B4J Library [B4X] [XUI] xChartMini b4xlib

Current version : 1.5

xChartMini is a b4xlib library, it is a minimalist version of the xChartLite library which is a lite version of the full xChart library.

It has automatic scales, which can also be set manually.
Automatic text size according to the chart size.

I am convinced that many user do not need all kind of different possible charts and settings.
The size of the code is a little bit more than the half of the xChartLite version and about one fifth of the full version.

Supported charts:
- Bar
- Stacked bar
- Lines

The demo project is a B4XPages project using the xChartMini library.
Tested on PC, Android Samsung S10, Samsung Tab S2, iPhone 8 and iPad.
xChartMiniDemoV1_0.zip B4XPages cross platform project using the xChartMini library.
xChartMini.b4xlib The xChartMini B4X library file. You must copy it into your your AdditionalLibraries\B4X folder.
xChartMini.xml Help file, it is useful with the B4X Help Viewer or the B4XObjectBrowser.
Don’t copy the xChartMini.xml file to the AdditionalLibraries folder!

EDIT: 2025.01.01 Version 1.5
Added the BarMaginMode, MaxDigits, NumberFormatGroupingUsed and NumberFormatGroupingCharacter

EDIT: 2024.06.17 Version 1.4
Changed the 0 axis highligt property, it is now behind the data lines

EDIT: 2024.01.11 Version 1.3
Added CodeSnippets

EDIT: 2023.11.15 Version 1.2
Improved check of chart incompatibilities

EDIT: 2023.11.14 Version 1.1
Added check of chart incompatibilities
Amended AutomaticScales with only one point


