iOS Tutorial GoogleMaps Tutorial

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The iGoogleMaps library allows you to show a map inside your app:


It is similar to B4A GoogleMaps library.

1. In order to use it you need to get a free api key from Google. Follow the "Obtaining an API Key" steps:

2. If you are using a local Mac builder then you need to first download the SDK to your Mac computer: (download it from your Mac).
And copy GoogleMaps.framework package to the Libs folder.

Start with the attached project. You will need to change the package name.

When you are ready to start a new project you need to:
3. Add these two attributes to your project (if you want to show the user location):
#PlistExtra:<key>NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription</key><string>Used to display the current navigation data.</string>
#PlistExtra:<key>NSLocationUsageDescription</key><string>Used to display the current navigation data.</string>
You can change the description text.
4. Set the minimum version to 11:
#MinVersion: 11

5. Copy the GoogleMaps.bundle folder from the example project (under Files\Special) to Files\Special in your project.

You can download the example project from:


- GoogleMaps iOS SDK v6.0.1 was uploaded to the builders.
Make sure to update Files\Special\GoogleMaps.bundle from the example project.
If using a local Mac then update the Mac frameworks (see step #2 above)
Set the minimum version to 11: #MinVersion: 11
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With the new B41-Bridge it works.
I have set Timeout on 45 '' for more security. But it shows only the markers and not map in background. Is it normal??
I have tried to change and set my ApiKey, (PrivateApiKeyAsString = "AIzaSyA-xxxxxxxxxx"), it is the same thing., no map.


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it is the attached project that does not work. No map on the background.
I suppose I have not to change the two attributes (#PlistExtra) or the ApiKey, and the GoogleMaps.bundle folder is in the attached project.
Is there an other manipulation to do? I think I follow correctly the steps in the first post.


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Is it possible to reposition the compass?


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Problem solved.
Yes it was a mistake on my part. I put the name of the app example instead of the name of m'y app. I put com.ciginfo.exemple instead com.ciginfo.kindabreak associated to my google apikey. Desolated.


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Why the camera 's zoom level shows up to 17 MAP_TYPE_TERRAIN ?

I put values greater than 17 but the image shown on the map zoom remains 17 .

This is very little because I can not see the name of every street.

In version android it does not.


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I am getting white screen with the markers, instead of the map
I checked the API key is my API key taken from: Key for iOS apps (with bundle identifiers)
also made sure to write my app name under iOS apps on google console
also installed latest google maps app
any idea? (sounds like API key, but it is ok)


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log was referring to issue with API key
I deleted it and created new one
now it is ok, Thanks


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the zoom level is maximum currently to 20 as I understand, which isn't enough for my app maps. Can you explain why this is limited in such a way, and when an update will be available which will allow a higher level of zoom?


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ah apologies I thought it was a restriction on the library. Thanks for clarifying.
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