B4J Tutorial [BANanoVuetifyAD3] Create Professional Looking Vuetify WebSites & WebApps with BANano


Feb 2024: BVAD3 RoadMap


Download Additional Libraries
Download BANanoVuetifyAD3Core Library OR Download BANanoVuetifyAD3 Library
Download Kitchen Sink WebApp (Optional - useful for Learning how this works)
Download BVAD3Builder (Optional - useful to trim your final package)

Full Install Instructions on Github

What's New

To use this free and open source B4J library, you need BANano.


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YouTube: Mashy Teaches Video Series
B4x Blog: Mashy Teaches BVAD3 - New Series
Full Demo: New Awesome Kitchen Sink

Notable Forum Members Contributions

@Erel : Obviously
@alwaysbusy : valuable advice etc, BANano (incl. adjustments that support BVAD3)
@LJG : BANanoServer jRDC2, best overall bug finder
@aeric: Recommendations & Enhancements etc
@Star-Dust : Small solutions to development hitches etc

What's Next?

You will find the most up to date content from this post onwards

Testing DataBase Connectivity (PHP)

The kitchen sink now has connectity testing for the various backends. To ensure that your app will work, you can check if your back-end is accessible.


WebServers You Can Use

Laragon - publish to c:\laragon\www

IIS - Publish to C:\inetpub\wwwroot
XAMPP - change your publish folder to use // instead of \

You can find more information here related to IDE Setup


PS: Log Warnings & Compilation Errors

1. Please check the pre-run logs. In most cases modules with warnings will have an underline. Warning, 9, 10, 11, 12 are normal, don't be scared.


2. manifext.txt file not found - Download the library source code and RUN to recompile on your PC. "Do not Compile to Library"
3. Do a HARD REFRESH of your browser.[/B]
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Part 41 continued..

You need to create a service worker file after BANano.Build.

NB: The service worker file should reside on the root folder of your web server

    'on chrome DISABLE: chrome://flags/#enable-native-notifications
    'add firebase messaging service worker
    'at root of site.
    File.Copy(File.DirAssets, "firebase-logo.png", Publish, "firebase-logo.png")
    'create the service worker file
    Dim fbm As String = File.Combine(Publish, "firebase-messaging-sw.js")
File.WriteString("", fbm, $"//self.addEventListener("notificationclose", console.log);
//self.addEventListener("notificationclick", console.log);


var firebaseConfig = {
    apiKey: "(redacted)",
    authDomain: "(redacted)",
    projectId: "(redacted)",
    storageBucket: "(redacted)",
    messagingSenderId: "(redacted)",
    appId: "(redacted)",
    measurementId: "(redacted)"

const messaging = firebase.messaging();

messaging.onBackgroundMessage(function(payload) {
  console.log('service worker', payload);
  const notification = payload.notification;
  const notificationTitle = notification.title;
  const notificationOptions = {
    body: notification.body,
    icon: '/firebase-logo.png',
    tag: 'fb'
    requireInteraction: true,
  return self.registration.showNotification(notificationTitle, notificationOptions);
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Part 41 Continued

Our next step is to try and attempt to send messages via the client. We will use a token to do this and send the message using BANanoFetch. This will send a message which can be received when the app has the focus or in background (latter not tested yet)

You can create your user interface to do this anyway you want of course...

1. Get the registered token to send a message to.


We can then use Push.JS to show the notification on the client side when the app runs in the foreground!

'use fetch
    Dim response As BANanoFetchResponse
    Dim error As BANanoObject
    Dim data As BANanoJSONParser
    Dim options As BANanoFetchOptions
    options.Method = "POST"
    'lets define the headers
    Dim hdrs As Map = CreateMap()
    hdrs.Put("Content-Type", "application/json;")
    hdrs.Put("Authorization", "key=" & firebase.serverkey)
    options.Headers = hdrs
    'lets define the notification
    Dim notification As Map = CreateMap()
    notification.put("title", stitle)
    notification.Put("body", smessage)
    notification.Put("icon", "./assets/firebase-logo.png")
    'lets define the body of the fetch
    Dim body As Map = CreateMap()
    body.put("to", stoken)
    body.put("notification", notification)
    options.Body = banano.ToJson(body)
    Dim fetch As BANanoFetch
    fetch.Initialize("https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send", options)
    Dim res As Map = data.NextObject
    Dim results As List = res.get("results")
    If results.Size > 0 Then
        Dim result As Map = results.Get(0)
        Dim smessage_id As String = result.Get("message_id")
        vuetify.ShowSnackBarSuccess("Message ID: " & smessage_id)
    End If

To be continued...


Licensed User
Longtime User
Part 41 continued.

