Sub fill_clv (rs As ResultSet) As ResumableSub
Dim mapColors As Map
mapColors.Put(0, Colors.White)
mapColors.Put(1, Colors.RGB(205,127,50))
mapColors.Put(2, Colors.RGB(192,192,192))
mapColors.Put(3, Colors.RGB(252,194,0))
Dim ColorIndex As Int
Dim Height As Int = xclv.AsView.Width / 6
Dim Count As Int
Do While rs.NextRow
If Count Mod 10 = 0 Then
Sleep(0) 'Questo Sleep serve per evitare che l'animazione del Loading Indicator si blocchi
End If
Count = Count + 1
Dim p As B4XView = xui.CreatePanel("")
p.SetLayoutAnimated(0,0,0,xclv.AsView.Width, Height) 'Il tuo layout ha una misura precisa e si vedeva che l'altezza era 1/6
'della larghezza. Quindi puoi definire subito la misura del panel
'per evitare il warning del Panel Size Unknown
lblName.Text = rs.GetString("PlayerName")
lblPos1.Text = rs.GetString("Pos1")
lblPos2.Text = rs.GetString("Pos2")
If lblPos2.Text = "null" Then
lblPos2.Text = ""
End If
lblTeam.Text = rs.GetString("Team")
lblGen.Text = rs.GetInt("GEN")
Dim gen As Int = rs.GetInt("GEN")
' If gen >0 And gen <10 Then
' lblGen.Color = Colors.White
' Else if gen >9 And gen <20 Then
' lblGen.Color = Colors.RGB(205,127,50)
' Else if gen >19 And gen <30 Then
' lblGen.Color = Colors.RGB(192,192,192)
' Else if gen >29 And gen <40 Then
' lblGen.Color = Colors.RGB(252,194,0)
' Else
' lblGen.Color = Colors.Red
' End If
ColorIndex = gen / 10
If ColorIndex < 4 Then
lblGen.Color = mapColors.Get(ColorIndex)
lblGen.Color = Colors.Red
End If
xclv.Add(p, rs.GetString("ID"))
Return True
End Sub