B4J Tutorial "Embedding" JSpice in B4J

It is based on this Github posting (JSpice) and the post that was placed here.

"Waar daar 'n wil is, is daar 'n weg" - where there is a will, there is a way....

The values in the TextArea and the Line Chart are 100% embedded in the attached B4J project. A bit of string manipulation to get the Xvalues and Yvalues extracted from the returned string to prepare them for the line chart - but it is working and the sample should be ample for those that want to fiddle around with JSpice.

Click on the line of the line chart - it will show the X/Y values at the bottom right of the chart

Get the Jar from here:

B4J Main Code:
#Region Project Attributes
    #MainFormWidth: 800
    #MainFormHeight: 800
#End Region

#AdditionalJar: jspice-0.0.1.jar

Sub Process_Globals
    Private fx As JFX
    Private MainForm As Form
    Private xui As XUI
    Private TextArea1 As TextArea

    Private Pane1 As Pane
    Dim lc1 As linechart

    Dim myLineChart As JavaObject
    Dim lclabel As Label
End Sub

Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
    MainForm = Form1
    TextArea1.Text = ""

    Dim spice As JSpice
    lclabel.Text = ""
    lclabel.TextColor = fx.Colors.Red
'    Dim builder As NetlistBuilder
'    builder.Initialize
'    builder.AddNetlistDCCurrent("a", 1, Array As String("0", "1")).AddNetlistResistor("R1", 10, Array As String("1", "0"))
'    builder.AddNetlistResistor("R2", 1000, Array As String("1", "2")).AddNetlistResistor("R3", 1000, Array As String("2", "0"))
'    Dim Netlist As JavaObject = builder.Build
'    spice.Simulate(Netlist)

''    Dim netlist1 As IVR
''    netlist1.Initialize
''    Dim dcCurrent As Double = 1
''    Dim R1 As Double = 10
''    Dim R2 As Double = 1000
''    Dim R3 As Double = 1000
''    netlist1.addNetlistDCCurrent("a", dcCurrent, Array As String("0", "1"))
''    netlist1.addNetlistResistor("R1", R1, Array As String("1", "0"))
''    netlist1.addNetlistResistor("R2", R2, Array As String("1", "2"))
''    netlist1.addNetlistResistor("R3", R3, Array As String("2", "0"))
''    spice.Simulate(netlist1.build)
''    '*******************************************************************************************************************************
''    Dim netlist2 As IVR                   'use for DC Current Source, DC Voltage Source, and Resistors
''    netlist2.Initialize
''    Dim dcCurrent As Double = 0.02
''    netlist2.addNetlistDCCurrent("a", dcCurrent, Array As String("0", "4"))        'set the current source
''    Dim dcVoltage As Double = 10
''    netlist2.addNetlistDCVoltage("x", dcVoltage, Array As String("2", "5"))        'set the voltage source
''    Dim R1 As Double = 100
''    netlist2.addNetlistResistor("R1", R1, Array As String("5", "0"))               'set the resistors
''    Dim R2 As Double = 1000
''    netlist2.addNetlistResistor("R2", R2, Array As String("0", "3"))
''    Dim R3 As Double = 1000
''    netlist2.addNetlistResistor("R3", R3, Array As String("2", "3"))
''    Dim R4 As Double = 100
''    netlist2.addNetlistResistor("R4", R4, Array As String("1", "2"))
''    Dim R5 As Double = 1000
''    netlist2.addNetlistResistor("R5", R5, Array As String("3", "0"))
''    Dim R6 As Double = 10000
''    netlist2.addNetlistResistor("R6", R6, Array As String("1", "4"))
''    spice.Simulate(netlist2.build)
    Dim netlist3 As IVR
    Dim dcVoltage As Double = 10
    netlist3.addNetlistDCVoltage("x", dcVoltage, Array As String("1", "0"))        'set the voltage source
    Dim R4 As Double = 100
    netlist3.addNetlistResistor("R4", R4, Array As String("1", "2"))               'set the resistors
    Dim R3 As Double = 1000
    netlist3.addNetlistResistor("R3", R3, Array As String("2", "3"))               'set the resistors
    Dim R2 As Double = 1000
    netlist3.addNetlistResistor("R2", R2, Array As String("3", "0"))               'set the resistors
    Dim R1 As Double = 100
    netlist3.addNetlistResistor("R1", R1, Array As String("2", "0"))               'set the resistors
    Dim startval As Double = 100
    Dim endval As Double = 10000
    Dim stepval As Double = 100
    Dim dcSweepConfig As JavaObject
    dcSweepConfig.InitializeNewInstance("org.knowm.jspice.simulate.dcsweep.DCSweepConfig", Array("R1", "V(3)", startval, endval, stepval))
    Dim nl As JavaObject = netlist3.build
    nl.RunMethod("setSimulationConfig", Array(dcSweepConfig))
End Sub

