B4R Code Snippet External I2C 4-channel 16-bit ADC ADS1115

After checking several libraries for ADS1115 usage (for maximally fast IC reading) i have stopped and chosen this tutorial (with native B4R code) and prepared an universal module.

  • A 3rd MCU pin for interruption when the ADC measurement is finished (excepting 2 pins for I2C bus) is not used
  • But delay for waiting the ADC result is used due to the MCU may hang and reboot sometimes if to read asynchronously as fast as needed
  • I2C bus speed is set to 800000 bps for better performance (tests show that speed > 800 kbps does not help to read faster)
  • Pre-checking that chip is really present on the declared I2C-bus address
  • Reading all 4 channels, setup to max samples per second
  • After reading - calculating the output values with scale factor of optional resistive divider and needed values range (example code is for measuring positive polarity voltage up to 4V DC)
Main module:
#Region Project Attributes
    #AutoFlushLogs: True
    #CheckArrayBounds: True
    #StackBufferSize: 600
#End Region

Sub Process_Globals
    Public Serial1 As Serial

End Sub

Private Sub AppStart
End Sub

Module 'esp_ads1115':
'module esp_ads1115

Private Sub Process_Globals
    'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
    'Public variables can be accessed from all modules.
    'ADC I2C
    Private bc As ByteConverter
    Private Wire As WireMaster
    Private deviceaddress As Byte    'ignore, for inline-C
    Private wireerror As Byte = 55    'ignore, for inline-C

    Private ADC1115 As Byte = 0x48    'default i2c address
    Private ADC_Address As Byte = ADC1115
    Private const ADC_Channels As Byte = 4   
    Private Volt(ADC_Channels) As Double    'result voltages
    Private Configs(ADC_Channels) As Int
    Private Ranges(ADC_Channels) As Double
    '                             1111 0100 0010 0011    'legend
    '                              |   |  | |||  |||| - 0011=comparator is disabled
    '                              |   |  | 000  8 SPS
    '                              |   |  | 001 16 SPS
    '                              |   |  | 010 32 SPS
    '                              |   |  | ....
    '                              |   |  | 100 128 SPS (default)
    '                              |   |  | ....
    '                              |   |  | 111 860 SPS
    '                              |   |  |
    '                              |   |  Mode 0=cont. conversion 1=Single-shot
    '                              |   |
    '                              |   000 6.144V
    '                              |   001 4.096V - used this
    '                              |   010 2.048V (DEFAULT)
    '                              |   011 1.024V
    '                              |   100 0.512V
    '                              |   11x 0.256V
    '                              000 = AINp=AIN0 And AINn=AIN1 (default)
    '                              001 = AINp=AIN0 And AINn=AIN3
    '                              010 = AINp=AIN1 And AINn=AIN3
    '                              011 = AINp=AIN2 And AINn=AIN3
    '                              100 = AINp=AIN0 And AINn=GND - used these 4 single polarity
    '                              101 = AINp=AIN1 And AINn=GND
    '                              110 = AINp=AIN2 And AINn=GND
    '                              111 = AINp=AIN3 And AINn=GND

    Private ADCChannel As Byte
    Private Timer1 As Timer
    Dim Ready_flag As Boolean
    Private ResistorDividers(ADC_Channels) As Double
    Private MinValues(ADC_Channels) As Double
    Private MaxValues(ADC_Channels) As Double
    Public Values(ADC_Channels) As Double    'result measurements
End Sub

