Android Tutorial GUI SDK Manager for newer versions of Android tools

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Edit: If you are using B4A v7.8+ then a newer version of B4A Sdk Manager is preinstalled. Follow these instructions instead:

The GUI interface of Android SDK Manager has been removed in the latest version of Android SDK.
It was replaced with a command line tool named sdkmanager.bat.

Most developers, including new B4A developers, still use a version which does include the GUI interface, as the B4A download page points to an older version.
You can continue to use the currently installed Android tools.

A custom tool named B4A SDK Manager is provided as an alternative for developers who like to upgrade:


Installation instructions:

1. Download the latest sdk tools:
2. Create a folder for Android SDK. Don't put it under Program Files as it is a restricted folder. C:\android-sdk is a good option.
3. Unzip the sdk tools and copy the tools library to android sdk folder. It should look similar to:


4. Download B4ASdkManager.jar and double click on it. It requires Java 8u40+ to be installed.
5. Click on the open folder button and select sdkmanager.bat. It will be under <sdk path>\tools\bin
6. Install all recommended items. It can take a few minutes or more.
Licenses agreements will be printed. Read them and approve.
7. Don't forget to update B4A IDE to use the new SDK (Tools - Configure Paths - android.jar).

Next tutorial: AVD Manager / Emulator

The B4J source code is attached. It depends on jShell v1.5+.

Android SDK currently doesn't support Java 9. Make sure that B4A is configured to use Java 8 (Tools - Configure Paths).


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I am getting these errors:
Error: org.apache.commons.exec.executeexception:The stop timeout of 500 ms was exceeded (exit value: -559038737)
java.ioexception:C:\tools\lib is not a folder

I am using Windows 10 Build 16299


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Is the code still the same with B4A 8.30, please ? (new working icon excluded, of course) Thanks


B4X founder
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FindJava was updated:
Private Sub FindJava As String
   If JavaPath <> "" Then Return JavaPath
   JavaPath = GetSystemProperty("java.home", "")
   Log($"Java Path: ${JavaPath}"$)
   Dim s As String = GetSystemProperty("java.version", "")
   If s.StartsWith("9") Or s.StartsWith("10") Then
       AdditionalJavaOpts = " --add-modules"
   End If
   Return JavaPath
End Sub

There might be some other small changes.
Tip: you can use this tool to quickly compare the codes:


Well-Known Member
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Thanks Erel. I have asked because I couldn't see if the code in the first post was updated and got error 1252 with the manager from B4A and not with the previous version of that one. Would create a new post if required.
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