Sub jspice_result(mystring As String)
    Log("back in B4J")
    TextArea1.Text = TextArea1.Text & mystring & CRLF
    Dim yvals As String = mystring.SubString(mystring.LastIndexOf("["))
    yvals = yvals.Replace("[", "")
    yvals = yvals.Replace("]", "")
    Dim xvalsBeginIndex As Int = mystring.IndexOf("[")
    Dim xvalsEndIndex As Int = mystring.IndexOf("]")
    Dim xvals As String = mystring.SubString2(xvalsBeginIndex + 8, xvalsEndIndex)
    Dim yvalsarray() As String = Regex.Split("," , yvals)
    Dim xvalsarray() As String = Regex.Split(",", xvals)

    'Initialize the chart
    'set the title - see the css file for setting the title color
    lc1.Title = "DC Sweep Analysis"
    lc1.YAxisTitle = "V(3)"
    'set the x-axis "values"
    lc1.Xvalues = xvalsarray
    lc1.XAxisTitle = "R(R1)"

    'set series 1 y-axis data
    Dim yvalsfloat(yvalsarray.Length) As Float
    For i = 0 To yvalsarray.Length - 1
        yvalsfloat(i) = yvalsarray(i)
    lc1.Yvalues_1 = yvalsfloat
    lc1.SeriesName_1 = "Series A"
    lc1.YaxisMin = 2.3
    lc1.YaxisMax = 5.0
    lc1.YaxisStep = 0.5
    lc1.ShowSymbols = False
    lc1.ShowCrossHair = True

    'draw the chart and then get it as a java object
    myLineChart = lc1.drawLineChart
    'add the line chart object to the root pane
    Pane1.AddNode(myLineChart,Pane1.width * 0.025, Pane1.Height * 0.025, Pane1.Width * 0.95, Pane1.Height * 0.95)
End Sub

Sub linechart_value_clicked (mylist As List)
    lclabel.Text = ""
    For i = 0 To mylist.Size-1
        lclabel.Text = lclabel.Text & mylist.get(i) & " "
End Sub

Class JSpice code (using inline Java):
B4J - JSpice:
Sub Class_Globals
'    Private spice As JavaObject
    Dim nativeMe As JavaObject
End Sub

'initialize the JSPICE object
Public Sub Initialize
'    spice.InitializeStatic("org.knowm.jspice.JSpice")
    nativeMe = Me

End Sub

'simulate the circuit
'a valid netlist needs to be passed for simulation purposes
Public Sub Simulate (Netlist As JavaObject)

'    spice.RunMethod("simulate", Array(Netlist))
    nativeMe.RunMethod("simulate", Array(Netlist))
End Sub

'call back from the inline Java code with the result of simulation as a String
'it will call sub jspice_result in Main and pass the String result to it so that the values can be used in the B4J UI
Public Sub jspicecallback(mystring As String)

'    Log("mystring = " & mystring)
    CallSubDelayed2(Main,"jspice_result", mystring)

End Sub

#if Java

import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintStream;

import org.knowm.configuration.ConfigurationException;
import org.knowm.configuration.ConfigurationFactory;
import org.knowm.configuration.YamlConfigurationFactory;
import org.knowm.configuration.provider.ConfigurationSourceProvider;
import org.knowm.configuration.provider.FileConfigurationSourceProvider;
import org.knowm.configuration.provider.ResourceConfigurationSourceProvider;
import org.knowm.jackson.Jackson;
import org.knowm.jspice.netlist.Netlist;
import org.knowm.jspice.netlist.spice.SPICENetlistBuilder;
import org.knowm.jspice.simulate.SimulationConfig;
import org.knowm.jspice.simulate.SimulationPlotter;
import org.knowm.jspice.simulate.SimulationResult;
import org.knowm.jspice.simulate.dcoperatingpoint.DCOPConfig;
import org.knowm.jspice.simulate.dcoperatingpoint.DCOperatingPoint;
import org.knowm.jspice.simulate.dcoperatingpoint.DCOperatingPointResult;
import org.knowm.jspice.simulate.dcsweep.DCSweep;
import org.knowm.jspice.simulate.dcsweep.DCSweepConfig;
import org.knowm.jspice.simulate.transientanalysis.TransientAnalysis;
import org.knowm.jspice.simulate.transientanalysis.TransientConfig;
import org.knowm.validation.BaseValidator;

//public class JSpice {

  private static boolean isFromCommandline = false;
  private static String outFormat = "";
  private static String fileName = "";

  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ConfigurationException {

    if (args.length == 0) {
      System.out.println("Proper Usage is: java -jar jspice <filename>");
    isFromCommandline = true;
    fileName = args[0];


  public SimulationResult simulate(String fileName) throws IOException, ConfigurationException {

    Netlist netlist = null;

    // SPICE Netlist, must end in `.cir`
    if (fileName.endsWith(".cir")) {

      //      System.out.println("...............Executing netList.... " + fileName);

      try {
        netlist = SPICENetlistBuilder.buildFromSPICENetlist(fileName, new FileConfigurationSourceProvider());
      } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        // could not load from file, try from resources (for testing purposes usually)
        netlist = SPICENetlistBuilder.buildFromSPICENetlist(fileName, new ResourceConfigurationSourceProvider());