To show the notification at client side, we write some code. Thanks to stack over-flow.

messaging.onMessage(function(payload) {
    console.log("onMessage: ", payload);
    navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistration('/firebase-cloud-messaging-push-scope').then(registration => {

We write this in BANano as...

'when a message is received when app has focus
'Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40411059/create-firebase-notification-with-page-in-foreground-focus/60247902#60247902
Sub onMessage(payload As Map)
    Log("foreground: onMessage...")
    Dim notification As Map = payload.Get("notification")
    Dim sbody As String = notification.Get("body")
    Dim sicon As String = notification.Get("icon")
    Dim stitle As String = notification.Get("title")
    Dim nav As BANanoNavigator = banano.Navigator
    Dim registration As BANanoObject
    Dim swe As Map
    Dim swr As BANanoPromise = nav.GetField("serviceWorker").RunMethod("getRegistration", "/firebase-cloud-messaging-push-scope")
    Dim notificationOptions As Map = CreateMap()
    notificationOptions.Put("body", sbody)
    notificationOptions.Put("icon", "./assets/firebase-logo.png")
    notificationOptions.Put("requireInteraction", True)
    notificationOptions.Put("putvibrate", Array(300, 100, 400))
    registration.RunMethod("showNotification", Array(stitle, notificationOptions))
    vuetify.ShowSnackBarError("We could not show the notification...")
End Sub



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Longtime User
Version 2.90 BETA Releases.

1. Important bug fix with .GetData where propety uses a .
2. Switch fix.


By default, when the switch does not have a color specified, it uses a "primary" color.

The second switch here a "success" specification for the color. So one can really "see" when OFF and ON.

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Active Member
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Tutorial 40a: The MySQLCRUD class to build CRUD code e.g. data-table and dialog box.

Download Version 2.75 BETA

This library class helps one generate CRUD source code for MySQL backend and the generated CRUD source code can be easily adopted as per tutorial 34... for MSSQL, SQLite and BANanoSQL databases, after all, those share 99% source code for CRUD.

