B4J Tutorial SithasoDaisy TailwindCSS UI Toolkit: Q & A

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Do you have any questions about SithasoDaisy UI Toolkit?

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Gianni M

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with demo sithasodaisy online https://sithasodaisyui.netlify.app/
into page "Tables - Designer", "AD Table" there is a total footer
Sub Mounted
    Dim summary As Map = SDUITable1.SetFooterTotalSumCountColumns(Array("progress"))
    srowcount = summary.Get("rowcount")
    srowcount = SDUIShared.Thousands(srowcount)
    SDUITable1.SetFooterColumn("avatar", $"Total (${srowcount})"$)
when click on "Next Page" or "Previous Page", footer column HIDE

it's a bug or ???


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with demo sithasodaisy online https://sithasodaisyui.netlify.app/
into page "Tables - Designer", "AD Table" there is a total footer
Sub Mounted
    Dim summary As Map = SDUITable1.SetFooterTotalSumCountColumns(Array("progress"))
    srowcount = summary.Get("rowcount")
    srowcount = SDUIShared.Thousands(srowcount)
    SDUITable1.SetFooterColumn("avatar", $"Total (${srowcount})"$)
when click on "Next Page" or "Previous Page", footer column HIDE

it's a bug or ???
Hi, it's by design, you need to have prevpage and nextpage events. Below is an example based on one of my projects. This was highlighted before in the project threads so its understandable to be missed.

'the previous button has been clicked
Private Sub tblbeneficiary_PrevPage (e As BANanoEvent)
    tblbeneficiary.SetFooterColumn(tblbeneficiary.FirstColumnName, $"Total (${srowcount})"$)
End Sub
'the next button has been clicked
Private Sub tblbeneficiary_NextPage (e As BANanoEvent)
    tblbeneficiary.SetFooterColumn(tblbeneficiary.FirstColumnName, $"Total (${srowcount})"$)
End Sub

Pagination should be true and ItemsPerPage also set also as usual.

Gianni M

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I have a doubt or I don't understand
into AD, we set SDUIPage "Page Name *"
with "The unique name of page this should match yout module 'name' variable

also SDUIRow, property "ParentID", set "The ParentID of this div"

now into module/page "Test1"
we load layout
banano.LoadLayout(app.PageViewer, "namelayout")
and it's OK!

now we have another module/page "Test2"
we load same layout
banano.LoadLayout(app.PageViewer, "namelayout")
it works well

I don't understand!!
I can use a same layout into different module?


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BANano.TranspilerOptions.RemoveDeadCode =true
in "Release Mode" this bricks my Webapp with Bannano 9.10
I set it to false and the Web app run...

Gianni M

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usually my code:
BANano.TranspilerOptions.UseServiceWorker = False
    BANano.TranspilerOptions.MinifyOnline = False
    BANano.TranspilerOptions.RemoveDeadCode = False
    BANano.TranspilerOptions.IgnoreWarningsOldBrowsers = True
    BANano.TranspilerOptions.ShowWarningDeadCode = False
    BANano.TranspilerOptions.MergeAllCSSFiles = False
    BANano.TranspilerOptions.MergeAllJavascriptFiles = False
    BANano.TranspilerOptions.EnableLiveCodeSwapping = False
    BANano.TranspilerOptions.DisableShortenVariableNames = True

Gianni M

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is there a technique to create a "collapse" row using "SDUITable" ?
each row can contain 0 to maximum 100 elements;
Each row can have different elements

Gianni M

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problem with generating a unique id

is there a problem of getting the same ID?
Sub NextID As String
    Dim ni As String = "i" & guidAlphaApp(14)
    Return ni
End Sub
#if javascript
function guidAlphaAppi(len) {
        var buf = [],
            chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789',
            charlen = chars.length,
            length = len || 32;
        for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            buf[i] = chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charlen));
        return buf.join('');
#end if


Licensed User
Longtime User
problem with generating a unique id

is there a problem of getting the same ID?
Sub NextID As String
    Dim ni As String = "i" & guidAlphaApp(14)
    Return ni
End Sub
#if javascript
function guidAlphaAppi(len) {
        var buf = [],
            chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789',
            charlen = chars.length,
            length = len || 32;
        for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            buf[i] = chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charlen));
        return buf.join('');
#end if
As the function is not based on date time, a possibility of a duplicate nextID is possible for a very small margin of cases.

You can define your own function to generate unique ID also for your records. Also when initializing the class you can indicate the auto increment field, which will be generated by your database.