1) In an EDITEXT, you would need the keyboard to start the first letter in uppercase and then in lowercase. It can? What?
Looking at examples and references I observe that everything can be capitalized with this code:
edtDetalle.InputType = Bit.Or(edtDetalle.InputType, 4096) 'Activa Teclado en MAYUSCULAS
See this class by @stevel05 . It will do just what you need. It starts upper then lower after the first letter. I have successfully used it. Maybe there are others.
This class contains constants for all of the available inputtypes as defined on Android Developers except TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_AUTO_COMPLETE, which would require a Java library to be of any use, but we have other options to do this anyway. It also provides a method to update the values associated...
Private InpTyp As SLInpTypeConst
InpTyp.SetInputType(EditText1,Array As Int(InpTyp.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT,InpTyp.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_SENTENCES))
Hi everyone let's see if I can explain what I need to do I have EditText to compile the system uses an external keyboard, I do not know how to make the digitization last, I would like the characters in CAPS if I use IME I have no problems is it possible to intercept the character to capitalize...