Android Question My application looses objects


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Hi guys,
I've created an application used by technicyans to insert data of their activities done during the day.
The app must run all over the day, uses a sqllite database, keeps track of gps position, sends data to a webserver and interact with the technicyans through UI forms (activities).
Everything works great, but very often I got a list of errors (java.lang.NullPointerException) after the app has gone to sleep (usually after 10/20 minutes).
The app uses 2 services, one to communicate to the server and the other to get the gps position (both declared as START_STICKY).
The activity (form) that is opened when the device goes sleeping can be each one: there are more than 10 activities and each interface can be called (shown) from several others (following some rules).
I think Android is killing my objects during application sleep :)
Any way to force Android not to kill my objects, or some easy way to save my context and then replace it ?
Any other clue ?
Thanks in advance.

PS. Declaring my variables in modules and classes preserves them from being destroyed ?


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Look at statemanager
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