      // YAML file
    } else {

      ConfigurationFactory<Netlist> yamlConfigurationFactory = new YamlConfigurationFactory<Netlist>(Netlist.class, BaseValidator.newValidator(),
          Jackson.newObjectMapper(), "");

      ConfigurationSourceProvider provider = new FileConfigurationSourceProvider();

      netlist = yamlConfigurationFactory.build(provider, fileName);

    // 3. Run it
    //    System.out.println("netList: \n" + netlist);

    return simulate(netlist);

    public String myresult;
    public String getMyResult() {
        return myresult;

  public SimulationResult simulate(Netlist netlist) {
      //BA.Log("IN SIMULATE");
    myresult = "";

    SimulationConfig simulationConfig = netlist.getSimulationConfig();

    if (simulationConfig == null || simulationConfig instanceof DCOPConfig) {

    //BA.Log("HERE 1");
      DCOperatingPointResult dcOpResult = new DCOperatingPoint(netlist).run();
      if (isFromCommandline) {

      } else {
        //BA.Log("HERE 2");
        myresult = dcOpResult.toString();
        ba.raiseEventFromUI(this, "jspicecallback", new Object[] {myresult});
      return null;

    } else if (simulationConfig instanceof DCSweepConfig) {

      DCSweepConfig dcSweepConfig = (DCSweepConfig) simulationConfig;

      // run DC sweep
      DCSweep dcSweep = new DCSweep(netlist);
      SimulationResult simulationResult = dcSweep.run(dcSweepConfig.getObserveID());
      if (isFromCommandline) {

      } else {
          myresult = simulationResult.toString();
        ba.raiseEventFromUI(this, "jspicecallback", new Object[] {myresult});
        //SimulationPlotter.plot(simulationResult, new String[]{dcSweepConfig.getObserveID()});
      return simulationResult;

    } else if (simulationConfig instanceof TransientConfig) {

      TransientConfig simulationConfigTransient = (TransientConfig) simulationConfig;

      // run TransientAnalysis
      TransientAnalysis transientAnalysis = new TransientAnalysis(netlist, simulationConfigTransient);
      SimulationResult simulationResult = transientAnalysis.run();

      if (isFromCommandline) {

        String format = netlist.getResultsFormat();
        System.out.println("Results format: " + format);

        // check the requested format of the results file
        if (format.startsWith("RAW") || format.startsWith("raw")) {

          // Raw format found so get the results filename passed on the .PRINT line of the netlist
          String resFilename = netlist.getResultsFile();

          // output as SPICE Raw
          System.out.println("...............Writing simulation results to.........." + resFilename);
          String xyceRawString = simulationResult.toXyceRawString(netlist.getSourceFile());
          try (PrintStream out = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(resFilename))) {
          } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        } else {
          // output as Xyce STD
          String xyceString = simulationResult.toXyceString();
          System.out.println(xyceString = simulationResult.toXyceString());
          try (PrintStream out = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(fileName + ".out"))) {
            System.out.println("...............Writing simulation results to.........." + fileName + ".out");

            //try (PrintStream out = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(resFilename))) {
          } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        //        SimulationPlotter.plotTransientInOutCurve("I/V Curve", simulationResult, "V(Vmr)", "I(MR1)");
      } else {

        //        System.out.println(simulationResult.toXyceString());

        // plot
        //        SimulationPlotter.plotAll(simulationResult);
        //        SimulationPlotter.plot(simulationResult, "V(y)");
        //        SimulationPlotter.plot(simulationResult, "R(MR2_X1)", "R(MR1_X1)");
      return simulationResult;

    } else {
      return null;

#End If

B4J - class IVR code:
Sub Class_Globals
    Private netlist, netlistDCCurrent, netlistDCVoltage, NetlistResistor As JavaObject
End Sub

'initialize the Netlist object
Public Sub Initialize
    netlist.InitializeNewInstance("org.knowm.jspice.netlist.Netlist", Null)
End Sub

'id = id of the current source
'val = value of the DC current source eg 0.02A
'nodes() = array of string with the nodes between which the DC current source is connected
'a node  = "0" is a ground node
public Sub addNetlistDCCurrent (id As String, val As Double, nodes() As String) As IVR
'    netlistDCCurrent.InitializeNewInstance("org.knowm.jspice.netlist.NetlistDCCurrent", Array("a", val, Array As String("0", "4")))
    netlistDCCurrent.InitializeNewInstance("org.knowm.jspice.netlist.NetlistDCCurrent", Array(id, val, nodes))
    netlist.RunMethod("addNetListComponent", Array(netlistDCCurrent))
    Return Me
End Sub

'id = id of the DC voltage source
'val = value of the voltage source eg 10V
'nodes() = array of string with the nodes between which the DC voltage source is connected
'a node  = "0" is a ground node
public Sub addNetlistDCVoltage(id As String, val As Double, nodes() As String) As IVR
'    netlistDCVoltage.InitializeNewInstance("org.knowm.jspice.netlist.NetlistDCVoltage", Array("x", val, Array As String("2", "5")))
    netlistDCVoltage.InitializeNewInstance("org.knowm.jspice.netlist.NetlistDCVoltage", Array(id, val, nodes))
    netlist.RunMethod("addNetListComponent", Array(netlistDCVoltage))
    Return Me
End Sub