Sub Start_ads1115
    Configs(0) =  0xC2E3    '1100 0010 1110 0011    +AN0 -GND 4,096 V
    Ranges(0) = 4.096
    Configs(1) =  0xD2E3    '1101 0010 1110 0011    +AN1 -GND 4,096 V
    Ranges(1) = 4.096
    Configs(2) =  0xE2E3    '1110 0010 1110 0011    +AN2 -GND 4,096 V
    Ranges(2) = 4.096
    Configs(3) =  0xF2E3    '1111 0010 1110 0011    +AN3 -GND 4,096 V
    Ranges(3) = 4.096
    ResistorDividers(0) = 1    '390 / 270    'kOhm, Rout / Rin
    ResistorDividers(1) = 1
    ResistorDividers(2) = 1
    ResistorDividers(3) = 1
    MinValues(0) = 0        'needed output converted (measured) value range, low limit, channel 0
    MaxValues(0) = 100        'needed output converted (measured) value range, high limit, channel 0
    MinValues(1) = 0        'needed output converted (measured) value range, low limit, channel 1
    MaxValues(1) = 100        'needed output converted (measured) value range, high limit, channel 1
    MinValues(2) = 0        'needed output converted (measured) value range, low limit, channel 2
    MaxValues(2) = 100        'needed output converted (measured) value range, high limit, channel 2
    MinValues(3) = 0        'needed output converted (measured) value range, low limit, channel 3
    MaxValues(3) = 100        'needed output converted (measured) value range, high limit, channel 3
    Log("Start reading ads1115...")
    Ready_flag = False
    '-------test if device presents-----
        deviceaddress = ADC1115
        RunNative("SetWireClock", 800000)
        RunNative("icwirebegintransmisson", Null)
        RunNative("icwireendtransmisson", Null)
        Dim b(1) As Byte
        b(0) = ADC1115
        If wireerror = 0 Then
            Log("ADC1115 I2C device found at address: 0x", bc.HexFromBytes(b), " (", ADC1115, ")")
            Log("ADC1115 device was not found at 0x", bc.HexFromBytes(b), " (", ADC1115, ")")
        End If
    Set_ADC (Configs(0))
    ADCChannel = 0
    ADC_Address = ADC1115
    Timer1.Initialize("Timer1_Tick", 20)    '20 = OK
    Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub

Sub Stop
    Timer1.Enabled = False
    Log("esp_ads1115 stopped")
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Tick
    Dim ADCV As Int = ADC_SS_read(Configs(ADCChannel))
    Volt(ADCChannel) = Convert_2_Volt(ADCV, Ranges(ADCChannel)) / ResistorDividers(ADCChannel)
    Values(ADCChannel) = doubleMap(Volt(ADCChannel), 0, Ranges(ADCChannel), MinValues(ADCChannel), MaxValues(ADCChannel))
    Log("Volt(", ADCChannel, ") = ", Volt(ADCChannel), "; ", Values(ADCChannel))
    ADCChannel = ADCChannel + 1
    If ADCChannel = ADC_Channels Then
        Ready_flag = True
        ADCChannel = 0
    End If
End Sub

'Config ADC
Private Sub Set_ADC (Config As Int)
    'Set config register 0x1
    Wire.WriteTo(ADC_Address, Array As Byte(0x1, Bit.HighByte(Config), Bit.LowByte(Config)))
    'Select ADC conversion register 0x0
    '                                0x0 = conversion register
    '                                        |
    '                                        v
    Wire.WriteTo(ADC_Address, Array As Byte(0x0))
End Sub

'Read ADC single shot, return ADC value Int
Private Sub ADC_SS_read (Config As Int) As Int
    'Set config register 0x1
    Config = Bit.Or(Config, 0x0100)

    'ADC config and start conversion

    'get Samples per Seconds setting
    Dim SPS As UInt = Bit.ShiftRight(Bit.And(Bit.LowByte(Config), 0xE0),5)
    'conversion time from 125 to 1,16 mS (8 to 860 SPS)
    Dim Mdelay As UInt
    Select SPS
        Case 0   '8
            Mdelay = 1000000 / 8
        Case 1   '16
            Mdelay = 1000000 / 16
        Case 2   '32
            Mdelay = 1000000 / 32
        Case 3   '64
            Mdelay = 1000000 / 64
        Case 4   '128
            Mdelay = 1000000 / 128
        Case 5   '250
            Mdelay = 1000000 / 250
        Case 6   '475
            Mdelay = 1000000 / 475
        Case 7   '860
            Mdelay = 1000000 / 860
    End Select
    DelayMicroseconds(Mdelay)   'wait for conversion
    'read ADC
    Return Read_ADC2
End Sub

