Android Question Grid for remote MySQL query


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Hi, I am testing the SD_SQL library to perform queries to a remote MySQL database by direct connection to it.

I need a grid (or another component, class or view) to present the records, which grid do you advise me?
I was testing with “flexible table” but it seems to work only for sqlite.

Thank you very much.


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Thanks, friends, I understand what you advise me, but I just want to clarify that it is NOT my hosting, it is the hosting of my client, who has asked me for an Android application to access the contents of its database, which is in his private hosting.
He won't let me install anything, even though he has the port open that mysql uses.
So I am not going to invest my money in a hosting to access the client's hosting. He is not going to pay for it either.
So this is the only solution I have left, direct access.
Thanks again.
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