'id = id of the Resistor
'val = value of the resistor eg 100 Ohms
'nodes() = array of string with the nodes between which the resistor is connected
'a node  = "0" is a ground node
public Sub addNetlistResistor(id As String, val As Double, nodes() As String) As IVR
'    NetlistResistor.InitializeNewInstance("org.knowm.jspice.netlist.NetlistResistor", Array("R1", val, Array As String("5", "0")))
    NetlistResistor.InitializeNewInstance("org.knowm.jspice.netlist.NetlistResistor", Array(id, val, nodes))
    netlist.RunMethod("addNetListComponent", Array(NetlistResistor))
    Return Me
End Sub

'return the netlist so thst is can be passed on to jspice for simulatiln of the circuit
public Sub build() As JavaObject

    Return netlist

End Sub

B4J - Class linechart:
Sub Class_Globals
    Private fx As JFX
    Dim nativeMe, lc As JavaObject
    Dim mylist As List
End Sub

'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
Public Sub Initialize
    nativeMe = Me

End Sub

public Sub drawLineChart() As JavaObject
    lc = nativeMe.RunMethod("DrawChart", Null)
    Return lc
End Sub

public Sub setXvalues (xvals() As String)
    nativeMe.RunMethod("setXvals", Array(xvals))
End Sub

public Sub setYvalues_1 (yvals_1() As Float)
    nativeMe.RunMethod("setYvals_1", Array(yvals_1))
End Sub

public Sub setYvalues_2 (yvals_2() As Float)
    nativeMe.RunMethod("setYvals_2", Array(yvals_2))
End Sub

public Sub setYvalues_3 (yvals_3() As Float)
    nativeMe.RunMethod("setYvals_3", Array(yvals_3))
End Sub

public Sub setYvalues_4 (yvals_4() As Float)
    nativeMe.RunMethod("setYvals_4", Array(yvals_4))
End Sub

public Sub setYvalues_5 (yvals_5() As Float)
    nativeMe.RunMethod("setYvals_5", Array(yvals_5))
End Sub

public Sub setTitle(title As String)
    nativeMe.RunMethod("setTitle", Array(title))
End Sub

public Sub setXAxisTitle(XAxisTitle As String)
    nativeMe.RunMethod("setXaxisTitle", Array(XAxisTitle))
End Sub

public Sub setYAxisTitle(YAxisTitle As String)
    nativeMe.RunMethod("setYaxisTitle", Array(YAxisTitle))
End Sub

public Sub setSeriesName_1 (sname As String)
    nativeMe.RunMethod("setSeriesName_1", Array(sname))
End Sub

public Sub setSeriesName_2 (sname As String)
    nativeMe.RunMethod("setSeriesName_2", Array(sname))
End Sub

public Sub setSeriesName_3 (sname As String)
    nativeMe.RunMethod("setSeriesName_3", Array(sname))
End Sub

public Sub setSeriesName_4 (sname As String)
    nativeMe.RunMethod("setSeriesName_4", Array(sname))
End Sub

public Sub setSeriesName_5 (sname As String)
    nativeMe.RunMethod("setSeriesName_5", Array(sname))
End Sub

public Sub setYaxisMin (minval As Float)
    nativeMe.RunMethod("setYaxisMinVal", Array(minval))
End Sub

public Sub setYaxisMax (maxval As Float)
    nativeMe.RunMethod("setYaxisMaxVal", Array(maxval))
End Sub

public Sub setYaxisStep (ystep As Float)
    nativeMe.RunMethod("setYaxisStep", Array(ystep))
End Sub

Public Sub setShowSymbols (show As Boolean)
    nativeMe.RunMethod("setShowSymbols", Array(show))
End Sub

Public Sub setShowCrossHair (show As Boolean)
    nativeMe.RunMethod("setShowCrossHair", Array(show))
End Sub


Private Sub linechartcallback
    Dim seriesclicked As String = nativeMe.RunMethod("getSeriesClicked", Null)
    Dim xval As String = nativeMe.RunMethod("getXvalClicked", Null)
    Dim yval As String = nativeMe.RunMethod("getYvalClicked", Null)
    CallSubDelayed2(Main,"linechart_value_clicked", mylist)