  • Diag_AddTextField (fldName As String, row As Int, col As Int, vmodel As String, title As String)
    add a text field to the dialog
  • Diag_AddTextArea (fldName As String, row As Int, col As Int, vmodel As String, title As String)
    add a text area to the dialog
  • Diag_AddTimePicker (fldName As String, row As Int, col As Int, vmodel As String, title As String)
    add a time picker dialog
  • Diag_AddDatePicker (fldName As String, row As Int, col As Int, vmodel As String, title As String)
    add a date picker to the dialog
  • Diag_AddFileInput (fldName As String, row As Int, col As Int, vmodel As String, title As String, bMultiple As Boolean)
    add a file input to the dialog
  • Diag_AddPassword (fldName As String, row As Int, col As Int, vmodel As String, title As String, maxLen As Int)
    add a password to the dialog
  • Diag_AddCombo (fldName As String, row As Int, col As Int, vmodel As String, Title As String, DataSource As String, Key As String, Value As String, bReturnObject As Boolean, bMultiple As Boolean)
    add a combo to the dialog
  • Diag_AddSelect (fldName As String, row As Int, col As Int, vmodel As String, Title As String, DataSource As String, Key As String, Value As String, bReturnObject As Boolean, bMultiple As Boolean)
    add a select to the dialog
  • Diag_AddAutoComplete (fldName As String, row As Int, col As Int, vmodel As String, Title As String, DataSource As String, Key As String, Value As String, bReturnObject As Boolean, bMultiple As Boolean)
    add an auto complete to the dialog
  • Diag_AddCheckBox (fldName As String, row As Int, col As Int, vmodel As String, title As String, YesValue As Object, NoValue As Object)
    add a checkbox to the dialog
  • Diag_AddSwitch (fldName As String, row As Int, col As Int, vmodel As String, title As String, YesValue As Object, NoValue As Object, bInset As Boolean)
    add a switch to the dialog
  • Diag_AddRadioGroup (fldName As String, row As Int, col As Int, vmodel As String, Title As String, DataSource As String, Key As String, Value As String, bRow As Boolean, bMultiple As Boolean)
    add a radio group to the dialog
  • Diag_AddImage (fldName As String, row As Int, col As Int, url As String, lazysrc As String, alt As String, width As String, height As String)
    add an image to the dialog
  • DT_SetTextArea (colName As String, bLarge As Boolean)
    set a text area data-table edit dialog
  • DT_SetTextField (colName As String, bLarge As Boolean)
    set a text field data-table edit dialog
  • DT_AddTitleIcon (elID As String, eIcon As String, btnColor As String)
    add an icon to the data-table toolbar
  • DT_AddAction (colField As String, colTitle As String, colIcon As String)
    add an action column to the data-table
  • DT_AddIconView (colField As String, colTitle As String, colColor As String)
    add an icon view column to the data-table
  • DT_AddChip (colField As String, colTitle As String, colColor As String)
    add a chip column to the data-table
  • DT_AddSwitch (colField As String, colTitle As String)
    add a switch column to the data-table
  • DT_AddCheckBox (colField As String, colTitle As String)
    add a checkbox column to the data-table
  • DT_AddImage (colField As String, colTitle As String)
    add an image column to the data-table
  • DT_AddFileSize (colField As String, colTitle As String)
    add a file size column to the data-table
  • DT_AddTime (colField As String, colTitle As String)
    add a time column to the data-table
  • DT_AddMoney (colField As String, colTitle As String)
    add a money column to the data-table
  • DT_AddLink (colField As String, colTitle As String, target As String)
    add a link column to the data-table
  • DT_AddAvatarImg (colField As String, colTitle As String)
    add an avatar column to the data-table
  • DT_AddRating (colField As String, colTitle As String)
    add a rating column to the data-table
  • DT_AddProgressCircular (colField As String, colTitle As String)
    add a progress circular column to the data-table
  • DT_AddProgressLinear (colField As String, colTitle As String)
    add a progress linear column to the data-table
  • DT_AddColumn (colName As String, colTitle As String)
    add a column to the data-table
  • DT_AddDateColumn (colName As String, colTitle As String, colFormat As String)
    add a date column to the data-table
  • DT_AddDateTimeColumnDate (colName As String, colTitle As String, colFormat As String)
    add a date time column to the data-table
  • DT_AddNumberColumn (colName As String, colTitle As String, colFormat As String)
    add a number column to the data-table
  • DT_AddButtonColumn (colName As String, colTitle As String)
    add a button column to the data-table
  • DT_AddLinkColumn (colName As String, colTitle As String, target As String)
    add a link column to the data-table
  • DT_AddColumn1 (colName As String, colTitle As String, colType As String, colWidth As Int, colSortable As Boolean, colAlign As String)
    add a column to the data-table
  • AddDefaults (fld As String, def As String)
    set dault value for a field
  • AddVisibility (fld As String, bVisibility As Boolean)
    set visibility for a field
  • Prepare As MySQLCRUD
    prepare for execution
  • AddStrings (stringNames As List)
    add field data types - strings
  • AddFilters (fltName As List)
    add columns to filter
  • AddIntegers (integerNames As List)
    add field data types - integers
  • AddDoubles (doubleNames As List)
    add field data types - doubles
  • AddBlobs (blobNames As List)
    add field data types - blobs
  • ToString As String
    convert to string
  • Save
    save the generated source code
Above, we have methods here for Diag (Dialog) and DT (Data-Tables). The generated source code will be used to draw up a dialog box for user input and data-table for listing records etc, linked to a MySQL backend database.


1. In your MySQL, create a database named "test" and a table named "users". The .AddStrings and .AddIntegers method calls below have your field names and types. Use those to create the schema of your Users table.

2. Create a new Code Module, name it ViewMySQLUsers, you can use tutorial 40 for this.

3. On BANano_Ready, define your code builder. This is an example. This will generate a text file.

'define and initialize the code builder
    Dim crud As MySQLCRUD
    'define the database name
    crud.databasename = "test"
    'define the table name
    crud.tablename = "user"
    'what is the primary key of this table
    crud.PrimaryKey = "userid"
    'which field is the auto-increment field, if none comment out
    crud.AutoIncrement = "userid"
    'what is the singular name for each record
    crud.Singular = "User"
    'what is the plural name for many records
    crud.Plural = "Users"
    'which field should be used to sort the records
    crud.SortBy = "fullname"
    'what is the component name to create
    crud.componentname = "users"
    'we have an alert/confirm dialog
    crud.HasDialog = True
    'IMPORTANT before execution

    'add data types for the backend
    crud.AddStrings(Array("firstname", "lastname", "add1", "add2", "add3", "city", "tel1", "tel2", "email", "active", "profilepic", "password", "regdate", "fullname"))
    crud.AddIntegers(Array("userid", "provinceid"))

    'add these after data type indications to specify the default values per field
    crud.AddDefaults("userid", -1)
    crud.AddDefaults("provinceid", -1)
    crud.AddDefaults("firstname", "")
    crud.AddDefaults("lastname", "")
    crud.AddDefaults("add1", "")
    crud.AddDefaults("add2", "")
    crud.AddDefaults("add3", "")
    crud.AddDefaults("city", "")
    crud.AddDefaults("tel1", "")
    crud.AddDefaults("tel2", "")
    crud.AddDefaults("email", "")
    crud.AddDefaults("active", "Yes")
    crud.AddDefaults("profilepic", "")
    crud.AddDefaults("password", "")
    crud.AddDefaults("regdate", "")
    crud.AddDefaults("fullname", "")

