Android Tutorial FileTransfer - Send and receive files with AsyncStreams

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I know that it has been asked if a B4J version of this code is available, but would it be possible to get a code snippet of what would need to be loaded into the B4J example pointed to here so that one could receive files from this B4A app instead of using the AsyncStreamsObject?

In attempting to use the AsyncStreamsObject B4J example as is (as a receiver), and connect, then attempting to transfer a file from this B4A application, I can connect, and it raises the astream_NewData event, but that is all.

I realize that as it is set up(the b4J asyncstreams example referred to in the other thread) that this is to be expected and it won't work. But what I am struggling with is what exactly should be the "receive" code (the events and methodology) to complement this send code.

For my intended application, I cannot use the C# Studio code solution, I have to use a B4J one.
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