End Sub

#if Java

    import javafx.geometry.Insets;
    import javafx.geometry.Side;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import javafx.collections.*;
    import javafx.event.EventHandler;
    import javafx.scene.*;
    import javafx.scene.chart.*;
    import javafx.scene.chart.XYChart.*;
    import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
    import javafx.scene.control.ScrollPane;
    import javafx.scene.control.Tooltip;

    private static BA ba;
    private static XYChart.Series series_1, series_2, series_3, series_4, series_5;

    public LineChart DrawChart() {
            final CategoryAxis xAxis = new CategoryAxis();
     //     final NumberAxis xAxis = new NumberAxis();
            final NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis(yaxisMin,yaxisMax,yaxisStep);
            //creating the chart
            final LineChart<String,Number> lineChart =
                    new LineChart(xAxis,yAxis);
            //populating the series with data
            if (xvals.length > 0) {

                if (yvals_1 != null) {  
                    series_1 = new XYChart.Series();
                    for (int i = 0; i < xvals.length; i++) {
                        series_1.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(xvals[i], yvals_1[i]));
                    series_1.getNode().setOnMouseClicked(e -> seriesclicked = seriesname_1);  
                if (yvals_2 != null) {
                    series_2 = new XYChart.Series();
                    for (int i = 0; i < xvals.length; i++) {
                        series_2.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(xvals[i], yvals_2[i]));
                    series_2.getNode().setOnMouseClicked(e -> seriesclicked = seriesname_2);                      
                if (yvals_3 != null) {
                    series_3 = new XYChart.Series();
                    for (int i = 0; i < xvals.length; i++) {
                        series_3.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(xvals[i], yvals_3[i]));
                    series_3.getNode().setOnMouseClicked(e -> seriesclicked = seriesname_3);                      
                if (yvals_4 != null) {
                    series_4 = new XYChart.Series();
                    for (int i = 0; i < xvals.length; i++) {
                        series_4.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(xvals[i], yvals_4[i]));
                    series_4.getNode().setOnMouseClicked(e -> seriesclicked = seriesname_4);                      
                if (yvals_5 != null) {
                    series_5 = new XYChart.Series();
                    for (int i = 0; i < xvals.length; i++) {
                        series_5.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(xvals[i], yvals_5[i]));
                    series_5.getNode().setOnMouseClicked(e -> seriesclicked = seriesname_5);              
           if (showcrosshair == true)
           lineChart.setCreateSymbols(showsymbols);          //draw the little circles at each of the data points
            lineChart.setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
                  public void handle(MouseEvent e) {
                    Node chartPlotBackground = lineChart.lookup(".chart-plot-background");
                    final double shiftX = xSceneShift(chartPlotBackground);
                    final double shiftY = ySceneShift(chartPlotBackground);

                    double x = e.getSceneX() - shiftX;
                    double y = e.getSceneY() - shiftY;

                    String xValue = xAxis.getValueForDisplay(x);
                    Number yValue = yAxis.getValueForDisplay(y);

                    //BA.Log("shiftX = " + shiftX + " shiftY: " + shiftY);
                    //BA.Log("X value = "
                    //     + xValue + " \nY value: " + yValue);
                    xvalclicked = xValue;
                    yvalclicked = "" + yValue;
                    ba.raiseEventFromUI(this, "linechartcallback", null);
           return lineChart;
    public String seriesclicked = "";
    public String getSeriesClicked() {
        return seriesclicked;
    public String xvalclicked = "";
    public String getXvalClicked() {
        return xvalclicked;
    public String yvalclicked = "";
    public String getYvalClicked() {
        return yvalclicked;
    //recursive calls
    private double xSceneShift(Node node) {
        return node.getParent() == null ? 0 : node.getBoundsInParent().getMinX() + xSceneShift(node.getParent());

    private double ySceneShift(Node node) {
        return node.getParent() == null ? 0 : node.getBoundsInParent().getMinY() + ySceneShift(node.getParent());

    private static String[] xvals;
    public void setXvals(String[] xvals) {
        this.xvals = xvals;

    private static String title = "";
    public void setTitle(String title) {
        this.title = title;

    private static String seriesname_1 = "";
    private static String seriesname_2 = "";
    private static String seriesname_3 = "";
    private static String seriesname_4 = "";
    private static String seriesname_5 = "";

    public void setSeriesName_1 (String seriesname_1) {
        this.seriesname_1 = seriesname_1;

    public void setSeriesName_2 (String seriesname_2) {
        this.seriesname_2 = seriesname_2;

    public void setSeriesName_3 (String seriesname_3) {
        this.seriesname_3 = seriesname_3;

    public void setSeriesName_4 (String seriesname_4) {
        this.seriesname_4 = seriesname_4;

    public void setSeriesName_5 (String seriesname_5) {
        this.seriesname_5 = seriesname_5;

    private static float[] yvals_1, yvals_2, yvals_3, yvals_4, yvals_5;

    public void setYvals_1(float[] yvals_1) {
        this.yvals_1 = yvals_1;

    public void setYvals_2(float[] yvals_2) {
        this.yvals_2 = yvals_2;

    public void setYvals_3(float[] yvals_3) {
        this.yvals_3 = yvals_3;

    public void setYvals_4(float[] yvals_4) {
        this.yvals_4 = yvals_4;

    public void setYvals_5(float[] yvals_5) {
        this.yvals_5 = yvals_5;

    private static String xAxisTitle = "";
    public void setXaxisTitle(String xAxisTitle) {
        this.xAxisTitle = xAxisTitle;

    private static String yAxisTitle = "";
    public void setYaxisTitle(String yAxisTitle) {
        this.yAxisTitle = yAxisTitle;
    private static float yaxisMax = 0.0f;
    public void setYaxisMaxVal (float yaxisMax) {
        this.yaxisMax = yaxisMax;
    private static float yaxisMin = 0.0f;
    public void setYaxisMinVal (float yaxisMin) {
        this.yaxisMin = yaxisMin;
    private static float yaxisStep = 0.0f;
    public void setYaxisStep (float yaxisStep) {
        this.yaxisStep = yaxisStep;
    private static boolean showsymbols = true;
    public void setShowSymbols(boolean showsymbols) {
        this.showsymbols = showsymbols;
    private static boolean showcrosshair = false;
    public void setShowCrossHair(boolean showcrosshair) {
        this.showcrosshair = showcrosshair;

