B4J Tutorial [ABMaterial] My mini course on YT.


I see that many people are asking how to write an application using ABMaterial I created a small course on Youtube. I tried to convey the examples of creation by slowly using new ABMaterial components. Subtitles in Polish are added to the films, which can be automatically translated in YT.
The list of videos will be expanded. The movies have no background music, I don't know if it's needed. I don't know why I have blocked comments on YT.

My playlist ABMaterial

1. Label, Input, Button
2. NavigationBar
3. Container
4. List
5. SQLite with List
6. Table + DB
7. Table + pagination
8. Modalsheat
9. ABMDatetime + ABMradioGroup
10. ABMTabs + own icons
11. Upload and Download file
12. Image - Slider, FlexWall, Card, Picture in table
13. ABMChat + MQTT local server. Many users, many chat windows..
14. ABMCalendar + data in KeyValueStore


  • source.zip
    455.3 KB · Views: 680
  • vol13.zip
    75.2 KB · Views: 607
Last edited:

Jones Hone

Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
I mistaken for 4.03 is 4.30
I update ABMaterial to v4.30, Now it's ok!
Excuse me, Thank you very much,
and thank you for providing such a great instructional video