'Read ADC return array High - Low
Private Sub Read_ADC () As Byte()
    Return Wire.RequestFrom(ADC_Address, 2)    'High - Low
End Sub

'Read ADC return Int number
Private Sub Read_ADC2 () As Int
    Dim data() As Byte = Read_ADC
    Return Bit.Shiftleft(data(0),8) + data(1)    'Convert array to Int and return it
End Sub

'Convert ADC number to Volt
Private Sub Convert_2_Volt (ADC_Value As Int, Range As Float) As Float
    Return (ADC_Value * Range / 32767)
End Sub

'Read ADC return Vols
Private Sub Read_Volt (Range As Float) As Float
    Dim data() As Byte = Read_ADC    'alternate reading
    Return (Bit.Shiftleft(data(0),8) + data(1)) * Range / 32767
End Sub

Public Sub doubleMap(analoginputvalue As Double,in_min As Double,in_max As Double,out_min As Double,out_max As Double) As Double
    Dim a As Double = (analoginputvalue - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min
    Return a
End Sub

#if C
#include <Wire.h>
void icwirebegintransmisson (B4R::Object* o) {

void icwireendtransmisson (B4R::Object* o) {
  b4r_esp_ads1115::_wireerror = Wire.endTransmission();

void SetWireClock(B4R::Object* o) {
   Wire.setClock (o->toULong());

#End if
Module 'esp_ads1115':
'module esp_ads1115

Private Sub Process_Globals
    'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
    'Public variables can be accessed from all modules.
    'ADC I2C
    Private bc As ByteConverter
    Private Wire As WireMaster
    Private deviceaddress As Byte    'ignore, for inline-C
    Private wireerror As Byte = 55    'ignore, for inline-C

    Private ADC1115 As Byte = 0x48    'default i2c address
    Private ADC_Address As Byte = ADC1115
    Private ADC_Channel As Byte = 4
    Private Volt(ADC_Channel) As Double    'result voltages

    '                          1100 0010 1110 0011     '+AN0 -GND 4,096 V
    Private Config0 As Int =  0xC2E3                   '+AN0 -GND 4,096 V
    Private Range0 As Float = 4.096
    '                           1101 0010 1110 0011     '+AN1 -GND 4,096 V
    Private Config1 As Int =  0xD2E3                      '+AN1 -GND 4,096 V
    Private Range1 As Float = 4.096
    '                           1110 0010 1110 0011     '+AN2 -GND 4,096 V
    Private Config2 As Int =  0xE2E3                   '+AN2 -GND 4,096 V
    Private Range2 As Float = 4.096
    '                           1111 0010 1110 0011     '+AN3 -GND 4,096 V
    Private Config3 As Int =  0xF2E3                   '+AN3 -GND 4,096 V
    Private Range3 As Float = 4.096
    '                             1111 0100 0010 0011    'legend
    '                              |   |  | |||  |||| - 0011=comparator is disabled
    '                              |   |  | 000  8 SPS
    '                              |   |  | 001 16 SPS
    '                              |   |  | 010 32 SPS
    '                              |   |  | ....
    '                              |   |  | 100 128 SPS (default)
    '                              |   |  | ....
    '                              |   |  | 111 860 SPS
    '                              |   |  |
    '                              |   |  Mode 0=cont. conversion 1=Single-shot
    '                              |   |
    '                              |   000 6.144V
    '                              |   001 4.096V - used this
    '                              |   010 2.048V (DEFAULT)
    '                              |   011 1.024V
    '                              |   100 0.512V
    '                              |   11x 0.256V
    '                              000 = AINp=AIN0 And AINn=AIN1 (default)
    '                              001 = AINp=AIN0 And AINn=AIN3
    '                              010 = AINp=AIN1 And AINn=AIN3
    '                              011 = AINp=AIN2 And AINn=AIN3
    '                              100 = AINp=AIN0 And AINn=GND - used these 4 single polarity
    '                              101 = AINp=AIN1 And AINn=GND
    '                              110 = AINp=AIN2 And AINn=GND
    '                              111 = AINp=AIN3 And AINn=GND