#End If


It is the DC Sweep Analysis for this circuit:



  • JSpice2.zip
    9.6 KB · Views: 263
Last edited:

Johan Schoeman

Licensed User
Longtime User
Another DC Sweep Analysis for this circuit:



B4J - DCSweepV1D1:
    Dim netlist4 As IVR
    Dim dcVoltage As Double = 0.95
    netlist4.addNetlistDCVoltage("Va", dcVoltage, Array As String("1", "0"))
    Dim satCurrent As Double = 0.000000000000001
    netlist4.addNetlistDiode("D1", satCurrent, Array As String("1", "0"))
    Dim startval As Double = 0.5
    Dim endval As Double = 0.95
    Dim stepval As Double = 0.005
    Dim dcSweepConfig As JavaObject
    dcSweepConfig.InitializeNewInstance("org.knowm.jspice.simulate.dcsweep.DCSweepConfig", Array("Va", "I(D1)", startval, endval, stepval))
    Dim nl As JavaObject = netlist4.build
    nl.RunMethod("setSimulationConfig", Array(dcSweepConfig))


  • DCSweepV1D1.zip
    9.8 KB · Views: 206

Johan Schoeman

Licensed User
Longtime User
Half-Wave Rectifier with Sine Driver for this circuit:



B4J - Half-Wave Rectifier with Sine Driver:
#Region Project Attributes
    #MainFormWidth: 800
    #MainFormHeight: 800
#End Region

#AdditionalJar: jspice-0.0.1.jar

Sub Process_Globals
    Private fx As JFX
    Private MainForm As Form
    Private xui As XUI
    Private TextArea1 As TextArea

    Private Pane1 As Pane
    Dim lc1 As linechart

    Dim myLineChart As JavaObject
    Dim lclabel As Label
End Sub

Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
    MainForm = Form1
    TextArea1.Text = ""

    Dim spice As JSpice
    lclabel.Text = ""
    lclabel.TextColor = fx.Colors.Red

    Dim netlist As IVR
    Dim dcVoltage As Double = 0.0
    netlist.addNetlistDCVoltage("Vsrc", dcVoltage, Array As String("in", "0"))
    Dim resistor1 As Double = 50
    netlist.addNetlistResistor("Rsrc", resistor1, Array As String("in", "D"))
    Dim satCurrent As Double = 3.872e-9
    netlist.addNetlistDiode("D1", satCurrent, Array As String("D", "out"))
    Dim capacitance As Double = 0.00001
    Dim initialCondition As Double = 0
    netlist.addNetlistCapacitor("C1", capacitance, initialCondition, Array As String("out", "0"))
    Dim resistor2 As Double = 1000
    netlist.addNetlistResistor("Rload", resistor2, Array As String("out", "0"))
    Dim dc_offset As Double = 0
    Dim phase As String = "0"
    Dim amplitude As Double = 12
    Dim frequency As String = "60"
    Dim sine As JavaObject
    sine.InitializeNewInstance("org.knowm.jspice.simulate.transientanalysis.driver.Sine", Array("Vsrc", dc_offset, phase, amplitude, frequency))
    Dim stopTime As String = ".0833333333"
    Dim timeStep As String = ".0002"
    Dim transientConfig As JavaObject
    Dim sineObject As JavaObject
    sineObject.InitializeArray("org.knowm.jspice.simulate.transientanalysis.driver.Driver", Array(sine))
    transientConfig.InitializeNewInstance("org.knowm.jspice.simulate.transientanalysis.TransientConfig", Array(stopTime, timeStep, sineObject))
    Dim nl As JavaObject = netlist.build
    nl.RunMethod("setSimulationConfig", Array(transientConfig))
End Sub

Sub jspice_result(mystring As String)
    TextArea1.Text = TextArea1.Text & mystring & CRLF
    Dim data() As String = Regex.Split(CRLF, mystring)
    For i = 0 To data.Length - 1
End Sub

Sub buildGraph(data() As String)
    Dim yvals1 As String = data(6).SubString(data(6).LastIndexOf("["))
    yvals1 = yvals1.Replace("[", "")
    yvals1 = yvals1.Replace("]", "")
    Dim yvals2 As String = data(10).SubString(data(10).LastIndexOf("["))
    yvals2 = yvals2.Replace("[", "")
    yvals2 = yvals2.Replace("]", "")
    Dim xvalsBeginIndex As Int = data(6).IndexOf("[")
    Dim xvalsEndIndex As Int = data(6).IndexOf("]")
    Dim xvals As String = data(6).SubString2(xvalsBeginIndex + 8, xvalsEndIndex)
    Dim yvalsarray1() As String = Regex.Split("," , yvals1)
    Dim yvalsarray2() As String = Regex.Split("," , yvals2)
    Dim xvalsarray() As String = Regex.Split(",", xvals)

