Android Question [SOLVED] Amazon app store: Your APK currently supports no devices.


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This is a long shot reason, but if your app uses any google sdk, like TTS or maps, etc, then that might be why Amazon's store is saying that there is no supported devices because Amazon devices do not have google services installed on them, so any app needing google services will not run on amazon devices.
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Unfortunately, I don't use Google services.

But I do have code targeting Samsung hardware. Could be that.
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No luck. It was not the code for Samsung hardware.

I found this in the forum, where the poster had set minimum SDK to 5 and got plenty of devices.

I tried, and got this:

  • Failed to upload APK. A APK with higher minSDK version must have a higher version code.
    The APK you just uploaded with version code: 28 and minSDK version: 5, conflicts with an existing APK with version code: 26 and minSDK version: 14.
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It looks like their upload checker has a bug in it and won't accept an updated apk that includes a LOWER minSDK then the current version in the store.

But I am not convinced the minSDK of 14 is your problem without seeing that post you mentioned.

As a test to see if the new apk will give you more devices with the minSDK of 5, just create a new product in amazon's app store, rename the package name of the apk, and upload it to see if it gives you more devices. (you can always delete this "test" app from the amazon app store)
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But let me ask you another question...

When amazon's portal says "version code: 28" is the "28" the version of your app (as set in the project attributes in the "main" activity) or is it the targetSDK you set in the manifest?

If it is the targetSDK in the manifest that that would explain why there are no devices because I don't think amazon devices use the latest android versions - I think they run older versions and can't run apps targeting the latest versions of android. If this is the case, then set the targetSDK back to "21" (like you had for your non-free apk) and instead set a higher app version using the "#VersionCode: " project attribute in the "Main" activity.
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I tried with targetSDKVersion="21".

Still no luck.

I don't understand why the version from August 30 was accepted fine, and not this one.

I even suspected it was the transition between B4A 10 and B4A 10.2 which was the cause, so I reinstalled 10, but still, Amazon found that there was no device.

I am now suspecting that Amazon has changed something in its app store somehow, but I have used all hypothesis at this point.

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Seems I am alone hitting the wall. There are many people posting all over:

I found this on the Amazon site, which may contain the solution:

My app uses landscape variant. Seems Amazon likes having Portrait available.

I am going to upload an Hello World and see if it goes through.
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Do Amazon Fire devices support Google Pay?

Hi Agraham,

No idea. I have not yet persuaded myself to invest in one. I realize I missed Prime day last week. Perhaps they were selling some tablets dirt cheap.

However, until I have proof the Amazon app store has enough potential, I will not spend on it.
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Apparently, 2015 Fire tablet uses Android 5.1 and API Level 22.

Currently, I have minSdkVersion="14" android:targetSdkVersion="21". I don't know which values I should enter to allow this device.
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The plot thickens. I created an hello world with the Default project in 10.2, and Amazon finds 233+ devices. I did not change anything in the Manifest.

Now, why does my app loses devices remains a mystery...

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