    Private ADCChannel As Byte
    Private Timer1 As Timer
    Dim Ready_flag As Boolean
    Private ResistorDivider0 As Double = 1    '390 / 270    'kOhm, Rout / Rin
    Private ResistorDivider1 As Double = 1
    Private ResistorDivider2 As Double = 1
    Private ResistorDivider3 As Double = 1
    Private MinValue0 As Double = 0    'needed output converted (measured) value range, low limit, channel 0
    Private MaxValue0 As Double = 100    'needed output converted (measured) value range, high limit, channel 0
    Private MinValue1 As Double = 0
    Private MaxValue1 As Double = 100
    Private MinValue2 As Double = 0
    Private MaxValue2 As Double = 100
    Private MinValue3 As Double = 0
    Private MaxValue3 As Double = 100
    Public Values(ADC_Channel) As Double    'result measurements
End Sub

Sub Start_ads1115
    'ADC I2C
    'Data on Lolin32 - ESP32
    '96,15kHz , 10,4uS clock
    'config = 9+9+9+9 = 36x10 = 375uS about
    'sel conf reg. = 9+9 = 18x10= 187uS about
    'read conv. = 9+9+9 = 27x10= 280uS about
    'read-set-next = 280+375+187 = 842 uS about
    Log("Start reading ads1115...")
    Ready_flag = False
    '-------test if device presents-----
        deviceaddress = ADC1115
        RunNative("SetWireClock", 800000)
        RunNative("icwirebegintransmisson", Null)
        RunNative("icwireendtransmisson", Null)
        Dim b(1) As Byte
        b(0) = ADC1115
        If wireerror = 0 Then
            Log("ADC1115 I2C device found at address: 0x", bc.HexFromBytes(b), " (", ADC1115, ")")
            Log("ADC1115 device was not found at 0x", bc.HexFromBytes(b), " (", ADC1115, ")")
        End If
    Set_ADC (Config0)
    ADCChannel = 0
    ADC_Address = ADC1115
    Timer1.Initialize("Timer1_Tick", 20)    '20 = OK
    Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub

Sub Stop
    Timer1.Enabled = False
    Log("esp_ads1115 stopped")
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Tick
    Select ADCChannel
        Case 0
            Dim ADCV As Int = ADC_SS_read(Config0)
            Volt(0) = Convert_2_Volt (ADCV, Range0) / ResistorDivider0
            Values(0) = CalcValue
            Log("Volt(0) = ", Volt(0), "; ", Values(0))
            ADCChannel = 1
        Case 1
            Dim ADCV As Int = ADC_SS_read(Config1)
            Volt(1) = Convert_2_Volt (ADCV, Range1) / ResistorDivider1
            Values(1) = CalcValue
            Log("Volt(1) = ", Volt(1), "; ", Values(1))
            ADCChannel = 2
        Case 2
            Dim ADCV As Int = ADC_SS_read(Config2)
            Volt(2) = Convert_2_Volt (ADCV, Range2) / ResistorDivider2
            Values(2) = CalcValue
            Log("Volt(2) = ", Volt(2), "; ", Values(2))
            ADCChannel = 3
        Case 3
            Dim ADCV As Int = ADC_SS_read(Config3)
            Volt(3) = Convert_2_Volt (ADCV, Range3) / ResistorDivider3
            Values(3) = CalcValue
            Log("Volt(3) = ", Volt(3), "; ", Values(3))
            ADCChannel = 0
            Ready_flag = True
    End Select
End Sub

