Name: iHockeyCrash
Version: 1.0
Description: iHockeyCrash is a wrapper of the HockeySDK (only the crash part) and allows you to receive crash reports directly to your Hockey dashboard, where they are symbolicated automatically (no mac required, you just need to upload the dsym symbols).
Feel free to ask questions
Version: 1.0
Description: iHockeyCrash is a wrapper of the HockeySDK (only the crash part) and allows you to receive crash reports directly to your Hockey dashboard, where they are symbolicated automatically (no mac required, you just need to upload the dsym symbols).
- first, you need to register a new iOS App at the Hockey dashboard and grab the AppID
- download the attached "" and put the HockeySDKResources.bundle into the Special folder of your project
- the setup is very easy, use the following code in the Application_Start sub:
B4X:HC.Initialize("YOUR APPID") HC.SetMsgBox("Ooops","The App crashed. Please help us by sending the crash log","Don't send","Send now","Always send") HC.StartManager
- a crash report is send to the dashboard once the App crashes and the user opens the App again
- you can ignore the following error: [HockeySDK] void bit_fixBackupAttributeForURL(NSURL *__strong)_block_invoke/177 ERROR: Error while setting resource value: The file “Application Support” doesn’t exist. (See also)
Feel free to ask questions
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