You can find Game controllers as iMpulse Controller.
It works by Bluetooth. So your App can have remote control
This device need Android 4 or higer
Device once paired works as a keyboard so you can
capture key code received as Sub Activity_KeyPress
each key has a keycode.
I'ts easy:
Here how it works:
Here code example
Sub Activity_KeyPress (KeyCode As Int) As Boolean
If KeyCode= 49 OR KeyCode=21 Then
'Do something, in my case go Next Trackpoint
End If
If KeyCode= 42 OR KeyCode= 22 Then
'Do something, in my case go Next Trackpoint
End If
If KeyCode= 19 OR KeyCode= 20 Then
'Open Navigator
End If
End Sub
It works by Bluetooth. So your App can have remote control
This device need Android 4 or higer
Device once paired works as a keyboard so you can
capture key code received as Sub Activity_KeyPress
each key has a keycode.
I'ts easy:
Here how it works:
Here code example
Sub Activity_KeyPress (KeyCode As Int) As Boolean
If KeyCode= 49 OR KeyCode=21 Then
'Do something, in my case go Next Trackpoint
End If
If KeyCode= 42 OR KeyCode= 22 Then
'Do something, in my case go Next Trackpoint
End If
If KeyCode= 19 OR KeyCode= 20 Then
'Open Navigator
End If
End Sub