    'Initialize the chart
    'set the title - see the css file for setting the title color
    lc1.Title = "Half-Wave Rectifier with Sine Driver"
    lc1.YAxisTitle = "Voltage"
    'set the x-axis "values"
    lc1.Xvalues = xvalsarray
    lc1.XAxisTitle = "Time [s]"

    'set series 1 y-axis data
    Dim yvalsfloat1(yvalsarray1.Length),  yvalsfloat2(yvalsarray2.Length)As Float
    For i = 0 To yvalsarray1.Length - 1
        yvalsfloat1(i) = yvalsarray1(i)
        yvalsfloat2(i) = yvalsarray2(i)
    lc1.Yvalues_1 = yvalsfloat1
    lc1.Yvalues_2 = yvalsfloat2
    lc1.SeriesName_1 = "V(in)"
    lc1.SeriesName_2 = "V(out)"
    lc1.YaxisMin = -13.0
    lc1.YaxisMax = 13.0
    lc1.YaxisStep = 0.1
    lc1.ShowSymbols = True
    lc1.ShowCrossHair = True

    'draw the chart and then get it as a java object
    myLineChart = lc1.drawLineChart
    'add the line chart object to the root pane
    Pane1.AddNode(myLineChart,Pane1.width * 0.025, Pane1.Height * 0.025, Pane1.Width * 0.95, Pane1.Height * 0.95)
End Sub

Sub linechart_value_clicked (mylist As List)
    lclabel.Text = ""
    For i = 0 To mylist.Size-1
        lclabel.Text = lclabel.Text & mylist.get(i) & " "
End Sub


  • JSpiceHalfWaveRectifier.zip
    9 KB · Views: 223

William Lancee

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
My first job was to introduce a Fortran based electronic analysis program called ECAP to an mechanical telephone switching company which was converting to electronic switches.

This was in 1968.

Your adaptation of JSpice to B4X is magical. Thank you for bringing back some memories.

Johan Schoeman

Licensed User
Longtime User
Transient Analysis for this RC circuit with a square driver at 1 Hz:



B4J - Transient Analysis RC Circuit:
#Region Project Attributes
    #MainFormWidth: 800
    #MainFormHeight: 800
#End Region

#AdditionalJar: jspice-0.0.1.jar

Sub Process_Globals
    Private fx As JFX
    Private MainForm As Form
    Private xui As XUI
    Private TextArea1 As TextArea

    Private Pane1 As Pane
    Dim lc1 As linechart

    Dim myLineChart As JavaObject
    Dim lclabel As Label
End Sub

Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
    MainForm = Form1
    TextArea1.Text = ""

    Dim spice As JSpice
    lclabel.Text = ""
    lclabel.TextColor = fx.Colors.Red

    Dim netlist As IVR
    Dim dcVoltage As Double = 0.0
    netlist.addNetlistDCVoltage("V1", dcVoltage, Array As String("1", "0"))
    Dim resistor1 As Double = 100000
    netlist.addNetlistResistor("R1", resistor1, Array As String("1", "2"))
    Dim capacitance As Double = 200e-9
    Dim initialCondition As Double = 0.0
    netlist.addNetlistCapacitor("C1", capacitance, initialCondition, Array As String("2", "0"))
    Dim dc_offset As Double = 2.5
    Dim phase As String = "0"
    Dim amplitude As Double = 2.5
    Dim frequency As String = "1"   'adjust input frequency here
    Dim square As JavaObject
    square.InitializeNewInstance("org.knowm.jspice.simulate.transientanalysis.driver.Square", Array("V1", dc_offset, phase, amplitude, frequency))
    Dim stopTime As String = "2.0"
    Dim timeStep As String = "0.02"
    Dim transientConfig As JavaObject
    Dim squareObject As JavaObject
    squareObject.InitializeArray("org.knowm.jspice.simulate.transientanalysis.driver.Driver", Array(square))
    transientConfig.InitializeNewInstance("org.knowm.jspice.simulate.transientanalysis.TransientConfig", Array(stopTime, timeStep, squareObject))
    Dim nl As JavaObject = netlist.build
    nl.RunMethod("setSimulationConfig", Array(transientConfig))
End Sub

Sub jspice_result(mystring As String)
    TextArea1.Text = TextArea1.Text & mystring & CRLF
    Dim data() As String = Regex.Split(CRLF, mystring)
    For i = 0 To data.Length - 1
End Sub

