Wish Cron expression parser


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Longtime User
I think it will not really help as the lib is using it own threads (written in java) where your JAVA code need to run...

If you write a java app with Android Studio or Eclipse then you can use this library to easily get your own java-code executed at the right time. But it must be java-code (embedded in a task for jCron)

I only can imagine it would be possible to wrap just the analysis (reading the crontab, creating a intern taklist) and then just raise an event in your app.


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I would be great to have a lib, that just reads cron expression and returns one or a list of dates the task shuold run.
This way using b4x timer i can run these tasks acordig to this list.

I need that for scheduler for home automation, that can be configured in the config file.
I think cron expression gives very wild range of configs for the execusion time in just a simle string.


Active Member
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Longtime User
I think it will not really help as the lib is using it own threads (written in java) where your JAVA code need to run...

If you write a java app with Android Studio or Eclipse then you can use this library to easily get your own java-code executed at the right time. But it must be java-code (embedded in a task for jCron)

I only can imagine it would be possible to wrap just the analysis (reading the crontab, creating a intern taklist) and then just raise an event in your app.
I found that written in js - it's called later.js http://bunkat.github.io/later/
I would be very nice to have something simmilar in b4x :)