
  1. Marcos Alves

    iOS Question Automatic label sizing

    Hello, In B4i there is a parameter in label that says to automatically adjust the text to fit in a label. Is there the "reverse" function - automatically adjust the label height or width to the text? Is there any recommended technique to do this? Thanks community!!!
  2. M

    Android Question Get Touch Event of a Label

    Hi everyone, i was wondering, there is a way to retrive the _Touch event from a label? Thanks in advance
  3. A

    Android Question Control Programmatically Added Labels

    Hi! I have some labels added to a scrollview programmatically. User determines the amount of labels. I named them lbl1. I need the whole lbl1 of each labels. But the last one is just have lbl1 as its name.
  4. mare1980k1

    Android Question Vertical alignment align of text in a label - programmatically

    Hi, I am declaring a label as such: Dim TextTrending As Label TextTrending.Initialize("TextTrending") TextTrending.Text = "Trending" TextTrending.Padding = Array As Int (0dip, 0dip, 0dip, 0dip) TextTrending.Gravity = Gravity.TOP I would like to align text to the top programmatically in the...
  5. M

    iOS Question [B4X] Get the label from an TextItem of a CustomListView

    Hi everyone, it is possibile to get a reference of the label used for the "TextItem" of a CustomListView? i wish to change the backgroud color of the label, text size, round the corners etc.. I know that there is the .DesignerLabel method, but if i try to change color it does not work Thanks...
  6. Alexander Stolte

    B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS ScrollingChips based on xCustomListView - Display your Hashtags or Categories

    I removed the old code and took the code from the AS_Chips to make this view even better. I spend a lot of time in creating views, like this and to create a high quality view cost a lot of time. If you want to support me and further views, then you can do it here by Paypal. :) Without scroll...
  7. Lucas Siqueira

    Android Question [RESOLVED] Remove top of the panel edge

    Hello everyone! how can I make a border on a panel and then remove a top part of the border to put a label with a transparent background. note that the background color of the panel is transparent. I need the background to be transparent because there are screens for apps that contain gradients.
  8. T

    Android Question scalable size unit

    ' Hi, he says. Service for friends. as you know and perhaps face this problem, label.textsize What is your proposal or solution to this problem with problems that we have at all times
  9. S

    iOS Question Shadowy line around label

    Dear B4X, When I set a labels height quite small (sub 25px) or its width only slightly wider than the text in contains, I get a shadowy line appear at the top and right-hand sides of the rectangle. Screenshot is below. Is there anyway to get rid of this? Regards, Simon.
  10. T

    B4A - Duvida - Demonstrar resultado do Mapa em Tela

    Bom dia. Pessoal, sou iniciante em B4A, comecei meu primeiro aplicativo ontem, mas, estou com duvida sobre como mostrar meu mapa em tela. Fiz um mapa para gerar números randômicos, mas, não consigo de forma alguma exibir o resultado em tela. Como posso fazer para exibir o resultado em uma...
  11. Penguin

    iOS Question Make Label Text selectable

    Is it possible to make text in a label selectable with a long press, so that the user can copy it?
  12. A

    Android Question Set part of the label text to bold

    Hi all. My question is - how to set part of the label text to bold? Let say I have a label text such as Client Name Client address Client Type So I need to show only Client Name in bold and rest of the text is Normal. Is it possible? Thanks. Be safe.
  13. carlos7000

    Android Question Change some properties of a label at runtime

    Hi. ¿How you can change the Horizontal Alignation property or change other properties of a label when the label was dynamically created? Thanks
  14. Eric McDonald

    Android Question Using Searchview to capture String

    Hello all, Fairly new to B4A, so this may be a simple question... but it's got me stumped. I am using a SearchView as found in the SearchViewExample (found on the forum). However, I am having difficulty implementing it into my own code. What I wish to do is take the selected text (from the...
  15. D

    iOS Question Add outline to text

    How can I add an outline to the label text? I found the answer in swift:

    Android Question LTR or RTL Form direction

    Hello, According to the ltr or rtl language direction coosen by the user, Please, is it an easy way to call : 1: a text or label (with direction settings rtl or ltr) 2: a complete form direction (label + Edittext) or (Edittext + label), example: or : Today, according to the language...
  17. Brandsum

    Android Tutorial Load HTML to Label

    (Here is the iOS version) This is how you can set HTML data to Label (works only in release mode), Dependencies: StringUtils, jSoup, LabelExtras Here is the code, Dim extraHeight As Int = 0 'global variable (height of images) Dim htmlParser As Html 'global variable Dim jSoup As jSoup 'global...
  18. Brandsum

    iOS Tutorial Load HTML to Label

    (Here is the Android version) This is how you can set HTML data to Label, Public Sub SetHTML(l As Label, htmlString As String) Dim NaObj As NativeObject = Me NaObj.RunMethod("SetHTML::",Array(l,htmlString)) End Sub #if OBJC - (void)SetHTML: (UILabel*) Label :(NSString *) htmlString{...
  19. Star-Dust

    B4J Library SD: XUI_Design

    Goodmorning everyone, We have often discussed in this forum in different threads about the need to be able to insert XUI from design. We all know that the direction that is suggested by AnyWhere software is to create in the design the native views and then replace B4XView to the type...
  20. E

    iOS Question [Solved] FontAwesome not working as button icons

    (re: related thread: ) I had an issue where FontAwesome icons that looked great in Designer: were not displaying in the actual program: and what I eventually tracked it down to was a programming...