    'when dialog is opened, focus on which field. NB: This currently raises an error, comment it out on final file
    crud.focuson = "firstname"
    'the field value to show to confirm deletion
    crud.DisplayField = "fullname"
    'the data-table has search
    crud.DT_HasSearch = True
    'the data-table has an add new button
    crud.DT_HasAddNew = True
    'the data-table has clear sort
    crud.DT_HasClearSort = True
    'the data-table has a column visibility filter
    crud.DT_HasFilter = True
    'the data-table has a refresh button
    crud.DT_HasRefresh = True

    'the data-table has an edit column
    crud.DT_HasEdit = True
    'the data-table has a delete column
    crud.DT_HasDelete = True
    'add columns to data table
    'crud.DT_AddColumn("transtypeid", "Type ID")
    crud.DT_AddAvatarImg("profilepic", "Profile Pic")
    crud.DT_AddColumn("firstname", "First Name")
    crud.DT_AddColumn("lastname", "Last Name")
    crud.DT_AddColumn("email", "Email")
    crud.DT_AddColumn("tel1", "Mobile #")
    crud.DT_AddDateTimeColumnDate("regdate", "Registration", "")
    crud.DT_AddSwitch("active", "Active")

    'we want inline-editing on the data-table, these columns should use a text field
    crud.DT_SetTextField("firstname", True)
    crud.DT_SetTextField("lastname", True)
    crud.DT_SetTextField("email", True)
    crud.DT_SetTextField("tel1", True)

    'dialog settings
    'set visibility for the fields you want hidden in the dialog
    crud.AddVisibility("userid", False)
    'the width of the dialog box
    crud.DialogWidth = "400"

    crud.Diag_AddTextField("userid", 1, 1, "userid", "User #")

    crud.Diag_AddImage("profilepic", 2, 1, "profilepic", "", "User Profile", "80", "80")
    crud.Diag_AddFileInput("chooseprofile", 2, 2, "chooseprofile", "Choose Profile Picture", False)

    crud.Diag_AddTextField("firstname", 3, 1, "firstname", "First Name")
    crud.Diag_AddTextField("lastname", 3, 2, "lastname", "Last Name")

    crud.Diag_AddTextField("tel1", 4, 1, "tel1", "Mobile #")
    crud.Diag_AddTextField("tel1", 4, 2, "tel1", "Telephone #")

    crud.Diag_AddTextField("add1", 5, 1, "add1", "Address Line 1")
    crud.Diag_AddTextField("add2", 6, 1, "add2", "Address Line 2")
    crud.Diag_AddTextField("add3", 7, 1, "add3", "Address Line 3")
    crud.Diag_AddTextField("city", 8, 1, "city", "City")
    crud.Diag_AddTextField("provinceid", 8, 2, "provinceid", "Province")

    crud.Diag_AddSwitch("active", 9, 1, "active", "Active", "Yes", "No", True)

4. Paste the contents of the text file to your ViewMySQLUsers code module. Initialize the ViewMySQLUsers on AddRouters and also add it to your Links. Ensure the msconfig.php file is set propertly.

5. In your app, comment the builder code out and run your app.

Try it out!

PS: You need to update the code before .BuildGrid for the dialog to meet the requirements of your dialog. Reference the BANanoExcel library from the External Libraries folder from the repo.

Known Issues:

CheckBoxes, Switches have a data-binding bug with the v-dialog. Still investigating.
Hi:?@Mashiane :
After trying for a long time, although I can generate the code, I still don’t know how to use it
1. Is there a video to learn?
2. Whether to generate MSSQLCRUD?


  • users.txt
    9.8 KB · Views: 245
  • 1609661185297.png
    317.8 KB · Views: 193


Licensed User
Longtime User
After trying for a long time, although I can generate the code, I still don’t know how to use it
There is no video for the MySQLCRUD class, however in that post, I did indicate how one needs to use the code.



1. You have defined mysqlconfig.php to connect to your database, this database should be named "test"
2. You have a database named "test" and a table named "user"
3. You have used the schema indicated in the MySQLCRUD you have defined to create the users table.
4. You have created the ViewMySQLUsers code module in B4X.
5. You run the above code in BANano_Ready (comment out pgIndex.Initialize)
6. Copy the generated text file contents to ViewMySQLUsers code module as is.
7. Comment the code to create text file on BANano_Ready and uncomment pgIndex.Initialize
8. In AddRouters, add ViewMySQLUsers.Initialize
9. On the links, add an additional link to point to ViewMySQLUsers.
10. Run the application,

I will attempt to have a demo video sometime..
