Share My Creation Minesweeper


This is my first B4J program and my first post :). The program is something similar to the old MS Minesweeper game, which I found a good challenge to help me get to know B4J. I'm a beginner at programming, so I'm sure there are lots of things that could be done better, both in the code and in the functionality, which is a bit rough. Feel free to comment with suggestions or questions. And thank you Erel for a great programming tool! I've had B4A for over a year, but couldn't really come to grips with it, but I think B4J will help me since it's easier without all the Android specific stuff.


    22.4 KB · Views: 555


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Welcome to the forums. I used to love Minesweeper playing yours made me feel like I was going to get hooked again.

It could do with some form of timer, or scoring just to give the player something to beat and perhaps more sizes.

It looks and feels familiar, nice implementation.


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Great job!



Licensed User
Longtime User
Welcome to the forums. I used to love Minesweeper playing yours made me feel like I was going to get hooked again.

It could do with some form of timer, or scoring just to give the player something to beat and perhaps more sizes.

It looks and feels familiar, nice implementation.
Thank you. It would be interesting to implement a timer and more sizes. I'll give it a try.


Licensed User
Longtime User
I have updated the program with some game information, a timer and a smiley which illustrates what is happening in the game. The first post is updated with the new file.

ScreenHunter_78 Jan. 02 23.19.jpg
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