Android Tutorial Google Maps

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Installation instructions:

- Register your app in Google developer console:
You need to enable Google Maps Android API.
Then click on Credentials -> Create Credentials -> API Key -> Android Key.
You should get a key that looks like: AIzaSyCmFHamGE0O0BvxxxxxxxxXbTCSrjFVg-Q

- Copy the attached library and put it in the additional libraries folder. Add a reference to the GoogleMaps library.

- Add this to the manifest editor (replace the value with your key):
CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, FirebaseAnalytics.GooglePlayBase)


      android:required="false" />

Don't add #AdditionalRes or #ExcludeClasses.

- Set minSdkVersion to 14 (Android 4).

- Add a MapFragment with the visual designer. It will appear under the CustomView menu. If you don't see it then make sure that the GoogleMaps library is selected.
You can change the properties from the designer.
Set the anchors to BOTH so the map will fill the activity:


Implement the Ready event to get a reference to the GoogleMap object.
Complete code:
Sub Process_Globals
   Private rp As RuntimePermissions
End Sub

Sub Globals
   Private gmap As GoogleMap
   Private MapFragment1 As MapFragment
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
   Wait For MapFragment1_Ready
   gmap = MapFragment1.GetMap
   Wait For Activity_PermissionResult (Permission As String, Result As Boolean)
   If Result Then
       gmap.MyLocationEnabled = True
       Log("No permission!")
   End If
End Sub



v2.50 - Required dependencies were added to the library.
My Location Enabled property was removed from the designer as it needs to be set after the permission is granted.
- v2.02 EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission removed. It is no longer required.
GetOpenSourceLicenseInfo returns an empty string.
Fixes an issue with the ready event being lost if the activity is paused before the map is ready.

Note that you will need to update the package name and api key in the attached example.


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Licensed User
Longtime User
My project Google map error with Run Release
B4A version: 6.00 BETA #1
Parsing code. (0.00s)
Compiling code. (0.04s)
Compiling layouts code. (0.00s)
Generating R file. (0.33s)
Compiling generated Java code. (1.34s)
Convert byte code - optimized dex. (1.79s)
Packaging files. Error


Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank Erel.
I'm remove v.6 beta. and install v5.8 ( windows 10 )
But there error.
B4A version: 5.80
Parsing code. (0.00s)
Compiling code. (0.08s)

ObfuscatorMap.txt file created in Objects folder.
Compiling layouts code. (0.00s)
Generating R file. (0.25s)
Compiling generated Java code. (1.50s)
Convert byte code - optimized dex. (0.55s)
Packaging files. Error

Please advise me.


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After updating Google-play-services to Rev31, I commented out

#AdditionalRes: C:\Android\sdk\extras\google\google_play_services\libproject\google-play-services_lib\res,
and added the following


The code compiles no problem, but I am getting the following error now

java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.Object anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.collections.Map.Get(java.lang.Object)' on a null object reference
    at anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.MapFragmentWrapper$1.onMapReady

I have modified the manifest to include
'************ Google Play Services Base ************
   <activity android:name=""
  android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" />
<meta-data android:name=""
'************ Google Play Services Base (end) ************

I also tried replacing maps.v2.API_KEY with geo-API as recommended in the first post but I still got the same error.

I have also tried following the instruction for downloading google-service.json. That also didn't make a difference.

One thing I have noticed, that after I updated google-play-services, I was unable to find a new version of google-play-services.jar installed on my PC. Is this file no longer needed

Thanks in advance
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You need to load the map with the designer.
That is going to be an issue for the following reasons:
1. The application is huge and doesn't use the designer at all
2. All layouts/dimensions are automatically calculated during run time and auto adjusted to fit any screen size / resolution
3. I put a lot of effort in this so when I start doing my B4I conversion, there will be no dependency on the designer/GUI

Is there any other way? .. This was all working fine, until I updated the SDK (hoping to use Firebase )

BTW, I am not sure, about the designer thing, since I am facing the same issue with the sample project I uploaded for the Chopped Icons
( I believe this one is using the designer to load the map )


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That is going to be an issue for the following reasons:
1. The application is huge and doesn't use the designer at all
2. All layouts/dimensions are automatically calculated during run time and auto adjusted to fit any screen size / resolution
3. I put a lot of effort in this so when I start doing my B4I conversion, there will be no dependency on the designer/GUI

Is there any other way? .. This was all working fine, until I updated the SDK (hoping to use Firebase )

BTW, I am not sure, about the designer thing, since I am facing the same issue with the sample project I uploaded for the Chopped Icons
( I believe this one is using the designer to load the map )

I come from B4A 5.8 and I was working all the google maps by code. in my particular case, I only added the fragment map to the layout and put it "invisible". that is it :) in my case.


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GoogleMaps v2 is implemented as a custom view and should be added with the designer.

2. All layouts/dimensions are automatically calculated during run time and auto adjusted to fit any screen size / resolution
It will be easier to do it with the designer.

3. I put a lot of effort in this so when I start doing my B4I conversion, there will be no dependency on the designer/GUI
It will be easier to port an application that uses the designer as the layout handling in iOS is different than Android.

Anyway you can create a layout with only the map and load it. It will not interfere with the other views.


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GoogleMaps v2 is implemented as a custom view and should be added with the designer.

Of course I ran into the same problem (adding it by code -> exception, designer -> ok). Could you please desribe where the exact difference is (adding by designer / by code) in that specific case?

luciano deri

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How can find multi point in map, having only addresses (street, number, city, country ...)
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