Private Sub CalcValue As Double
    Dim a As Double
    Select ADCChannel
        Case 0
            a = doubleMap(Volt(0), 0, Range0, MinValue0, MaxValue0)
        Case 1
            a = doubleMap(Volt(1), 0, Range1, MinValue1, MaxValue1)
        Case 2
            a = doubleMap(Volt(2), 0, Range2, MinValue2, MaxValue2)
        Case 3
            a = doubleMap(Volt(3), 0, Range3, MinValue3, MaxValue3)
    End Select
    Return a
End Sub

'Config ADC
Private Sub Set_ADC (Config As Int)
    'Set config register 0x1
    Wire.WriteTo(ADC_Address, Array As Byte(0x1, Bit.HighByte(Config), Bit.LowByte(Config)))
    'Select ADC conversion register 0x0
    '                                0x0 = conversion register
    '                                        |
    '                                        v
    Wire.WriteTo(ADC_Address, Array As Byte(0x0))
End Sub

'Read ADC single shot, return ADC value Int
Private Sub ADC_SS_read (Config As Int) As Int
    Dim Mdelay As UInt

    'Set config register 0x1
    Config = Bit.Or (Config,0x0100)

    'ADC config and start conversion
    Wire.WriteTo(ADC_Address, Array As Byte(0x1, Bit.HighByte(Config), Bit.LowByte(Config)))  '36clk -> 370uS
    'select conversion register for read
    Wire.WriteTo(ADC_Address, Array As Byte(0x0))                                             '18clk = 187 uS

    'get Samples per Seconds setting
    Dim SPS As UInt = Bit.ShiftRight(Bit.And(Bit.LowByte(Config), 0xE0),5)
    'conversion time from 125 to 1,16 mS (8 to 860 SPS)
    Select SPS
        Case 0   '8
            Mdelay = 1000000 / 8
        Case 1   '16
            Mdelay = 1000000 / 16
        Case 2   '32
            Mdelay = 1000000 / 32
        Case 3   '64
            Mdelay = 1000000 / 64
        Case 4   '128
            Mdelay = 1000000 / 128
        Case 5   '250
            Mdelay = 1000000 / 250
        Case 6   '475
            Mdelay = 1000000 / 475
        Case 7   '860
            Mdelay = 1000000 / 860
    End Select

    DelayMicroseconds(Mdelay)   'wait for conversion
    'read ADC
    Dim data() As Byte = Wire.RequestFrom(ADC_Address, 2)
    Return Bit.Shiftleft(data(0),8) + data(1)    'Covert array to Int and return it
End Sub

'Read ADC return array High - Low
Private Sub Read_ADC () As Byte()
    Return Wire.RequestFrom(ADC_Address, 2)    'High - Low
End Sub

'Read ADC return Int number
Private Sub Read_ADC2 () As Int
    Dim data() As Byte = Wire.RequestFrom(ADC_Address, 2)
    Return Bit.Shiftleft(data(0),8) + data(1)
End Sub

'Convert ADC number to Volt
Private Sub Convert_2_Volt (ADC_Value As Int, Range As Float) As Float
    Return (ADC_Value * Range / 32767)
End Sub

'Read ADC return Vols
Private Sub Read_Volt (Range As Float) As Float
    Dim data() As Byte = Read_ADC    'alternate reading
    Return (Bit.Shiftleft(data(0),8) + data(1)) * Range / 32767
End Sub

Public Sub doubleMap(analoginputvalue As Double,in_min As Double,in_max As Double,out_min As Double,out_max As Double) As Double
    Dim a As Double = (analoginputvalue - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min
    Return a
End Sub

#if C
#include <Wire.h>
void icwirebegintransmisson (B4R::Object* o) {

void icwireendtransmisson (B4R::Object* o) {
  b4r_esp_ads1115::_wireerror = Wire.endTransmission();

void SetWireClock(B4R::Object* o) {
   Wire.setClock (o->toULong());

#End if


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