Windows 11?


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Years ago:

Microsoft: Hey, use WIN10 and yes, older hardware will work great. Get an SSD and the pc/notebook feels like a brand new one.
Users: Wow. WIN10 is stable, runs great and we're fine for the next years.
Hardware manufacturers: Microsoft, what are you doing? We won't sell new devices now!


Microsoft: WIN10 is crap. We are going to WIN11. Older HW is NOT supported.
Users: Why? No new functions and WIN10 works great
Hardware manufactures: Yes, yes. So we can sell new machines again.

Nevermind. Runs great even on a Commodore C64.


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I tried that 'WhyNotWin11' it gives a much clearer explanation of why you can/can't run Windows11.

Hamied Abou Hulaikah

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Android apps performance is my concern, If it is great I'll turn on 11, else 10 is better for windows apps.
Android player should be native, emulator will be bad idea.


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Good commercial decision from Microsoft. Personally I loathe the amazon/android experience (there are multiple kindle devices in my house).

There is nothing free for big company like Amazon to provide a service for free. What is the agenda behind I don’t know.

I remember there was once a controversy when Canonical include a search in Ubuntu’s Unity which direct to Amazon store. Deja vu?


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How many years before Microsoft fall out with Amazon and then the whole Amazon store on Windows 11 will no longer be available for those that brought into that experience. I wouldn't rely my business on this arrangement. For my small business customers, I can't think of anyone that even uses an app from the Windows Store!
I will be interesting to see if there is a way to run APK's directly on Windows 11.


Licensed User
Microsoft: WIN10 is crap. We are going to WIN11. Older HW is NOT supported.
Users: Why? No new functions and WIN10 works great
Hardware manufactures: Yes, yes. So we can sell new machines again.

Hi there, old B4J/A coder, long time lurker! :)

I'm disappointed with MS's stance on specs for Win11, I have a perfectly capable system here:-

Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 16Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD

In theory, this should run Win11 no problems, even with MS's required tech specs... Unfortunately, come 4 years time or so, it will be a dud due to my i5 being a 6th gen... Even though the CPU does indeed provide everything MS wants for the upgrade.

Obviously they've done what they like to do, cause a bit of a stir, everyone talks about it, they go back and give it the "We listened to you", just like StartButtonGate... Everyone cheers, MS are the good guys again... They arent silly, and they want you to upgrade to a new PC really, which most will have to... And for me, that would be fine if my system doesnt actually fit the specs, but it does... And I just cannot understand why dump compatible hardware?

It just doesnt make sense!?! :/

And, yeah, I know we have been spoilt with Win10, but, I didnt ask for it to be free... I'm not asking MS to give me Win11 for free, if they said they would charge for the upgrade, then fine... I'd rather pay them $100 for an upgrade on a perfectly decent compatible machine then go out and spend hundreds on a new one which, lets face it, will probably be inferior if I buy one on the basis I split and sell this as parts.

Bewildering really... And, to be honest, I feel sorry for the poor sods now who are out there... Buying new hardware which is going to be defunct before they know it... And yes, that does include some systems still for sale with Win10 on their very own website!



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I may not currently have a PC that can run Windows 11, but my Xbox just updated itself to Windows 11. Spooky.


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Anyway, their own MS Surface fails to meet the requirements. DISCLAIMER: According to Ashampoo..

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Longtime User
Should it not be 21 and do the year thing like so many other products? The bi-yearly updates for Windows already do that.

21... is the blackjack card games ! :) ...Why not Casino then ?

..I think will be nice to just leave it "windows" with version like number changing with thousand/billion updates (double number will be ok-i think)... perhaps like this:

version: 202,220,323,553,123.2022341