Klaus CHRISTL (klaus)
Version: 1.5
  • xChartMini
    • Events:
      • CursorTouch (Action As Int, CursorPointIndex As Int)
        Action, same as the Panel Touch event.
        CursorPointIndex, is the index of the point at the current cursor position.
    • Fields:
      • mBase As B4XView
      • Items As List
        Items are Bars, Lines etc.
      • Points As List
        Points contain the point coordinates.
    • Methods:
      • AddBar (Name As String, BarColor As Int) As String
        adds a bar
        only for Bar and StackedBar charts !
      • AddBarMultiplePoint (X As String, YArray As Double())
        adds multibar points data
        only for Bar and StackedBar charts !
      • AddBarPointData (X As String, Y As Double) As String)
        adds single bar point data
        only for Bar charts !
      • AddLine (Name As String, LineColor As Int)
        adds a line
        only for Line charts !
      • AddLine2 (Name As String, LineColor As Int, StrokeWidth As Int, PointType As String, PointFilled As Boolean, PointColor As Int) As String
        adds a line
        StrokeWidth = line thickness
        PointType, possible values: "NONE", "CIRCLE", "SQUARE", "TRIANGLE", "RHOMBUS", "CROSS+", "CROSSX"
        only for Line charts !
      • AddLineMultiplePoints (X As String, YArray As Double(), ShowTick As Boolean) As String
        adds multiline points data
        ShowTick = True displays the x value in the X axis
        only for Line charts !
      • AddLinePointData (X As String, Y As Double, ShowTick As Boolean)
        adds single line point data
        ShowTick = True displays the x value in the X axis
        only for Line charts !
      • Base_Resize (Width As Double, Height As Double)
        resizes the Chart with new Width and Height
      • ClearData
        clears all data, not the title nor axis names
      • ClearPoints
        clears all points, not the title nor axis names
      • DrawChart
        draws a chart
      • GetMaxNumberBars As Int
        Returns an Int
        gets the max number of displayable bars or group of bars
        this method can be called before DrawChart to determine the number max of displayable bars
        this can allow to adapt the filling routine according to the capacity of the chart
      • GetMaxNumberBars2 As Int
        Gets the max number of displayable bars or group of bars.
        This method can be called before DrawChart to determine the number max of displayable bars.
        This can allow to adapt the filling routine according to the capacity of the chart.
        Not as precise as GetMaxNumberBars
      • Initialize (Callback As Object, EventName As String) As String
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
        Tests whether the object has been initialized.
      • NumberFormat3 (Number As Double, MaxDigits As Int) As String
        formats a number with scientific notation
        MaxDigits = number max of digits
        Examples: 1.23456 / 12.3456 / 1234.56 / 123456 / 1.23E10
      • RemovePointData (Index As Int) As String
        removes the data of the point with the given index
    • Properties:
      • AutomaticScale As Boolean
        gets or sets the AutomaticScale property
        if True, the scales are automatically calculated to fill the chart, with 1, 2, 2.5, 5 standardized scales
      • AxisTextColor As Int
        gets or sets the AxisTextColor property
      • BarMarginMode As Int
        Gets or sets the BarMarginMode propertyPossible values: 0, 1, 2
        0 > The bar width is an Int, this produces constant bar widths and variable margins at the left and right side and a constant chart width
        1 > The bar width is a Double, this produces variable bar widths and fixed margins at the left and right side and a constant chart width
        2 > The bar width is an Int, this produces constant bar widths, and fixed margins and a variable chart widt
      • ChartBackgroundColor As Int
        sets the ChartBackgroundColor property
        the color must be an xui.Color
        Example code: <code>xChart1.ChartBackgroundColor = xui.Color_RGB(207, 220, 220)</code>
      • ChartType As String
        gets or sets the chart type
        Possible values: LINE, BAR, STACKED_BAR
      • DrawXScale As Boolean
        gets or sets the DrawXScale property
        True by default, if False doesn't draw the X scale values
        not drawing the scale can be useful for small charts
        not for logarithmic scales
      • DrawYScale As Boolean
        gets or sets the DrawYScale property
        True by default, if False doesn't draw the Y scale values
        not drawing the scale can be useful for small charts
        not for logarithmic scales
      • GradientColors As Boolean
        gets or sets the GradientColors property
      • GradientColorsAlpha As Int
        gets or sets the GradientColorsAlpha property
        values between 0 and 255
        setting this value, set automatically the GradientColors property to True
      • GridColor As Int
        sets the GridColor property
        the color must be an xui.Color
        Example code: <code>xChart1.GridColor = xui.Color_RGB(169, 169, 169)</code>
      • GridFrameColor As Int
        sets the GridFrameColor property
        the color must be an xui.Color
        Example code: <code>xChart1.GridFrameColor = xui.Color_Blue</code>
      • Height As Int
        gets or sets the Height property
      • IncludeLegend As String
        gets or sets the IncludeLegend property
        possible values: NONE, TOP_RIGHT, BOTTOM
      • Left As Int
        gets or sets the Left property
      • LegendBackgroundColor As Int
        sets the LegendBackgroundColor property
        the color must be an xui.Color
        Example code: xChart1.LegendBackgroundColor = xui.Color_ARGB(102, 255, 255, 255)
      • LegendTextColor As Int
        sets the LegendTextColor property
        the color must be an xui.Color
        Example code: xChart1.LegendTextColor = xui.Color_Black
      • MaxDigits As Int
        Gets or sets the MaxDigits propertyNumber of digits of the displayed values
        Values between 6 and 10
        Default value = 6
        Examples for 6 digits: 1.23456 / 12.3456 / 1234.56 / 123456 / 1.2E10
        Examples for 8 digits: 1.2345678 / 12.345678 / 1234.5678 / 12345678 / 1.2345E
      • NbPoints As Int [read only]
        gets the number of points (read only)
      • NbYIntervals As Int
        gets or sets the NbYIntervals property, number of Y axis intervals
        should be an even number, otherwise the 0 scale value might not be displayed
      • NumberFormatGroupingCharacter As String
        Gets or sets the NumberFormatGroupingCharacter propertyPossible values Space or Comma.
        Displays big numbers like
        1 234 567.89 or 1,234,567.89 instead of 1234567.89
        The NumberFormatGroupingUsed property must be set to True
      • NumberFormatGroupingUsed As Boolean
        Gets or sets the NumberFormatGroupingUsed property
        The same as in NumberFormat2(GroupingUsed) True displays big numbers like
        1 234 567.89 or 1,234,567.89 instead of 1234567.89
      • ScaleTextColor As Int
        sets the ScaleTextColor property
        the color must be an xui.Color
        Example code: <code>xChart1.ScaleTextColor = xui.Color_Blue</code>
      • ScaleValues As String
        Gets or sets the ScaleValues property
        It is a string with the different scale values separated by the exclamation mark.
        It must begin with 1! and end with !10
        Example: the default property 1!2!2.5!5!10
      • Snapshot As B4XBitmap [read only]
        returns a B4XBitmap object of the chart (read only)
      • Subtitle As String
        gets or sets the Subtitle property
      • SubtitleTextColor As Int
        gets or sets the SubtitleTextColor property
        the color must be an xui.Color
        Example code: <code>xChart1.SubitleTextColor = xui.Color_Black</code>
      • Title As String
        gets or sets the Chart title
      • TitleTextColor As Int
        sets the TitleTextColor property
        the color must be an xui.Color
        Example code: <code>xChart1.TitleTextColor = xui.Color_Black</code>
      • Top As Int
        gets or sets the Top property
      • Visible As Boolean
        gets or sets the Visible property
      • Width As Int
        gets or sets the Width property
      • XAxisName As String
        gets or sets the X axis name
      • XScaleTextOrientation As String
        gets or sets the X scale text orientation
        Possible values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL, 45 DEGREES
      • YAxisName As String
        gets or sets the Y axis name
      • YScaleMaxValue As Double
        gets or sets the Y scale max value
        works only with AutomaticScale = False
        setting XScaleMaxValue sets automatically AutomaticScale = False
      • YScaleMinValue As Double
        gets or sets the Y scale min value
        works only with AutomaticScale = False
        setting XScaleMaxValue sets automatically AutomaticScale = False
      • YZeroAxis As Boolean
        gets or sets the YZeroAxis property for LINE charts
        if all values are positives, sets the lower Y scale to zero
        if all values are negatives, sets the upper Y scale to zero


  • xChartMiniDemoV1_0.zip
    31.4 KB · Views: 418
  • xChartMini.b4xlib
    14.1 KB · Views: 58
  • xChartMini.xml
    22.5 KB · Views: 44
Last edited:


Licensed User
Longtime User
You may want to remove the list of xCharts that are not supported from the 'Properies' section of your first post, since you mention in the summary that only Bar, Stacked bar, Lines are supported.


Active Member
Licensed User
Yeah, that's awesome.
I racked my brains for several days on the full version and only need to show the "BARS" part.
What happiness...
Thank you so much


Licensed User
Longtime User
The library has been updated to Version 1..5
Added the BarMaginMode, MaxDigits, NumberFormatGroupingUsed and NumberFormatGroupingCharacter
Changed the 0 axis highligt property, it is now behind the data lines
Added CodeSnippets
Improved check of chart incompatibilities
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