Android Question Updating markerson GoogleMap API in Real time


New Member
Hello everyone ,

I am new to B4A and working on a project to plot placemarks in realtime . Here is the usecase which I am trying to do.

* I will get Lat,Long through UDP (for every 0.1 seconds) in B4A environment
* I have to plot those position and clear them as soon as I receive new UDP packet and again plot the new one with some Zoom level 18 .

Is it possible in B4A. Can the application plot in realtime so quick ?



New Member
I checked the sample Google Maps b4A Tutorial for plotting one GPS Position . I was thinking to use a infinite while loop with flag as UDPMessage received.. and that has running timer.. Something like that..

Did anyone try this thing ? if yes Can you please guide me

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Is it possible in B4A. Can the application plot in realtime so quick ?

I was thinking to use a infinite while loop with flag as UDPMessage received
You should never try to hold the main thread in a loop. Handle the PacketArrived event and do whatever you need to do there.
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