Sub buildGraph(data() As String)
    Dim yvals1 As String = data(6).SubString(data(6).LastIndexOf("["))
    yvals1 = yvals1.Replace("[", "")
    yvals1 = yvals1.Replace("]", "")
    Dim yvals2 As String = data(8).SubString(data(8).LastIndexOf("["))
    yvals2 = yvals2.Replace("[", "")
    yvals2 = yvals2.Replace("]", "")
    Dim xvalsBeginIndex As Int = data(6).IndexOf("[")
    Dim xvalsEndIndex As Int = data(6).IndexOf("]")
    Dim xvals As String = data(6).SubString2(xvalsBeginIndex + 8, xvalsEndIndex)
    Dim yvalsarray1() As String = Regex.Split("," , yvals1)
    Dim yvalsarray2() As String = Regex.Split("," , yvals2)
    Dim xvalsarray() As String = Regex.Split(",", xvals)

    'Initialize the chart
    'set the title - see the css file for setting the title color
    lc1.Title = "TransientAnalysisV1R1C1 with square driver"
    lc1.YAxisTitle = "Voltage"
    'set the x-axis "values"
    lc1.Xvalues = xvalsarray
    lc1.XAxisTitle = "Time [s]"

    'set series 1 y-axis data
    Dim yvalsfloat1(yvalsarray1.Length),  yvalsfloat2(yvalsarray2.Length)As Float
    For i = 0 To yvalsarray1.Length - 1
        yvalsfloat1(i) = yvalsarray1(i)
        yvalsfloat2(i) = yvalsarray2(i)
    lc1.Yvalues_1 = yvalsfloat1
    lc1.Yvalues_2 = yvalsfloat2
    lc1.SeriesName_1 = "V(1)"
    lc1.SeriesName_2 = "V(2)"
    lc1.YaxisMin = -1.0
    lc1.YaxisMax = 6.0
    lc1.YaxisStep = 0.1
    lc1.ShowSymbols = False
    lc1.ShowCrossHair = True

    'draw the chart and then get it as a java object
    myLineChart = lc1.drawLineChart
    'add the line chart object to the root pane
    Pane1.AddNode(myLineChart,Pane1.width * 0.025, Pane1.Height * 0.025, Pane1.Width * 0.95, Pane1.Height * 0.95)
End Sub

Sub linechart_value_clicked (mylist As List)
    lclabel.Text = ""
    For i = 0 To mylist.Size-1
        lclabel.Text = lclabel.Text & mylist.get(i) & " "
End Sub


  • JSpiceRCcircuit.zip
    8.7 KB · Views: 233
Last edited:


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Johan.
Thank you very much for sharing all this.
I have followed this thread since its beginning.
In the meantime i had tried to implement drivers, but with no success , my Java knowledge is very poor.
And i am glad that you show us what can be done and how !
I am looking to use the xGraph class to display the data like this:



Johan Schoeman

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Johan.
Thank you very much for sharing all this.
I have followed this thread since its beginning.
In the meantime i had tried to implement drivers, but with no success , my Java knowledge is very poor.
And i am glad that you show us what can be done and how !
I am looking to use the xGraph class to display the data like this:

View attachment 138152

Hi Klaus

The driver classes are all here:
Some of them expect similar parameters when initializing the driver class (such as for eg Sine and Square drivers) while some of the other drivers expect some additional paramaters. Just take note of each of the driver classes what type of parameter each driver class expects - it is mostly "String" or "double"

    Dim dc_offset As Double = 2.5
    Dim phase As String = "0"
    Dim amplitude As Double = 2.5
    Dim frequency As String = "1"   'adjust input frequency here
    Dim square As JavaObject
    square.InitializeNewInstance("org.knowm.jspice.simulate.transientanalysis.driver.Square", Array("V1", dc_offset, phase, amplitude, frequency))
    Dim stopTime As String = "2.0"
    Dim timeStep As String = "0.02"
    Dim transientConfig As JavaObject
    Dim squareObject As JavaObject
    squareObject.InitializeArray("org.knowm.jspice.simulate.transientanalysis.driver.Driver", Array(square))
    transientConfig.InitializeNewInstance("org.knowm.jspice.simulate.transientanalysis.TransientConfig", Array(stopTime, timeStep, squareObject))

Important to take note of is that transientConfig expects the driver (such as "Square" above) to be passed as an array of type Driver. So, these lines of code wrap the selected driver (square in this case) as an array of type Driver and pass the wrapped array as a parameter to the constructor of transientConfig.

This is something that I have learnt from @stevel05 (initializeArray) when I messed around with Hansolo Charts.

    Dim squareObject As JavaObject

    squareObject.InitializeArray("org.knowm.jspice.simulate.transientanalysis.driver.Driver", Array(square))

    transientConfig.InitializeNewInstance("org.knowm.jspice.simulate.transientanalysis.TransientConfig", Array(stopTime, timeStep, squareObject))
Last edited:


Licensed User
Longtime User
Well, I have never tried to make a wrapper.
I have used JavaObject only two times more deep for the GoogleMapsDemo and for jSpice.

For GoogleMap there was a good documentation.
For jSpice, we have to look at the github code. Which is not really easy and needs a good Java knowledge.
I find the combination of the two as a better solution, having in B4J simpler call routines than each time need to define a JavaObject with its code.

How do you edit a *.jar file ?