlexGrid1.SelectRow (Row)
you will see that after clicking on a checkbox, if you click again on the same checkbox, not only does the checkbox no longer react, but two lines are selected.
Dear friend,

Here in my opinion you are making a mistake of use.



Well-Known Member
Licensed User
quite right. I apologize for the distraction. Regards the selection of the row, I do want select the row not the column (as in your gif)
Tap only on a single cell.
The row is selected and is ok
Another tap on the same cell, select the next row!
Is normal?
thanks for your time


Licensed User
Longtime User
quite right. I apologize for the distraction. Regards the selection of the row, I do want select the row not the column (as in your gif)
Tap only on a single cell.
The row is selected and is ok
Another tap on the same cell, select the next row!
Is normal?
thanks for your time
I have done several tests, it is not something that always happens. It is probably related to some aspects related to compatibility with iOs. It will be fixed in the next update


Licensed User
Longtime User
Update 0.11


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Great. There remains only the problem that when there is a selected line the checkbox does not respond to the tap. Work for a next update!


Licensed User
Longtime User
Update 0.12
  • Add method SelectCells (FromRow As Int, FromCol As Int, ToRow As Int, ToCol As Int, Mobile As Boolean)
    If Mobile is True, the selectable area can be enlarged by touching and dragging it to the desired box.
  • Modify method SelectCell (Row As Int, Col As Int, Mobile As Boolean); Add Mobile parameter
  • Fix Bugs
  • Update Example
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Licensed User
Longtime User
This is B4J libraries thread. Is the new version for B4A and B4i only? And its name iSD_FlexGrid? ?
As it is a B4X library, it fits anywhere on the forum.
In any case, one day I will also add B4J .... I think


Licensed User
Longtime User
After two and a half years, i Added B4J version still in beta phase. Cell selection is not functional
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Update rel. 0.13
  1. Added cell selection also in B4J
  2. Improved selection visibility. When the selection is activated and it is still editable, the selection frame will be surrounded by a red border.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Having a problem with this code

Private Sub btnClear_Click
    txtBarcode.Text = " "
    txtCustomer.Text = " "
    txtCategory.Text = "  "
    txtWine.Text = "  "
    txtDest.Text = " "
    txtWare.text = " "
End Sub

The Flexgrid is not being cleared. This is running on B4A

Thanks for your help


Licensed User
Longtime User
Having a problem with this code

Private Sub btnClear_Click
    txtBarcode.Text = " "
    txtCustomer.Text = " "
    txtCategory.Text = "  "
    txtWine.Text = "  "
    txtDest.Text = " "
    txtWare.text = " "
End Sub

The Flexgrid is not being cleared. This is running on B4A

Thanks for your help
This command is used to reset the selection. This does not mean that it deletes the contained data, but that the previously selected data will no longer be selected.